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Autumn, Rose, Spencer, and Tim raced outside. They headed into the forest, the summer breeze nudging them closer. The thin, damp grass tickled their bare feet as they bounded over into the trees. The trees leaves sparkled with the morning dew, the Pidoves chirping songs while flying through the air, and the fresh smell of pinewood opened up the forest.

"I bet I can find the most pokemon," Tim challenged Spencer, his blue eyes sparkling.

"You're on!" Spencer replied, he raced deeper into the forest.

"Hey, wait up!" Tim cried, scurrying after Spencer.

Autumn giggled and followed them. "Come on!" she shouted to Rose, her light brown hair falling out of its two buns and flowing with the wind.

Rose smiled and raced after them. She loved seeing who  could count the most pokemon. All of them couldn't wait to begin their quest once they turned ten. And now since they were all eight, it was just right around the corner!


Autumn zoomed through the woods, determined to win their silly game. Suddenly, she tripped on a small rock. "Ahhhhhhh!!" she exclaimed as she tumbled down a steep slope. Twigs and dirt tangled in her hair as she fell head first down the hill.

"Oof," she gasped as the air was knocked out of her. She coughed against the dust that had been thrown in the air when she landed. 

Suddenly, a spark caught her eye. She stood, brushed the dirt off her blue jeans, and looked closer. It was coming from a strange, dark and gloomy cave. She slowly entered the mysterious cave.

Inside the void of shadows, she prepared herself for whatever was in there. She followed the light until it was brighter than a flashlight. She looked at it and.............

It was a pokemon! She pulled out the small purple pokedex she had 'borrowed' from her mom. 

"Shinx, the flash pokemon. All of its fur dazzles when sensing danger. It flees while the foe is momentarily blind." The robotic voice answered.

Shinx had bright blue fur except for his hind legs and tail were black. He had two yellow rings around his two front paws that glowed as bright as the sun. He had a black ring around his neck and a star at the end of his tail. The bright glowing had stopped and his small glow had returned.

"I swear I saw a Shinx around here..!!" a gruff voice came from the far end of the cave. 

Shinx shivered and jumped into Autumn's arms. His glow increased until Autumn had to cover her eyes to not be blinded. She and Shinx huddled in the corner.

"Hey, I think I see something in this cave....its a light! Shinx must be hiding in here! Come on!" the man's voice hollared. The sound of his thundering feet got closer and closer. "These electric pokemon will definitely power it up. We will have all the people of Unova under our control!" 

Autumn put Shinx behind her and stood up tall. 

"Hey, kid, what are you doing in here?" the man snarled. 

"I'd like to ask the same about you!" Autumn answered stubbornly.

"Just step away from the Shinx and no one will get hurt," the man took a step forward.

"Oh yeah?" Autumn stepped away from Shinx and covered her eyes. "Shinx now!"

Shinx began to glow before shards of light hit the men from every direction. 

The men laughed. "Shinx will never hurt us, with our electric proof suits. We know what we're doing kid." 

Suddenly, Shinx charged up so much energy, lightning sparked out of him. Suddenly, a beam of light shot at the men.

"SHINX!!!"" Shinx poured out his power onto them. 

The men groaned as they all fainted from the shock. 

Autumn stared at the men in surprise. She felt something tugging at her pants.

"Shinx, SHIIINX" Shinx said, looking at the end of the cave. 

"Right," Autumn followed Shinx as he led her to the end of the cave. They went back up the hill and back to Autumn's house.

"Finally, home," Autumn sighed. She looked down at Shinx. He didn't look so good. 

Autumn knew enough about pokemon that she had to get Shinx to a pokemon center quick!


"Shinx is suffering from a minor electric shortage, which might change him from the rest of his life." Nurse Joy reported, looking sadly at the Shinx lying on the bed. "He needs a trainer to take care of him,"

Autumn had told her mom everything and after dropping Autumn's friends off back home, they quickly drove to the pokemon center.

Autumn looked at her mom with pleading eyes. Her big green eyes were too much for such a  stressed out parent, and after glancing at Arcanine, she slightly nodded her head.

"Yes!!! Yes, yes YES!!!!!!!!" Autumn celebrated. She looked happily at Shinx. "We're gonna be friends forever!"

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