Chapter 6 (Edited)

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"Wahoo!" Autumn yelled as Tropius carried her and Jake the last few miles of the way to Oreburgh City. 

"This is AWESOME!" Jake called, as the wind rushed by and his hat flew off.

The nice, forest smelling air suddenly turned into a stale, dirt smell as Tropius descended to the Oreburgh Gate.

A cloud of dust rose into the air as Tropius landed gracefully. The overbearing smell of electricity and dust. 

"The city of energy," Autumn sighed as she skipped forward.

"More like the city of dust," Jake sneezed as Autumn rolled her eyes. 

She opened the gate and gasped. Energy and light filled the air. The sun blazed down on Team Smile, the shade of the forest gone. Dust clouds followed people's feet, always tossing dirt into their shoes. Miners roamed the streets, some in the shade eating their lunches, while others were headed back to the mines to work.

"Whoa," Jake said. "This gym battle should be a piece of cake," He laughed. 

"Come on!" Autumn called, racing ahead.

Tropius went back into her Pokeball as they headed for the Pokemon center.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" The nurse asked as a Chansey entered the small, white and pink room. The smell of medicine and care filled the room. A feeling of calm always shook the travelers as they entered.

"Can you heal my Tropius, she's had a long flight," Autumn explained as Jake and the others got to the Pokemon center.

"How...are fast?" Jake asked, gasping for words. He coughed again and blinked to get dust out of his eyes.

"It must be because I live with an electric Pokemon." Autumn guessed, smiling down at Luxio.

 "Yes, it will only take a minute." the nurse took Autumn's Pokeball and disappeared into a room.

Autumn raced over to the bulletin board and looked at all the news. Suddenly, something caught her eye. They could go through Jubilife City and buy some more stuff, and get some super good treats! Autumn looked over and noticed another paper advertising the Canalave City library. Autumn continued reading. It said they had books on myths! Maybe they had something about those strange bad guys!

Autumn zoomed over to Jake, who had just given the nurse his Pokemon to heal. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the couches. They sat down.

"Guess what! I found out that we could go to Canalave City and see if they have any books on those mysterious guys, and then pass through Jubilife City and get a bunch of treats at their pastry store!" Autumn's eyes shone with delight. 

"Perfect!" Jake exclaimed, an uneasiness easy to see in his eyes.

"You like my plan, right?" Autumn asked, her happiness dimming a bit.

"Here is your Pokemon! Have a great day, and come back soon!!" the nurse smiled and gave them their Pokemon before walking away.

Jake nodded, avoiding eye contact with Autumn.

Autumn nodded back, her suspicions rising. She decided to shrug it off. Jake was probably just tired.

"Do you still want to do the gym battle? We have been training so much together." Autumn asked, glancing at the rock-covered gym.

Jake grinned. "Heck yeah! Race ya there," he said, speeding off to the gym.

"Hey!" Autumn said, racing after him.

Once they got there, they gasped.

It was like a palace made only out of random rocks and stones. "Let's do this," Autumn said, walking up the stairs.

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