Chapter 20

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Suddenly, Autumn was back in her body, and Celebi was gone. She stood up, wiped away her tears and raced out of the forest, to the secret hideout. She ran through the rooms and saw the man she had spoken to, still unconscious along with his Darkrai. Autumn raced past them. Cody was looking satisfied at the control panel, but she raced past him as well. She went to the broken machine, electric pokemon sleeping all around it, some waking up and looking like they had just had a very bad dream. But Autumn raced past it all to the one thing she was looking for: Luxio.

She pushed away all the parts of the machine, and suddenly, she spotted blue fur. She pulled out a battered looking Shinx, and by the look in his eye, Autumn knew he was hers. He had used so much electricity he had devolved into a Shinx again. Autumn smiled and hugged him as one happy tear fell down her face. She let him go and smiled as he climbed on her shoulder, like he used to do when they were younger.

Autumn turned to Cody and grinned. He smiled as well. They hurried to each other, and gave a huge group hug. 

Autumn glanced at Cody affectionetly, blushing slightly. He returned the gaze. 

Okay peeps, here we go. If you are against romance, then please, look away. 

Autumn leaned to Cody and his lips brushed against hers, she blushed and they smiled together. 

Okay we're back.

Autumn and Cody stepped out of the wreckage, called the cops, and had the rest of Team Rogue arrested. Raikou was gone, and all the electric pokemon were lead back to the forest. Autumn, Cody, and later when she was better, Isabelle, had done it. They had defeated Team Rogue, and it was all thanks, to the power of Team Smile!!!!

Extra scene: Jake.

As Autumn, Cody and Isabelle were leaving, Autumn spotted Jake, hand cuffed, and next to a cop.

"Autumn!" Jake called, hope flashing in his eyes as he noticed her. "Autumn! Please tell them it was all just a mistake! I'm a part of your Team, uh, Happy or whatever it was...Please!"

Autumn smiled sweetly and walked over to Jake before... Autumn slapped him as hard as she could. "HOW COULD YOU BE SUCH A FOOL YOU STUPID LITTLE FREAK-SHOW!!! AND YOU STILL HAVE THE COURAGE TO SHOW YOUR FACE AROUND ME YOU ARE JUST A LITTLE WEASEL!!!! TAKE HIM AWAY OFFICERS!!!!!!" Autumn glared at him as the police shoved him into their police car. Autumn couldn't help but smile at Jake's outstounded face. 

"And wait. It's called TEAM SMILE!!!!" Autumn screamed in his ear. The car drove away as Jake banged on the window with a terrified look on his face. Cody looked at her in surprise.

"Hey," Autumn smiled. "He deserved it!"

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