Chapter 15

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They had finally made it! Autumn and Cody stood in the bushes watching as Smog burst out inside a hollowed out tree. 

"The entrance to their secret hideout." Cody whispered. They both looked at each other. 

They slowly crept out of the bushes and walked over to the tree. Autumn knocked on it. It was as hard as stone, and it echoed from within. Suddenly, the door opened, and the two friends entered. There was a small platform before many stairs leading down.

"Let's do this," Autumn said with determination.

The two walked down the steps, Cody going first. Suddenly, they heard something. Cody suddenly stopped, causing Autumn to bump into him, and in the darkness she blushed. 

"It's so hard to see-" Cody was cut off as she felt him fall down the stairs. "AHHHHHH!!!!!" his scream echoed along the small chamber of stairs.

"C-Cody?" Autumn stuttered. She stepped forward and slipped as well, and she began to fall down,



"Oof," Autumn landed on dirt, and dust flew up into the air. She coughed slightly. She heard coughing from farther away, She raced to the sound.

One light bulb was above a dark cage. Autumn looked inside the cage and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Tim?!! How did you-" Tim turned around. Autumn jumped back in surprise and fear.

He was wearing a navy blue shirt covered in dust, along with his ripped and worn pants. His brown hair was a mess along with his dirt covered face. A ragged scar ran down from his forehead to his mouth.

"Get out of here! Before he finds you!" Tim rasped harshly.

"Wait! Who are you talking about?" Autumn said, feeling like this was a nightmare and she couldn't wake up.

"RUN!!!!" Tim screamed as something came up behind the cage.

Those piercing red eyes. It was Darkrai. And he had come to her for revenge.

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