Chapter 14

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Autumn's soft brown hair flew with the wind as her green eyes focused on the trail ahead. Even though the center was in Jubilife City along with Team Rogue's hideout, it was still a long way, their hideout being on the edge of town. She was beginning to grow tired. Autumn could tell by Isabelle and Cody's eyes they were having trouble too.

A few minutes later, Isabelle broke down, coughing and wheezing, just like when they had battled Darkrai.

"Are you okay?" Autumn stopped and walked over to her.

"It's just this smoke in the air, I have asthma. It's were in cold weather or smokey air, I have a hard time breathing. It's been happening lately, but this is the worst its been." Isabelle explained, coughing in between words. "Go on without me,"

"We can't just leave you here!" Cody said.

"Wait! Maybe Tropius could carry her to a hospital!" Autumn suggested. When Isabelle nodded, Autumn pulled out her pokeball and sent out Tropius, quickly explaining what she had to do.

"Tropius!" Tropius nodded and swooped Isabelle on her back. They disappeared into the clouds of the night.

"We have got to keep moving. If there's Smog in the air it means the officers have tried to enter through the secret entrance." Cody pointed out.

"How will we find it without Isabelle?" Autumn questioned.

"Follow the smoke!" Cody replied, looking up at the puffs of black air coming from far away.

Autumn was surprised at his smarts. She admired it, and she found herself staring at him. She shook her head and told herself, No Autumn. This is really not the time for this. You can hold his hand later.

"You know, you really were brave back there. I wish I was like that whenever we have to head into the unknown." Cody smiled at her.

"Well, I'm twice as scared of Team Rogue now, but the thought of letting everyone die just because I was too afraid makes me want to vomit. I have always tried to be couragous." Autumn's mind flashed with memories.

"Hey! Stop it!" A kid cried out. A younger version of Autumn heard and turned around. She raced to where the sound was coming from. A boy with a crippled leg was crying as two huge bullies kicked him. They laughed.

"Hey! Do what he said and stop!" Autumn said bravely. But on the inside she was trembling like crazy.

"Or what? You'll throw glitter at us?" One of the bullies mocked. The two laughed together.

She swept both of the boys legs and stood on top of them. "Stop! Okay?"

One of the bullies punched her in the eye. Younger Autumn fell back.

"Remember this moment whenever you try to be something other than a stupid girl." The other bully hissed. The two walked away.

Younger Autumn touched her eye. It was swollen shut.

"Whoa, your eye!" The crippled boy said. Younger Autumn stood up and brushed her skirt off.

"It's a small price to pay for a little kindness." She helped the boy walk back home.

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