Chapter three: Lily Adventures

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Saturday morning came and I was woken by the blinding light from my window. I glanced at the clock beside my bed and noticed that it was a little after nine. Even when it's the weekend, I can never really sleep in.

I pulled the covers off of me and stood up to stretch. On the weekends, momma doesn't come in and wake me up, she usually lets me sleep until she thinks it's too late. I'm grateful she doesn't wake me up early, because sometimes I need to sleep.

I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen as I saw momma cooking and mom was at the table reading the newspaper. I knew that she was probably still mad at me, so with caution, I approached slowly.

I sat down in front of her and she looked up at me then back at the newspaper. I sat there drumming my fingers on the table and couldn't think of anything to say to make this not have tension.

Momma came to the table and laid out plates for us. I thanked her and I watched mom lay the newspaper down and started eating. I was slowly messing around with my food as I wanted to say something but didn't know where to begin.

"Marie, eat," I looked up at momma as she was sitting down and looking at me.

I nodded and began eating. I wasn't all that hungry but I couldn't refuse breakfast. They have this thing where if you don't eat breakfast, you don't have snacks between now and lunch.

They're sometimes strict, but sometimes they let loose every once in a while. I'm not crazy about the idea of them being so strict, but like Isabelle told me last night, I guess it is good to have strict parents than parents who don't care.

As I was eating, I heard momma speak, "Janice and Lily is coming over today," I looked up and met momma's stare, "Lily wants you and her to go out together,"

I nodded. I liked hanging out with Lily because she was fun to be around. She was momma's sister's daughter, and she's four years older than me. She doesn't act like her age because she has a childish side to her, but momma said that she was always like that even when she was four years old.

It was kind of obvious, since four year olds are childish anyways.

Lily and I hang out pretty much almost every other weekend when they come down. It's fun to have someone to be around, and now that I think about it, I guess you could call Lily my friend. But I wouldn't say we're close friends, because we only hang out a little every now and then.

"What time are they coming?" mom asked as she was looking over at momma.

"I think around an hour," she stared at her. "They said around ten,"

Mom nodded and took a sip of her water before she stood up. "I'm going to run some errands, I'll be back," she leaned over and kissed momma's head then walked out.

I sighed as I sat there and thought about how disappointed she was at me. But, seriously, it wasn't that bad. They chose not to buy me a cellphone, so they really shouldn't be having anything to say about it. I didn't know I was going to her house after school, because she told me in school, and I wasn't about to bring Isabelle by the house and let them meet her just yet.

Timing is everything in my book.

I watched as momma stood up to take the dishes to the sink and I sat there for a minute until she looked over at me, "What's on your mind?"

I sighed, "Nothing much,"

"Is is because of Aubrey?" I nodded and she wiped her hands off on a towel before walking to me. "Sweetie, you need to give her time. She'll come around," she placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now