Chapter 17

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Autumn struggled against the net, determined to find a way out. She heard the click of a button and suddenly she was in a cage like before. Luxio was no where in sight.

"LET ME OUT!" Autumn screamed. She rattled the bars, finding them less sturdy then they looked. She was in a dark alley with only one light bulb above her. Just like Tim. She shuddered. The first man appeared out of the shadows.

"Ha! You'll never escape that type of cage. Strongest metal in the world." The man hissed.

Autumn saw his sleek lying technique in his eye. She just had to play along to. Autumn pretended to slam her body against the bars only to find it hard enough to push her back. The first man laughed. Little did he know that this was all just a game.

"See you 'round!" He smiled an evil smile that reminded Autumn of a fox or a snake. He disappeared. Autumn listened until his footsteps faded into the darkness as well. Then, she suddenly grabbed the bars and pulled as hard as she could. It went down, but only for a second before bouncing up again. Autumn looked up. If she pulled down hard enough, there would be enough space for her to slip through the space up top. She began to climb the bars, until her head bumped against the top. She pulled down, and before it could bounce up again, she shoved herself through the small crack. The bars tore at her clothing but she made it. She climbed down onto the floor and smiled. Now all she had to do was find Cody and get Luxio.


Autumn sighed. This place was a maze. She would never find him! Autumn sighed and leaned against the wall. Suddenly, she heard something. Autumn's spirit's lifted. She hurried down the hall and gasped. 

"Not again," She sighed as Darkrai appeared out of the shadows. Another man sat on a chair next to Darkrai, he wore a black robe and had gleaming green eyes.

"What are you doing here little girl?" the man hissed, his words circled Autumn like a lion waiting to pounce. 

"I'm here to stop you from destroying the world!" Autumn returned his steady green gaze. His eyes seemed exactly like Darkrai's except green. Autumn forced herself to look away.

"Destroying the world? Who told you that?" the man smiled. Autumn was confused.

"We want something more, something powerful, something, shocking..." The man continued. 

Autumn cocked her head sideways. 

"You could join us, you know. After all your friends failed, I guess I could try you too." The man offered.  Autumn gasped, taken back. How did he know about her friends?

"I'll never join you," Autumn growled. 

The man narrowed his eyes. "Okay then. You asked for it." he nodded at Darkrai.

Darkrai roared before charging at her. Autumn screamed and as he was about to lure her into a deep sleep, something powerful burst light throughout the whole secret hideout. A pillar of light came from the center, it came from the device. It shot into the air, through the ground and into the sky. 

Suddenly, they heard a roar and electricity coming from the sky. "RAIKOU!!!!!" 

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