Chapter twelve: Finding Out

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Walking over to Isabelle's house was a little weird since I've never done it before, and I never snuck out on my own because Isabelle was the one who was persueing me to do so. But I felt good doing it because it gave me a sense of freedom for some reason, and I've been feeling like that for a while now.

All because of Isabelle.

When she came into my life, I thought that maybe I will finally have a friend who would care for me and be there for me like I've always thought about. I always dreamed of having that one friend who I can rely on and actually care for me unlike everyone else, minus my moms.

Even though they're putting me through hell, I know that they're only doing it because they're afraid I'll get hurt because of what they went through with Michelle. But they don't know anything about Isabelle, and Michelle could have changed after all these years but they won't give her a chance because they're still stuck in the past.

As I approached her door, I started feeling nervous. I didn't know what Isabelle was doing to me, but every time I'm around her, I get nervous and these butterflies won't stop.

I knock on the door and wait patiently as my heart is hammering against my chest. I could hear it in my eyes and it was driving me insane from the seconds ticking by.

I finally heard someone on the other side of the door, and I held my breath as it swung open and I saw Isabelle standing there looking shocked. "Marie?" I could see the confusion in her eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" she asked.

I took a deep breath. "I came by to talk to you," I stared at her for a moment.

She looked around outside then looked back at me. "Where's your jeep?" she asked.

I sighed, "I didn't drive it because I snuck out," I stared at her until I saw her features change to something else.

"Marie," she sighed.

"I wanted to be with you," I stared at her as she stared back at me. "Is that wrong?" I asked. "We can't be together because my moms won't let go of what happened in the past, and I need-" I stopped myself before I continued, "We need to figure something out," I watched her eyes as they stared into mine.

She stared at me for what felt like forever until she sighed then opened her door more, "Come inside," I smiled as I walked past her, then I heard her speak,

"My mom will be here in a few minutes,"


Michelle was more than surprised to see me when she walked in the door. Isabelle and I were sitting on the couch, talking about what we would talk about once her mom got home.

We had so many plans that we couldn't decide which one to go with. I was just hoping that whatever we decided to do, it would be good enough for my moms to forget all this, and everything go back to being the way it needs to be.

As Michelle walked past the living room and into the kitchen, I turned my attention to Isabelle. "I hope she's willing to help us," I stare at her.

Isabelle sighed, "I don't know," she looked at me. "I really don't know,"


Isabelle, Michelle and I were all sitting on the couch talking about what happened years ago between Michelle and my moms. Even though she told me a little about it, I wanted to know more, because maybe it'll help to understand everything.

"So, Harvey was Jennifer's nephew?" Isabelle asked.

I was sitting in the middle of them on the couch, listening to everything that Michelle was saying.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now