Chapter eleven: Making Things Right

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I skipped breakfast the next morning. I didn't want to speak to them or even look at them. They made my life a living hell, but they don't know that I'm not going down without a fight.

As I was walking out the door, I heard my mom yell telling me that she called the principal already and that I wasn't allowed around Isabelle at all.

I ignored her and slammed the door as I made my way to my jeep. As I got in, I took a deep breath and started the engine then left in a rush. I didn't go the way I usually go to school, no. I was going a different way.

I was going to Isabelle's.

My mom may be smart, but she's not smart enough to think that I would actually listen to her. I've been listening to them my whole life. Been good my whole life. Haven't disrespected them my whole life.

What's one time going to hurt?

I pulled up at Isabelle's and saw her bike still in the garage. I knew she never left early for school, so what better way to see her then to come visit her before school?

Plus, I have some things to tell her.

I knocked on the door and waited. I looked around but didn't see her mom's car, so I figured she was already gone to work. I didn't know her hours so I didn't know when she left or when she got home.

When the door opened, I saw a very tired, but very beautiful Isabelle standing before me, rubbing her eyes as she was looking at me.

"Marie?" she said in a sleepy voice which made my heart skip a beat.

I threw my arms around her and nuzzled my head against her neck. I needed to feel her warmth, and it seemed as though I've been without it for too long.

I pulled back and smiled at her, "Hey," I said as I searched her eyes which were staring into mine.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as her hands found there way to my hips.

I smiled, "I can't surprise my girlfriend before school?" I asked.

She smiled but her smile faded within seconds. She stared at me then sighed, "What are you really doing here," she removed my arms from around her neck and I stared at her.

"I came to see you," I searched her eyes as she stared at me. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She shook her head, "You shouldn't be here," I gave her a confused look and she sighed. "I don't want you to get in trouble,"

"I'm not," I said. "My moms doesn't know that I came here,"

"Still," she said.

"Still what?" I questioned. "Why are you acting like this?" I asked.

She sighed, "I care about you, Marie, and since your moms doesn't want us together, I don't want us sneaking around and you getting into more trouble," she stared at me then grabbed my hands. "Don't think I don't want to be with you, because I do. But since all this shit is happening, I think it's best that we not be together until we figure this out,"

I stared at her not believing what I just heard. I shook my head, "No," I stared at her. "No. I'm not going to give up on us just because my moms doesn't like you or your mom,"

She sighed, "Marie," she started.

I cut her off, "No, Isabelle. We're in this together, and we're not ending it. I need you," I stared at her. "I really need you,"

She stared at me until she grabbed my face and brought our lips together. My arms found their way around her back as the kiss was deepening, and it felt like I was on cloud nine.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now