Chapter thirteen: Hasty Decisions

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The next morning was hectic. Let's just say that I forget that I spent the night with Isabelle, and when my mind finally processed everything, I was screaming on the inside.

I snuck out and slept over at Isabelle's. My moms have no idea, but they probably know by now since I did in fact sneak out that late afternoon, and they were probably wondering why I haven't got out of my room.

Plus, momma likes to wake me up in the mornings, so I can only imagine what was going on right now.

As Isabelle was in the shower, I was downstairs eating cereal. I couldn't focus on anything other than what was going to happen, and I was freaking out on the inside and the outside.

I knew one thing for sure; my moms had to believe everything that Michelle was going to tell them. They just had to. I needed them to believe her, so that we can all put this stupid thing behind us and move on.

As I was eating, and my thoughts were somewhere else, I hardly heard Isabelle walk into the kitchen. She sat down in front of me and I watched as she poured some cereal in a bowl. I watched her for a moment and couldn't imagine my life without her.

I know I'm falling for her.

But I wasn't ready to tell her just yet. We haven't been together long enough to admitt our feelings, and I don't want to be the first one to do so because it could ruin everything if she wasn't ready.

"Something on your mind?"

I looked up and noticed that she was staring at me as my mind was somewhere else. I sighed, "I just can't help but think about what's going to happened," I looked at her for a moment. "I need my moms to believe Michelle more than anything," I watched as she stared at me.

She nodded, "I know," she stared at me. "They will,"

I stared at her, "How are you so sure?" I asked.

She smiled slightly, "I know my mom, and she'll convince anyone," she shrugged. "It's what she does,"

I nodded as I continued to eat. I sure hope Michelle was willing to convince my moms. I needed her to.


Isabelle drove me to school. She thought it was a good idea, but I didn't complain. I needed to be around her as much as I could if this was going to backfire.

We did our usual routine, but we couldn't be around each other, so we did it seperately. It was hard not being around her, and it's only been a day.

I sat in the library and read my book. I didn't look at anyone, and I didn't pay attention to anything other than the words that were on the pages of my book.

That was until I heard someone sit down in front of me. I looked up and saw a boy as he was laying a book out on the table in front of him. He didn't look up, and he didn't say anything as he opened his book.

I ignored him as I looked back at my book. I blocked out the world and got lost in the book. I

I loved reading. It was a getaway from the real world, and I wish I could live inside of the books I read, because nothing ever bad happens in them, unless the author makes bad things happen, then that's a different story.

I was so lost inside my book, that I hardly heard the bell ring. I looked up and saw that boy already gone, so I decided to get up and leave. I didn't see anyone else in the library, but there were people in the hallways.

I ignored all the stares as I made my way down the hall to my class. I didn't want to make eye contact with anyone as I finally made it to my class. But before I could make it, someone grabbed my arm and made me turn around.

Because of you, Isabelle Keller (Tetralogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now