Chapter 12

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Autumn raced out of her room and all through the halls, searching and searching. She burst through the doors of the center and raced into the forest. She scrambled through the underbrush, looking everywhere until...

"Ahhh!!" Autumn cried as she tripped over a tree root. She fell hard onto the dirt path, covering her night gown in dirt and dust. She looked up and saw what she was looking for.

"Cody! Isabelle!" She jumped up and gave them both hugs. She suddenly realized this was kind of awkward and stopped, blushing when she saw the look on Cody's face.

"Where have you guys been!" Autumn questioned. "I've been looking all over for you! I thought Team Rogue had kidnapped you guys!" 

"We thought you could finish your pokemon battle alone while we caught pokemon ourselves." Isabelle started.

"Then we got lost." Cody said.

"And so we tried to find you," 

"But we got lost even more."

"Then we saw that mysterious guy,"

"And he was wearing a Team Rogue jacket!"

"So we figured he was a spy!" 

"I knew something was off about him!" Autumn declared. "Did you guys have to sleep there?"

"Yeah, and it was the worst. Isabelle was screaming all night about the 'horrible man-eating bugs'." Cody replied.

"Hey! You were scared too!" Isabelle defended herself.

"Well, everyone was super busy this morning, maybe we could head back, get cleaned up and then hang out in the forest until they aren't as busy." Autumn suggested.

"Sure," the twins said in unison.

WARNING! you are now entering the section of the book of romance. If you hate love, hugging, holding hands, and other mushy stuff like that, then please skip the rest of this chapter.

As the trio got back into the forest, Cody got an idea. "I know a waterfall not far from here! Let's go!"

The three raced farther into the forest and to the waterfall. It was small, just the water falling from one rock to the next, but it was beautiful. The three friends sat down together on a fallen log. Autumn in the middle of the twins.

Cody's hand fell onto Autumn's. She blushed but didn't pull away.

"Whoa, look at that Chingling! I'm going to go catch it!" Isabelle said. She disappeared into the bushes.

"Maybe we could hang out sometime." Cody smiled.

"Alone," Autumn agreed. She scooted a little closer.

"Your not bad for a pokemon trainer," Cody complimented. 

Autumn grinned. "Come on!" She pulled him into the creek. 

"Hey!" He grinned, splashing her. 

Autumn stepped onto the rock, but it was slick with algae and water. She slipped and fell backwards. Cody caught her. 

Isabelle walked back right that second. Autumn immediately stopped and stood straight up in the creek, water pooling into her shoes.

"What are you guys doing?" Isabelle said.

"This," Cody answered, splashing her with water. 

Isabelle shrieked and jumped in the creek, splashing all of them even more.

The trio began splashing each other and pulling each other in the water. Autumn couldn't help but think of herself and Cody as they played in the small stream. Cody kept glancing at her and Autumn couldn't help but hold his gaze before they both got splashed again. By the time they were done, Autumn was soaked.

"We should dry off for a while," Isabelle suggested. 

"Yeah," Cody agreed looking down at his soaked shirt and shorts.

"Wait," Autumn said very seriously. Isabelle and Cody looked at her. She both splashed them in the face, laughing and giggling.

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