Chapter 2 ( Edited )

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Autumn ran as fast as lightning as she leaped out of the damaged plane, carrying Luxio carefully in her arms. She charged down the bridge leading back to town.

Suddenly, as clumsy as she was, she tripped over herself and was about to face plant when someone caught her. Autumn managed to grab Luxio by the scruff of his fur.

"Hey," the man helped her up. He was around her age, with his short brown hair and soft blue eyes. She swam in his eyes' milkiness for a while lost in them. Luxio gave her a sharp jolt, and she snapped out of it.

"Hi," Autumn replied shyly, smiling and pulling Luxio back up. He was awake now, looking only a little ruffled.

"Thank you so much for catching me! I'm just in a hurry to get to the forest," Autumn explained, glancing at the forest.

"Oh, well you can borrow my bike to get there faster." he offered, stepping aside to show her a sharp, blue bike.

"Thanks, but....I have never ridden before," Autumn's face flushed with embarrassment. "Maybe I could stand on these and hold onto you while you bike over to the forest..." she pointed to the two metal bars attached to the back wheel for another person to ride on.

"Okay," the guy shrugged and got on his bike.

Autumn jumped onto the bars, one arm holding Luxio and the other holding onto the guy's shoulder. She blushed.

"I'm Jake," Jake smiled, before beginning to pedal down the road.

"I'm Autumn," Autumn yelled over the sound of the howling wind, as they got faster and faster.


"Thanks again, Jake!" Autumn grinned as she ran over to the forest.

She and Jake talked the whole ride. They both loved the Sinnoh Region, and Jake explained he was going to go there and he was headed for the airplane. But he had been busy helping Nurse Joy at the Pokemon center and was late to the plane. Then he saw the explosion and the plane and then he saw Autumn and just went with it. Autumn explained what happened to her and Rose. They had become good friends.

"See ya!" Jake called. 

Autumn raced into the forest, noticing all the dead trees and plants from the smoke and fire. She felt a sudden pang of pity for the Pokemon that once lived peacefully there.

Finally, Autumn was there. The secret compartment had turned out to be the wing of the plane, and somehow Rose knew about secret engines in the wing. But now it was like a Charizard had used Flamethrower on it and then thrown it into the forest. It was covered in black and half of it was on fire. Sparks showered the dirt, making it look like lava. The wing was torn and broken. It was halfway in the ground, from when it landed it made a huge pit. The area was burnt and wrecked like a savage Onix had come through. Police cars and ambulances crowded the forest.

Autumn spied Rose in a bed being carried into an ambulance, along with her Totodile. She was about to go over to them, but her skirt was caught on a bush.

Autumn groaned and tried to pull away from the nasty branch when something in the bush caught her eye. She leaned down and pulled it out. She couldn't believe it.

It was Rose's jacket and the container.

Suddenly, it all came back to Autumn.

The men with dark leather jackets with an R on the back raced into the forest. Half the patrol went to the mysterious cave, while the other half went to the other side of the forest.

"Hey, Boss, I think I hear some rustling in these bushes. It might be the Shinx!" one man reported.

"Ok, you can check it out." a gruff voice replied.

Some of the patrols headed to the bushes. Suddenly, three children popped out of it.

"HI!!!" a red-haired girl exclaimed.

"HELLO!!!" a blue-eyed boy yelled.

"HI!!!" a dark-skinned boy called.

The man groaned. "It's just a bunch of kids," he reported to his Boss through his walky-talky.

"Try to get 'em to join! They could be useful." the Boss replied sternly.

"Whatever, Boss." he sighed.

"Who ya talkin' to?" the blue-eyed boy questioned.

"That doesn't matter." the man said. "Hey, you kids want to join a special club, it's called, Team Rogue."

"YEAH!!!" they cried in unison.

"To get in you gotta catch an electric Pokemon," he explained.

"OK!!!" they said all together. They raced off and returned with a Pikachu.


They raced off and returned later on when they were older with three Pokemon.


They raced off and returned later on when they were older with six Pokemon.


Those three headed off on journeys, got their starters, and got the special missions to go out alone and get more electric Pokemon.

It was Autumn's dream.

She opened the container. It was full of Pokeballs.

Her dream was real.

Those three kids were Rose, Spencer, and Tim.

Thanks for reading the edited version of Chapter 2, I hope you enjoyed! Keep reading for more adventure!

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