Chapter 10: Uzu Vs Damien

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(Oak and Wash's base, Third Person)
Oak and Alpha worked on plans, in case the Organization sends more agents, or Satsuki catches the full wind of what’s going on, or something else. Wash threw a ball against the ship's wall. “So Alpha, what exactly is going on between Colorado and that girl?” Wash asked.

“You mean Ryūko?” Alpha asked.
“Yeah, her. So what’s the deal with them?” Wash asked, throwing the ball again.
“Well, I would say they are friends. Best friends even.” Alpha said.
“Best friends? I don’t know, when we were watching that fight yesterday, Colorado looked like he was about to run in and stop it.” Wash said.
“That could be because Colorado was concerned.” Oak said.
“But his heart rate does seem to increase around Ryūko.” Alpha said, putting thought into it.
Wash stopped with the ball and got a grin. “My, oh my. Our little Colorado is growing up.” Wash said.
“But I thought Damien was already an adult, by Japanese law.” Alpha said.
“That isn’t what Wash means.” Oak said.
“What I mean, our little Colorado is falling for Ryūko.” Wash said.

“Falling for?” Alpha looks confused for a bit, but one quick search and he nods. “Oh, I see now.”

(Mako's House, Damien's POV)
I stood outside Mako's home, looking at the door for a bit. I was going to tell Ryūko why I ran out, but I guess I was nervous. Can’t tell why. I took in a breath and knocked on the door. The door flew open and Mako stood in the door way. “Damien! Where have you been?! Why did you run off? Are you okay?” Mako was along all sorts of questions.

I tried to find a question to answer first, but they were flying by me. Until someone moved aside Mako, and then a fist hit me. I fell backwards and rubbed my chin. Ryūko stood there, fist out, before walking over me. “Where the hell were you?” Ryūko asked.

“First, we need to work on that punching thing. Ow. Second, some friends just came into town. Some, old, friends.” I said.
Ryūko looked at me confused, before catching the hint and letting out a sigh. “Well, these friends better be on your side.” She said.
“Yeah, they are.” I told her.

I got off the ground. Ryūko huffed and actually apologized for hitting me. “Its no problem. Sometimes I need a good punch, or, least that is what I have been told.” I said. Ryūko smiled and laughed a bit at my remark. Mako invited me in, as her way of not stopping Ryūko from hitting her. I accepted, mostly cause I started to like Mako's mom's cooking. Woman can make nothing into something.

Dinner went by like every other night it would have, and like any other time I ate here, I stayed. I took also my usual place by Ryūko and laid down, but I couldn’t fall asleep right away. I ended up staring at the ceiling, just thinking. Why would Price send Oak and Wash? It didn’t seem right to be honest, like he was planning something. But at the same time, I had this feeling Price was doing it for a good reason. He raised me after my parents died.

I rolled over and looked at Ryūko, who feel asleep looking at me. Seeing her sleeping and peaceful face was, adorable. There it was again. Those thoughts. Every time I see her, my heart flutters. Every time she talks, I can’t help but listen, for it was music, even the cursing. I just found that cute. I have to be honest with me, and her.

“You're awake?” I looked up and saw Senketsu's eye fixed on me.
“Yeah, I am.” I said.
“Tell me, you have feeling for her, don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Well, you should know, I approve.”

I chuckled. “Thanks. Glad you do.” I told him. “Anyway, good night.” I said and closed my eyes, my hand barely reaching Ryūko's.

(The next morning.)
I walked out early next morning, stretching. Ryūko was brushing her teeth as I looked towards the sun, or tried. “Hay, Ryūko. You got mail.” I said. She looked up from the spout and at what I was looking at. It was a single plank of wood, on it saying Challenge. “I think I have an idea who it’s from.” I said.

“Sanageyama.” She said, spitting out after wash.
I looked at her and smirked. “Guess you get to kick this guy’s ass, again.” I said.
“And you aren’t going to run?”
“I am not going to. Said I would stand by your side, right?” I said.
“Yeah, you did.”
I looked at the post and let out a small sigh. “Hay Ryūko, after you take care of Sanageyama, I um, I want to tell you something.”
“Uh? Um, sure. Why, is it important?”
“In a way, yeah.”

Ryūko smiled and patted my shoulder, before heading in side. I smiled back and knew I was making the right choice by telling her.

After the usual, we arrived at school, where some crazy stage was made. I stood by the side as Ryūko walked up. Instantly, I knew something was wrong. Without Alpha, I couldn’t analysis anything, but I could still use the function of my glasses. I zoomed in and my eyes widened.

Uzu sewed his eyes shut! He transformed and the battle began, but it wasn’t in Ryūko's favor. I growled as it went on, and I couldn’t take it. I had to step in.

