Chapter 13

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"That man is a spy!" Autumn and her friends burst into the planning room. But no one was there. 

"Where are th-" Isabelle was cut off as something fell over her head. A black Team Rogue net. She screamed. Cody and Autumn hurried to help but suddenly, they were caught as well, in a bigger net together. 

"HEY! LET US OUT!" Autumn cried out. She tore at the net but she was stuck.

She suddenly heard evil laughter from above the net. Suddenly, she heard a button being pushed and the net suddenly grew into a huge metal cage. The spy was standing in front of them with a switch in his hands.

"You thought I didn't see you in the forest? Boy, were you wrong. I knew you would try to spoil my plans, so I told the officers it would be best to try their plan out tonight. But little do they know the secret entrance is guarded by a dangerous Smog that will knock them out long enough for us to start up our machine." The spy laughed. 

"Oh yeah, you think you have it all figured out huh? Well, after I steal that button from you and back flip out of this room, Luxio will shock you so bad you'll be half dead." Autumn glared at him through the bars with a death stare.

"Oh really? And what makes you think you can do all that?" The spy taunted. 

"CAUSE POKEMON TRAINERS NEVER GIVE UP!" Autumn quick as lightning, reached through the bars, grabbed the switch, deactivated the cages, let Luxio out of his pokeball and screamed at the top of her lungs, "LUXIO, USE DISCHARGE!!!" 

A blast of electricity hit the spy and he fell onto the ground, unconscious. "Come on guys!"

Cody stepped out of the open cage door and said, "Autumn, you are the coolest person I've ever met."

Autumn smiled. "I know dude, now let's go!" The trio raced out of the room and into the dark woods. 

"I know a short cut! Follow me!" Isabelle took the lead, sprinting through the forest. The others weren't far behind. 

Little did the trio know that what was going to happen in the next few chapters would change their life forever. Sorry if this is too short, I'm saving the cool part for another chapter.

Smileजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें