Chapter six: Drowning

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"Did your headache finally die down?"

I looked up from my book and saw Isabelle staring at me. We were sitting outside for lunch away from everyone, and it felt nice to not be inside for once. I can be outside, I just can't leave campus.

Now that she brought it up, I totally forgot about my headache last night. After I got home, it wasn't bothering me anymore, and I never took the medicine.

"I never took the pills," she gave me a confused look and I shrugged. "It stopped bothering me when I got home, so I forgot about it,"

She chuckled, "Ok, well that's good," she smiled at me and I smiled back. "So," she started and I stared at her as she continued, "I was wondering what you were doing after school,"

I shrugged, "I don't know," she smiled and I stared at her. "Do you want me to come over?" I asked. Isabelle is always asking for me to come over, which I don't mind, but my moms are a different story.

She chuckled, "I guess you can now read me, huh?" she questioned. I nodded and she smiled, "Well, I mean, do you want to?"

"Sure," I smiled.

She smiled back, "Ok, so I guess you can follow me to my house after school?" I nod and she smiles.

We sit there enjoying lunch until the bell rings, and she walks me to my class. I thank her as we get there and I watch her walk away then walk in.

I sit down in the seat in the back, and I don't make any eye contact with anybody because I knew what that would result in. I take my notebook out and just wait for the teacher to assign us whatever we were doing that day.

I sigh and draw a little in my notebook until I feel a presence in front of me. I look up to see a girl standing there, looking at me. I knew that girl, because she was the same one who would bully me in the hallways.

She hasn't done it lately because of Isabelle.

She smiled, "Hi," I give her a confused look but don't say anything. She comes around and sits in the seat next to me. "You don't talk much, huh?" I stare at her as she stares back at me. She smiles, "That's ok. I'm Abbigail, by the way," she smiles at me. "I was just wondering if you would like to come to my party tonight,"

I stare at her for a moment like she was insane. "Why?" I ask.

She chuckles, "Because I want to apologize for being so disrespectful and maybe we can start being friends," she smiles at me as I stare back at her. I watch as she pulls something out of her pocket and when she hands it to me, I notice that it's a card.

I grab it and look at it and notice that it's her name and address. I look back at her as she smiles at me. I look back at the card and can't help but wonder why she's being nice to me all of a sudden.

"Think about it," I hear her say as she gets up and walks away.

I sit there and think about what just happened, and wonder if I should go or not. I can't help but think about Isabelle and wonder what she would say about it.

I need to ask her.


After school ended, Isabelle was standing next to my jeep and I couldn't help but smile as I approached her. She smiled back, "Hey,"

I smiled, "Hi," I unlocked my jeep and threw my backpack in the seat as I turned to her.

"How was classes?" she asks as she staring at me.

I shrugged, "Same, I guess,"

She chuckles, "Gotcha. So, are you ready?"

I nod and watch as she tells me to follow her then walks away to her bike. I stand there for a moment until I decide to get in my jeep. I start the engine and start pulling out as I hear her bike.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now