Chapter 9: Reunited

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(Damien's POV)
I walked through the gates of school with the girls, streaching my arms as we walked. I stayed over at Mako's last night after training, and I was a bit cramped. How did I end up sleeping against the dresser, upright? Anyway, I heard something interesting last night tho, and it sort of made me……awkward now.

(Flashback to last night)
I was laying on the floor, my eyes closed. But I was close to Ryūko and my back towards her, so guess she must have thought I was asleep. “Ryūko, you awake?” I heard Senketsu whisper.

“Yeah, I am.” Ryūko replied.
“Early, your heard beat alarmingly fast. Was something wrong?”
“No, well, a little. But it wasn’t bad, it was good.”
“Good? What do you mean?”
“Well, guess I just been thinking about Damien a lot lately. Mainly our friendship.”
“Is this about the pistol thing?”
“No, something else. Since when he explained who he was, I sort felt….sorry for him, but also say something, something I see in myself.”
“And what is that?”
“A man looking for answers.”
“True, but earlier, when you saw him transformed, your heart raced then. Ryūko, am I to believe you may be feeling for him?”

I heard a small pause, before Ryūko spook again. “Yeah, I think I am.”

(End of flashback.)
It was after that, I fell asleep, but ever since, I sort of been thinking as well. Ever since, I guess our first tag team fight against that spirit guy, I may have been feeling for Ryūko as well. I mean, I honestly would love to have a girl like her for a……a girlfriend. “Damien.” I stopped and looked at Ryūko. She was looking at a plank of wood and when I looked, I saw it was a challenge. It was from the Uzu Sanageyama.

“So, you going to accept?” I asked.
“You bet your ass I will.” She said.

I smirked and we went towards the gym. I ran up ahead to move people out of the way as Ryūko walked up. The two exchange banter and I took my place next to Mako. “Alpha, begin recording.” I told him. Alpha complied and began the recording of Uzu's moves, in case I need to fight him.

The fight began as I watched Uzu transform and begin fighting. Already, I could see he had some sort of crazy edge with his eye sight. “Alpha?”

“Sanageyama seems to have motion tracking. Every inch she or anyone moves, he can see it. It’s quite impressive.” Alpha explained.
“Yeah, it may be good, but Ryūko is getting her ass kicked.” I said and griped Wind Cutter in my hand.
“I wouldn’t worry, look.”

As he said, Ryūko sliced off a piece of Senketsu and the pieces flew into the eye holes. Uzu was now powerless as Ryūko quickly finished him off. I smiled and went to congratulate Ryūko. But as I took a step, I saw Uzu try to get back into the fight, only for It’s to whip the shit out of him. “YOU HAVE DISGRACE THE ELITE FOUR WITH YOUR FAILURE, YOU WILL STOP AT ONCE!” Ira shouted and that was it. The match was over.

I laughed a little at the scene, but got that feeling. I looked around and saw what looked heatwaves moving. But that was cloaking tech. I quickly ran towards them. “Damien, what are you doing?” Alpha asked. I ran past students and out the front gates. “Alpha, scan for heat sigs.” I told him.

Alpha did. I saw through my glasses what I thought was true. Ahead were two armored heat signatures. I knew it, more agents. I watched as they turned into an ally way. I caught up and saw the waves standing there. I pulled out my sword. “Alright you two, I know they sent you. Either face me like men or get your asses kicked.” I threatened.

I heard a chuckle. “Dude, is that anyway to greet a friend?” My eyes widen as the cloaks came off and standing there were Oak and Wash!

(Washington, his is Red and Gray.)

(Oak, but dark blue and brown.)

“Oak…..Wash.” I dropped Wind Cutter and jumped at the pair, and hugged them. They laughed and Oak patted my back, while Wash rubbed my head. “Hay kid, what’s up?” Wash asked. I got out of the hug. “Don’t what up me. What the hell are you two doing here? God, don’t tell them they.” I said, but Wash held up his hands.

“Nah, we weren’t sent to hunt you. In fact, Price sent us to help you.” Wash said.
“Wait, help me?” I asked.
“Yes. He sent us to assist you. We discovered that Nebraska beat us. But it seems you won that fight.” Oak said.
“Hardly. I was trying to not totally kick his ass, or use Kenzeiko.” I explained. “But still, you guys are going to help me?”
“Yeah. We just said that man. Anyway, we been watching a bit. You seem to been caught up in this crazy schools antics.” Wash said.
“There is a reason for that. But we cannot talk about it hear.” I said.

I pointed behind me at the people looking. Wash and Oak looked up and saw them. “Hay, mind your own damn business!” Wash yelled and they ran. I sighed. “Turn the camo back on and let’s go.” I said. They did so and I led them back to my appointment. I guess I can skip one day.

(Few hours later.)
After I explained to Oak and Wash everything that was going on. Alpha helped too and the two told me that they had a Hawk parked outside of town. “Well, it seems we got our own little bases. So, what exactly did Price tell you to help me with?” I asked.

“He just said to help in anyway.” Wash said, taking a sip of his tea. Wash had short brown hair. It was messy due to the helmet. He had a light beard on his face and his eyes were brown.
“So that's it? Just help?” I asked.
“Yes. It would seem that is the case. We are, in a way, your men now.” Oak said. His hair was a clean cut, the hair color black and with a clean shaven face. His eyes are blue.
“Wow, so I can tell you guys what to do? Epic.” I said.
“Hay, it doesn’t work like that.” Wash said.
“I am just kidding. Anyway, it was good to see you guys. I am happy that you two are with me.” I told them.
“Same here man. Even if Price didn’t say we could help, we still would have come.” Wash said.
“Well, I wish I could catch up, but I have other things I need to do.” I told them.
“Like what?” Wash asked.
“Well, I did just run out on my friends at school, so I need to pay them a visit and explain what happened.” I told them. Wash nodded and put on his helmet.
Oak did the same, but turned to me. “Damien, if I may, I would like to borrow Alpha for a bit. For information purposes.” Oak asked.
I looked at Alpha. “Can he?”
“Of course. I would enjoy being in Agent Oklahoma’s company again.” Alpha said.

Alpha vanished and I handed him, with his box to Oak, who took them and said goodbye with Wash. The pair left and I sighed and rubbed my eyes, before standing up and leaving as well to talk to Ryūko and Mako.

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