(Third person)
Ryūko stared up at Uzu's bamboo sword, it about ready to end her. She closed my eyes, ready for the strike.


Ryūko heard metal hit metal, her eyes opened a bit and she saw Damien. His sword in hand as he held his ground against Uzu. “Stay out of this Frost, this is between me and the transfer student. “ Uzu told him. “Sorry, but if it involves her, it involves me.” Damien said and managing to throw Uzu back a bit. He cut his hand and place it on Kenzeiko, transforming. Everyone, except Ryūko, at the sight. Now everyone knew Damien had a Kamui.

Uzu was of all surprised by this, but it didn’t stop him as he charged Damien, using his speed to try and get around the boy. Damien was in different, as he kept blocking each attack. Hōka was impressed as he began analyzing Damien. “It seems he is keeping up with Uzu, their speed is nearly matched.” Hōka said.

“Nearly?” Nonon asked.
“Damien is only fast by about two second, so he is able to see when Uzu attacks next. It’s remarkable.” Hōka said.
“If Frost also has a Kamui, this cannot be good for us.” Ira said.
“No, he only seems interested in protecting Matoi.” Satsuki said.

Damien finally had enough as he finally took the chance and grabbed Uzu's sword with his hand. Damien sliced the sword in half. Uzu laughed. “That isn’t my only sword.” He said and pulled out multiples. Damien just chuckled. “Yeah, well this isn’t my first fight against something like you.” Damien said.

He lunged at Uzu and clashed blades. Damien's helmet was closed and he was ready to try something crazy. Damien pushed harder against Uzu's blades and forced his arms up, allowing Damien to punch Uzu's armor straight in the gut. It cracked, but at the same times, the armor began to steam as Damien's punch launched him through the air, just as his uniform was deactivating.

Damien took the moment to grab Ryūko and run off with her. Satsuki watched the pair run off. “Well now, things are getting interesting.” She said.

(Damien's apartment, Ryūko's POV)
My eyes fluttered open at the sound of voices. When they fully opened, noticed I was on my back in a comfortable bed. “I think she is waking up.” The voice, it was Senketsu. Next thing I knew, Damien was in view, a relieved look on his face. “Hay, finally awake huh?” He asked.

“No shit.” I groaned as Damie. Helped me to sit up. I saw that I was in his apartment. Senketsu hanged on a dresser along side Kenzeiko. “How long was I out?” I asked.

“A few hours I from what I can tell. I haven’t really been paying attention.” He said. Damien moved his hands to the sides of my head and looked into my eyes. I blushed a bit, as did he. “Sorry, just checking to make sure you were  hundred percent. You took some nasty blows.” He said, checking my hearing next.

“Where did you learn to patch people up like that?” I asked.
“Half from when I was a agent, other half from a temple in China, and the Himalayas.” He said.
“Yup, taught me a few things. Like a technique to reduce swelling. It helped at lot, since Sanageyama doesn’t use actual swords.”

Damien sat on the bed as he finished up. That was when I noticed I was wearing a large shirt, probably his. He too was wearing a shirt and pants, but his fit him. Damien got up and put away a medical bag. “Well, you seem perfectly fine. Other then burses, but hay, we get those every day.” He said.

I looked out the window and saw it was getting close to noon. Damien sat back down on the bed. “Like I said, you were out for a bit. But, it happens. Remember being out for a day after taking a steel beam to the forehead.” Damien said

“How do you remember that?” I asked.
“I was told. Anyway, Ryūko, um, I have something to tell you, and I know this may be not the best time, but, I can’t think of another time to say it.”

I looked at Damien a bit confused, he took my hand and I could see a small blush on his face. “Ryūko, since, well pretty much our first fight, I sort of been, feeling something. It only got, stronger as we trained and fought more. And this well, kinda confirmed that. Watching you getting your ass kicked by Sanageyama, it pissed me off, and not in the ‘My friend is in danger' way, but something more……loving, lack of a better word.” He said.

I looked stunned at Damien, was……was he confessing to me? Was he telling me that, he loves me? “So wait, are you saying, that…, like me?” I asked. Love is hard to say, I guess. Damien looks at me and nodded. “Yeah… that is one way to put it. I mean, it might be more then like, but-“

I couldn’t help but cut Damien off, and how. I was kissing him. I was honestly freaking myself out by doing this, but at the same time, I liked it. A lot. Damien was equally as surprised, as he was still sitting. When I pulled back, Damien looked at me. “S-so you feel, t-the same?” He asked.

I flicked his forehead and smiled. “Yeah, I do.” I said and squeezed his hand. Damien got a goofy smile and this time, kissed me. My eyes widen, but I slowly sunk into the kiss.

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