Chapter seventeen: Meaning of Life

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I held the gun tightly in my hand as I was staring down my victim. I knew that one false move could end it all, but was I willing to end it all?

She looked at me with guilt in her eyes. She knew she was in too deep and there was only one way out of this situation. She knew she would have to take the high road even if that might sacrificing everything in the end.

She sighed. "Marie, please stop playing around for the hundredth time. I'm trying to get ready!" Isabelle stared at me as she was standing in the middle of the room with only her underwear and a shirt. She had a pair of pants in her hands as she was waiting for my childish games to end.

I smiled and slowly put the gun down. "Sorry babe. I was just caught up in moment." I chuckled as I watched her look at me with a blank expression.

"This happens every time we're at my house. You find my moms gun, even though I hide it in different places every time, and play with it." she stares at me.

I chuckle. "At least you took the bullets out." I held the gun up to let her see.

"Good thing too. Because you might actually shoot me." she finally started pulling her pants on and I stood there watching her for a moment. She looked at me and smiled. "Like what you see?" she asked.

I smiled but I felt my face start burning and it only made her chuckle. I put the gun back where I found it at and turned to face her as she was already about done getting dressed.

"Is Michelle going to be there already?" I questioned as she was adjusting her jacket.

She nodded as she was checking herself out in the mirror. "Yeah, she said as soon as she got off from work, she would go there instead of coming back home." she looked at me and smiled. "Ready?"

I nodded and grabbed her hand as we both left the room and walked downstairs. Once we were in the living room, she grabbed the bag laying by the couch and grabbed my hand as we walked out the door.

It was turning cold and the sun wasn't out as often as it was in the fall. I love the winter as everything starts becoming snowy white colors as the temperature in the air changes and you could see it and feel it in the weather. It's amazing how life changes every season and keeps changing as if it knows the time of year.

Since it was too cold to ride her bike, I was glad that I had come over in my jeep instead of her picking me up. Of course, we would be complete idiots riding a motocycle in the weather, so we figured it was the best choice.

We also had to go out and buy a gift for today anyways. We had to make sure that it was the perfect gift for this perfect day. Although I'm a nervous wreck at the moment and I don't know why, but I'm trying to calm my nerves.

"You nervous?" Isabelle asked as we were leaving her driveway.

I looked over at her as she was staring at me. I sighed. "When am I not?" I asked.

She chuckled. "When it doesn't come to your moms." she stated. "You're always nervous when I'm around them. Why?" she stared at me as I looked back at the road.

I shrug. "I don't know. They hated you once, and the thought of that happening again is in the back of my mind." I took a deep breath. "I know my mom, especially her, will always have this hatred towards you since you're just like her as a teenager." I heard her chuckle as I was driving down the street.

After that night at my house, after the story my moms had told me, I knew now that whatever part they left out, I really wasn't ready for it. They told me that once I matured enough to where I could understand it better and get their point of view on it, then they would tell me. But, the things they did mention, still is in the back of my mind.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now