Chapter 5: No-Late Day

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(Damien's POV)
I panted as I stood, hunched over my sword as Ryūko panted as well. The both of us have been training for a few hours, funny part is this is our third day of training, and I can already tell that Ryūko is improving considerably fast. “I will admit, you are improving quite well. I had to start trying more.” I said. Ryūko just looked at me.

“Don’t give me that crap. You are trying just as hard as I am.” She said.
“Maybe I am, maybe I am not.”
“Keep that up, and I will kick your ass.”

I laughed. “Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing. Anyway, you are improving quite a bit. Given enough time and training, I think you make a excellent warrior.” I said, but caught what I said. “I meant…..yeah, warrior.” Ryūko looked at me confused, but shrugged it off. “Well, whenever you are ready.” She said and walked to the bike. Wind Cutter shrunk down, but I saw Alpha appear.

“That was close.” He said.
“I can’t keep the lie up much longer. I need to tell her.” I told him.
“I know. And I think it will help if you do.”
“Defiantly. Not really one to lie to friends.”

I walked over and after taking my place on the bike, and Ryūko taking hers, we rode off. On the ride back, I felt myself thinking on how exactly I can tell Ryūko. I am still not sure how I can tell her, but sure I will find some way. We pulled up to the back alley clinic and got off. Ever since I started train Ryūko, Mako's mother has offered to make me dinner.

It was after dinner however, I got the interesting offer. “Damien-Chan, why don’t you stay the night?” Maki asked. I looked at her and swallowed a bite. “Huh?” I asked. “Yeah. You seem pretty beat, like me.” Ryūko said. I took one glance and yeah, she looked like she was about to pass out. I felt the same too. I shrugged. “Sure. I guess I can stay the night.” I told them.

“Yay! Sleep over!” Mako cheered. I chuckled and went back to least my portion of dinner. After dinner, I figured out that everyone sort of just sleeps in the same room, not that I mind, least the boy to girl ration was even instead of two to one, and that one being a bad ass chick who would break my arm.

I found a spot next to the Ryūko, who laid next to the dresser where she hung Senketsu up. I hung least the shirt part of Kenzeiko next to him and took my spot. For a bit, I had a hard time trying to fall asleep. “Hay, Damien, you awake?” I heard Ryūko whispered.

“Yeah, I am.” I said and looked over at her. She wasn’t looking at me, but I didn’t mind.
“I wanted to say thanks, for training me and all.”
“Hay, it’s no problem. We are friends, and besides, I kinda always wanted to train someone.”
“Yeah, sort of a weird dream. That one day, I would take on a apprentice and teach them how to fight. Watch them grow from a kid with a dream into a warrior. It’s sounds kinda stupid when I say it out loud.”
“No, I think it’s a rather good one. I mean, I could never do that.”
“Maybe. But you do inspire people tho. You inspired me.”
“I did? How?”

I closed my eyes and rolled onto my back. “You inspired me to not give up on a promise.” I said, finally feeling sleep over take me.

(Ryūko's POV)
“You inspired me to not give up on a promise.” I heard him say. I rolled over to say something, bit noticed that he was already out. Promise? What promise could he be talking about? I sighed knowing I won’t get much sleep if I focused too hard on what he said. I couldn’t help but look at his face tho. He looked kinda cute when he slept. Wait, cute? What the hell?!

I hide under my blanket to hide the huge blush I had. What the hell? Why did I think he was cute?!

(Next morning, Damien's POV)
“Damien-chan! Ryūko-chan! WAKE UP!!!” I jolted up, and on reflex drew two of my knives. “What is it?!” I said. Maki was scrambling to get up. “Its No-Late Day!!” She shouted and I stood there confused. “What is she yelling about?” Ryūko said, half awake. “No-Late Day!!” Mako yelled again and this time, it jolted Ryūko awake. I looked at the time. It was four AM.

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