Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Team Smile bounded across the path, planning to go to Orebrugh City and get more information on this gang of bad guys.

"Let's stop to eat," Jake said.

"Okay, what should I make?" Autumn asked, pulling out her cooking stuff. 

Autumn smiled and thought for a moment. "What if I make soup, and citrus puff pokepuffs?"

"What kind of soup?" Jake asked.

"Well, maybe like a cream stew actually," Autumn said. 

"Sure," Jake said, setting down his bag and grabbing his Pokedex and pokeballs.

"While you do that I'm gonna catch another Pokemon!" Jake declared, going off into the forest.


"Look what I caught!" Jake raced over to Autumn with Luxio on his tail.

Jake opened the Pokeball, and in a flash of light, there was a Pokemon standing next to him.

Autumn pulled out her Pokedex. "Leafeon, the Verdant Pokemon. Leafeon is always surrounded by fresh clean air because it uses photosynthesis like a plant."

"I caught a Leafeon!" Jake smiled. 

"Leafeon!" Leafeon smiled and nuzzled up next to Jake.

Autumn was amazed. "Nice catch! When we're done eating I'm going to catch another Pokemon. Maybe even better than yours!"

Jake laughed. "You can try!"

Autumn pulled out two bowls of soup and four pokepuffs, two for Luxio and Buneary, and two for Leafeon and Piplup.

After they ate, Autumn set out to find a new Pokemon. They searched and searched, but they couldn't find anything.

"Man, I'll never find a Pokemon." Autumn sighed. Luxio's wet nose touched her palm.

"Remember what I told you? Pokemon trainers never give up! Now put a smile on your face and come-" Jake gasped.

A huge, tree-like Pokemon suddenly stood above them. Autumn pulled out her Pokedex.

"Tropius, the fruit Pokemon. Tropius can fly through the air with the leaves on its back. It grows stronger in bright sunlight." 

"Holy Miltank!" Autumn gasped. Luxio growled.

"Whoa," Jake said. Leafeon yipped in fear and hid behind Jake.

"Now's my chance!" Autumn squealed.

"Go Luxio! Use Thunder Fang!" Autumn shouted. Luxio raced forward and bit Tropius's leg in a flash of lightning.

"Tropius, Tropius!" Tropius limp-ran before flying away.

"Oh no, what scared it away?" Autumn asked. 

"Uh, Autumn..." Jake turned around. 

Suddenly large nets fell on all of them. The black web began to pull them up into the trees, far above the ground.

"AHHHHH!!!!"  Autumn screamed in surprise.

"But what set it off?" Jake asked.

"Lu-XIO!!!" Luxio suddenly used Shockwave, trying to break the net.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Everyone cried except Luxio.

"Luxio, STOP!!!" Autumn called, grabbing the net with white knuckles. 

"Wow, a Leafeon and a Luxio! What a score!" A voice said from below. Autumn looked down. It was a strange man wearing a dark leather jacket.

Suddenly, Autumn saw something in the air. She shielded her eyes against the sun and gasped. 

"TROPIUS!" Tropius roared, using Razor Leaf.

The sharp leaves cut the webbing and Team Smile fell onto the ground.

"Tropius, TROPIUS!!" Tropius was angry. 

"You wanna go, you giant tree?" The man mocked as he pulled a Pokeball out of his jacket. 

Tropius roared again. The man smiled, showing his rotten teeth. "Go, Jolteon!" 

A Jolteon zapped out of the man's Pokeball. "ThunderShock!"

The Jolteon stomped its feet on the ground before sending out a blazing pulse of electricity. Tropius was hit hard and fell to its knees. Lightning sparks shot out of Tropius's body.

"It's paralyzed!" Jake shouted, fear in his tone. Autumn turned to the man, anger and determination flashing in her eyes. 

As the man got ready to use another move Autumn raced over and stood in front of the Tropius.

"Luxio, use Bite!" Autumn called as she rushed over to Tropius with paralysis ointment in her hand.

Luxio turned to the Jolteon in sudden rage and charged before biting the Jolteon's leg. 

Suddenly, Tropius jumped up and roared again. "Not again." The man grumbled. Suddenly, a tornado of leaves overtook the man and the Jolteon, sending them scurrying away.  

The Tropius turned to Autumn and bowed its head. She pulled out a Pokeball and placed it on the strong Pokemon's head. 

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