Chapter 1: Winter is Here

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(Third Person)

A bus pulled up to the stop just outside the slums of Honnō Town. Stepping off it was a teen of Seventeen years of age. He had wore a black jacket, with a light greens lining and on the back was a Eastern dragon around a sword. Underneath the jacket was a dark green shirt, the kanji for 'wind’ on the front of it. He wore dark blue jeans, and to finish it off was a black and green dark gray and green shoes.

Slung over his shoulder were a pair of items. First, was something wrapped up in a blanket, hiding it from the sights of anyone. On his back was a backpack, just a plain black one, filled with clothes and a few items. Finally, in his hand was a case, looking large enough to hold a guitar or something.

The teen adjusted his glass and began walking into town. He passed the many shops and people, all doing their daily tasks and such. As the teen walked, he noticed a man standing by the entrance to an alley way. He walked over to them. “Bulldog?” He said. The man looked at him. “Colorado.” Bulldog said. Colorado nodded and Bulldog smiled. “Good to see you Damien. So, guess that is it?” Bulldog said, pointing at the case in Damien's hand.

“Yup. You have everything else?” He asked. Bulldog nodded and lead Damien down the alley. After a short walk, they arrived at a small building and walking in. The inside looked like a average apartment building, several halls and doors. Heading up the stairs, they arrived at the top floor and at the end of the hall was to be Damien’s new home. Bulldog unlocked the door and walked in, Damien following shortly afterwards.

The inside of the apartment wasn’t anything special, the basics for a one room, one bath. Damien closed the door and went to the tabl in the room and set down the case. He opened it and inside was a few plastic bags and wads of cash. Bulldog whistles. “Man, what did you do, Rob a bank?” He asked.

Damien smirked. “Maybe. Anyway, here.” Damien piled a few wads of cash, each wad holding around 100,00 yen, into a bag and handed it to Bulldog. “Wow, this is quite a bit of money. But my job wasn’t easy ether. You'll find your uniform in the drawer and schedule on the dresser.” He said. Bulldog was tasked with setting up a record in Honnōji's data base.

“Well, guess that is it. You should probably get out of here.” Damien suggested. Bulldog nodded. “Yeah, I am totally getting out of here.” He said and opened the door, leaving Damien, but he wasn’t alone.

(Damien's POV)
“Well, not the complex. But it will do.” I looked over to my right shoulder and saw the holographic image of a man, dressed in A long sleeve shirt and pants. The hologram cut off at his ankles, so no shows for Alpha. “Like how the first thing you said since arriving here.” I said and set down the rest of my bags.

“This is because we are trying to keep a low profile, while trying to join a rebel cell.” Alpha said 'sitting' on my shoulder. “True, true.” I reach into my bag and on top was, what little it would seem to others, just some metal cube. I pulled it out and set it down. I then reach up to my glasses and pulled out a chip from the side. Once it was removed, Alpha disappeared and I put the chip in the only open slot on the box.

I walked back to the bag as the box open. Half of it was reviled to be a lid as it opened and a small light burst brightly as Alpha no stood as the size of a human. I took out clothes that I had shoved in here and began folding them. “So, shall we get started on what our new mission is?” I asked, folding more clothes.

Several images popped up behind Alpha, all being videos and stuff. “Well, if you remember, you discovered the true intentions of The Organization and Raygo. We are here for two reasons. One, to find and assist the Rebel group known as Nudist Beach.”

“A really dumb name if you ask me.” I said, finishing putting away the last of my clothes. None of them were made from Ragyo's company, so I know they would never turn on me. “They have their reasons. Anyway, our second objective is to help, and protect Ryūko Matoi and the Kamui, Senketsu.” When Alpha said his name, I reached the bottom of the bag. The only item I took the time to fold and hide.

My Kamui, Kenzeiko. It was a gift to the director of the Project, to give to someone who can bond with the Kamui. I so happen to be that person. I smiled and unfolded the outfit. Kenseiko was a long sleeve jacket, the main color being green, black and gold stitching, zippers and buttons. The eyes of the Kamui, those being red, orange and yellow, located near the collar. The pants were simple dark green dress pants, same design as the ones on the coat.

I hung Kenzeiko up and walked over to Alpha. “So. We have to find naked people, while protecting a girl and her Kamui. Am I right?” I asked him, looking at the pictures. “Correct. But I recommend we don’t reveal our intentions to her.” Alpha said.

“Why not? She should know what is going on.”
“Yes, but we must also keep a low profile, else the Organization finds us.”
“But you know as well as I do that I fucked them up pretty good. Any data they had on Kamui, me and Ryūko. Essentially, they are having to chance me with nothing more but a faded foot print. We should tell her.”
“Point. Well, if we are to inform her of these, we should wait, see if we can trust her.”
“Fine. Guess we can.” I said.

I stretched. “Well, I am going to go and buy some groceries. Want to tag along?” I asked. Alpha nodded and I took him out and put him back into my glasses.

(One food trip and dinner later)
I sighed as I looked at the ceiling. I was thinking about a few things. One of these being if I can fight, if I can fight against The Organization with the help of these guys. I closed my eyes. “Screw it. I can think on it later. I just want to sleep.” I rolled over and finally drifted to sleep.

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