Chapter four: Not So Different

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Sunday mornings tend to be a little laid back since momma, aunt Janice and Lily all go to church. It's usually just mom and I, which I don't mind. It gives us more time to bond together, and I never knew anyone as cool as my mom was.

It's like she's still a teenager at heart.

We don't really do a lot of stuff together. Like, go out and have fun. Our bonding time usually consists of us staying at the house and doing stuff together.

As soon as momma and them left, I walked into the living room and found mom sitting in the chair reading. She tends to read a lot lately, and I don't know if I got my love for reading from her or momma. They both like to read.

I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. There wasn't anything else to do, so I guess I can rot my brain with television. I don't watch it very often because nothing really interests me, but I guess I could try to find something.

I turned it to the cooking channel and laid against the arm rest of the couch. I heard mom flip a page in her book and I looked over at her as she was reading. I noticed that she bites her lip when she's reading and crosses her legs a lot, I'm guessing to get comfortable. She's always so drawn into her books.

She looked up and caught me staring, "What?"

I shrugged, "Nothing," I focused back on the TV and I felt her stare at me. I look over and sure enough, she was. "What?" I mimicked her and she smiled.

She shrugged and mimicked me, "Nothing," she looked back down at her book.

"Hey mom," she looked up at me. "Do you want to go do something today?"

She stared at me, "Like what?"

I shrugged, "Anything to get out of the house," I was so bored. I hate Sundays when it comes to nothing to do.

"There's nothing for us to do around here,"

I looked at her, "We could go in town. There's plenty of stuff over there," we wasn't far from town. Maybe an hour or so, and there was so much stuff to do over there.

"Not today,"

Ugh. "Please," I pouted my lip and batted my eyes to look adorable. But of course, it doesn't work on her.

"Marie, that doesn't work on me," she looked back at her book and I sighed. I felt defeated. "Why don't you go take the garbage out?"

I looked at her like she was stupid. "Why would I do that?"

She looked at me and smiled, "That's something for you to do," she raised her eyebrows at me then focused back on her book.

I decided to take her offer. Maybe something will happen once I walk outside. Like, an alien invasion and they could come and take me away from here.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the trash bag from the can. I tied it up then walked out the front door. The sun immediately hit me and there wasn't a cloud in the sky on this beautiful day. A beautiful day that I should be enjoying by doing something.

I walked out to the road and put the trash in the garbage can. I sighed as I shut the lid, "Well, that was sure fun," I looked around and didn't see anyone outside. No kids or anyone, maybe they're gone to church or out having fun.

I started turning back towards the house and that's when I heard a noise. I knew that noise because I heard it once before. I looked down the road and saw a motorcycle coming and I stared at it until it came into view.

I had a feeling about who it was, because I only knew one person who owned a motorcycle, and when they came up the street and slowed down in front of my house, I instantly knew who it was.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now