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“To the Director of The Shadow Project

Mr. Alexander Price. We have recently received word that one of your agents, one by the name of Damien Frost, or Colorado, has gone Rouge. Not only have you allowed this agent to defect, but he also has obtained several pieces of valuable equipment, but also a Kamui. The same one given to you by Lady Ragyo, as a token of her trust in your Project.
Now, while we are not ones who to interject into matters of our departments that often, believing they can deal with any matter themselves. We might have to if this matter gets too, dangerous, due to the stolen equipment and the reports you had on Agent Colorado.
We are giving you a month, plenty of time, to find this man and punish him accordingly.

Sincerely, Mason Smith, and the board.”

Alexander finished the letter before him and sighed. He had no one to  but himself for this. He showed Damien the plans they have, he gave Damien everything, even the Kamui and AI. He had hope, all of this would not only make him a image of his father, but the end result of his years of work. How he could finally make the ultimate warrior.

Only for it to fail. And fail miserably.

“It seems now the only thing I can do is hopefully redeem the project.” He said softly, staring at the door ahead. His intercom beeped and he pushed the glowing red ‘speak’ button on it. “Yes?”

“Sir.” A woman's said. “Agent Nebraska is here.” She told him. Alex let out a sigh. “Send him in.” He said. The doors opened, and beyond, the sound of metal boots were heard.

Walking towards the desk was a well built man in a grey shirt, black pants and boots. His hair was a simple buzz cut, short and black. His eyes brown and showing off the look of a soldier, a warrior. Nebraska stopped before him and stood with his arms behind his back. “You wanted to see me sir?” Nebraska asked.

“Yes. You do know our current situation, dealing with a certain, rouge?” Alex asked him, fingers locked as he leaned on his elbows.
“Yes. I was informed of the Colorado incident.” Nebraska said.
“I need you to track him down, and bring him here.”
“Sir, may I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.”
“Why do you still need Colorado after what happened?”
“That is classified.”
“Alright, then let me ask another question. What is he doesn’t come willingly and tries to fight back.”
There was a pause, before Alex spoke. “Then you may use lethal force. In that case, bring back the weapon, the Kamui, and the AI.”

Nebraska nodded. “Very well then sir.” He said. Alex waved his hand and Nebraska left. Once the door closed, Alex let out a sigh and sat up in his chair. He pushed the speaker button. “Morgen. Can you please come in here?” He asked. “Right away.” A woman came walking in shortly after, dressed in a suit as she stopped at the desk. “I need you to write a letter.” He said and she nodded, getting out wrist mounted keyboard and waited.

“To Mason Smith, and the board

Sir, know your concerns about the Colorado incident, and I assure you, I intend to deal with this as I see fit. I have sent one of my best Agents to go and bring him back, if not him, then the stolen tech.
I will have you know that I have already have planned for this sort of deal. While I did not expect one of Elite to go rouge, I do plan on resolving this matter post-haste. If Lady Ragyo at asks about this matter, tell her that the faith she put into me is still intact, and that I will never betray his.

Sincerely, Alexander Price, Head of the Shadow Project.”

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