Chapter 7: Satsuki's Offer

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(Damien's POV)
I sat in class, not really paying attention as I looked out the window. It turned out, I wasn’t the only one who being hunted. Or, something the like. Yesterday, A crazy sniper came after Ryūko and tired to get Senketsu. I did my best to stop him, but dude had bombs everywhere, and I was ended up six feet under rubble as I waited for some sort of rescue. Luckily, Mako stopped it, as well as one of the elite four.

After Ryūko learned the truth about me, me and her began getting closer. I am doing my best in helping her with her training, so much that now Ryūko had officially made her own style. But if there is one thing I couldn’t help but notice that we were giving each other glances, and there was often red on her cheeks, as well as mine.

I took a glance over at her and felt my cheeks warm up again as I watch her a bit. It wasn’t until she turned her head that I looked back out the window. Man, this is already weird as it is. Why must, feelings, come into it now.

The door to the class room opened and stepping through it was Ira Gamagōri. All the students, minus Mako, Ryūko and me, coward as he looked directly at me. Ah shit. “Damien Frost, come with me.” Ira said. The girls looked at me as I just shrugged at them. I held up my hands. “Alright, I ain’t going to fight it.” I said and stood up. Ryūko was looking at me, almost like she was ready for me to give a signal. I just waved my hand and she calmed down.

I followed Ira out and we began walking through the halls. “Did I do something I wasn’t aware of?” I asked. Ira looked out at me from the corner of his eyes as we reached an elevator. “Lady Satsuki wishes to speak to you.” He said as the elevator headed up. “Me? I doubt this is some sort of reward ceremony.” I joked. Ira looked at me sternly and I just shrugged at him. His stare would have scared a normal man, but I was indifferent. I mean, I faced worse then his gaze. Like a giant robot that turned into a Gatling gun.

When the elevator stopped, I stepped out with Ira but before we reached a pair of nice looking doors, he stopped me. “You will show Lady Satsuki respect at all time. You will speak when given permission, and if you dare to raise your voice or threaten her, you will be dealt with swiftly.” He warned. I smirked. “Alright, I get it.” I said. Guess he didn’t believe me, but he didn’t want to upset her. Ira opened the door and I walked in.

Inside was a large, clean, and very fancy looking room. The floor was some sort of tile, marble or something. Candle stands were along one of the walls, the other wall being one large window, showing quite the view. Seated by the window was none other then Satsuki Kiryūin. Besides her was a Butler, and in front was another chair.

She was drinking something, when Satsuki set the cup down, but her eyes not opening. “Come, sit Frost. I wish to get this meeting underway.” She said. I walked over and sat in the chair across from him. Her Butler came over and handed me some tea. I accepted, even if I don’t drink tea. “So, why am I here?” I asked, taking a sip of tea. I did hold back my reaction, it was bitter as hell.

“Well, it seems you are not who you say you are.” Satsuki said. I did my best to play it cool as she looked at me. “Tell me Damien, who is this?” Her Butler held a tablet and showed me the screen. On the screen was a still from mine and Nebraska's fight. I knew there wasn’t a way out of this, but hay, maybe a all lie can help.

“His name is Nebraska, or, that is the code name “ I said.
“Code name?” She asked.
“Yup, see, I used to run with this group, we had code names and such. You could say, he was my rival.”
“And you didn’t know his real name?”
“Didn’t want to, the guy was a royal grade ass.”
“I see. Let me ask you something, what did you two say to one another during your fight?”
“Eh, simple stuff. He hates me, I hate him, we want to murder one another.”
Satsuki smirked. “You know, it’s rather vexing how you dodged my questions with such simple answers.”
Fuck. “Well, then I see you are a quick one.”
“Frost, I want to know the truth.” She said sternly.
I sighed and took a sip, all be it chocking it down. “Fine, fine. You want the truth? I am a rouge from a secret group hell bent on making the best soldiers. I learned what they wanted, and I didn’t agree, so I ran.”
“And why are you here at Honnōji then?”
“They had information. They know Ryūko has a Kamui, and they want it. I am here to keep that from happening. But it seems they care about me more than her.”

Satsuki put her tea down and stood up. She walked over to the window and looked out it. “So, you came here to protect Matoi, but now, you seem to have brought the danger with you. Not to mention the clubs think by hitting you, they can get to Matoi.” Satsuki said. I sat back in my chair. “Yup. Anything else you wish to ask?”

“No, but I do have a proposition. Damien Frost, I want to give you the offer to become a member of my elite four.” She turned around and looked at me, the bright beams of light shining behind her. I looked at her a bit stunned. “Hang on.” I stand up. “You want me to join your little team? Even tho I have a truck load of fucken crazy shit?”

Satsuki nodded. “Yes. You are a experienced warrior and proven to be a loyal man, if given the reason. I would like to have someone like you on my side.”
“Side? You want me to join your side? Sorry, but I won’t betray Ryūko.”
“That isn’t what I meant. I will tell you now, Honnōji is not as it seems. This school is built for a different reason the to teach. I do not care for your friendship with Ryūko.”

I sat there for a moment. She is serious, no doubt about it. But why? I mean, she said she wants me on her side, but why? What sinshe really planning? I sat there for a moment, still thinking, when I stood up. “I…..I would need some time to think. I did admit being a rouge to a group, and so joining something like this would make me second guess.” I said.

Satsuki nodded. “I do understand. But if you accept my offer, I will expect loyalty and respect from you.” She said. I nodded and took my leave. When I was inside the elevator, I took out my phone and texted Ryūko and Mikisugi. “Mikisugi’s place, after school. I have something I need to talk to you guys about.” I sent. Man, this is crazy.

(After class, Mikisugi's apartment.)
“Wha?!” Both screamed as the shot up from the couch. I nodded. “Yeah, she made me the offer to join her. She said she didn’t mind the past and my friendship with Ryūko. That is why we are here.” I said.

“You can’t accept that offer Damien, no way am I letting you become a drone!” Ryūko said. I kinda liked her instant regard for my safety.
“Now hang on, this could be a advantage for us.” Mikisugi said.
“How?” Ryūko asked.
“I could spy on them the elite four and Satsuki.” I said
“Exactly. We can have a spy on the inside.” Mikisugi said.
“I don’t care about that. Damien is going into her lair, and to add to it, out numbered.” Ryūko said, making sound like I was going to fight her.
“He won’t be. He has the AI and the Kamui with him.” Mikisugi said.
“Still.” Ryūko said.
“I doubt they will tell me anything. Way I am seeing it now,  if I did join, I would be one of her soldiers.” I pointed out.
Mikisugi sighed. “True. But you have to realize something: If you aren’t with her, you are against her.” He pointed out.
“Hay, I already got one group of people. Let’s add more!!” I said and raised my hands up.
“Hell yeah! That’s the spirit!” Ryūko said.
“Wow, you two seem to be cut from the same cloth.” Mikisugi said.

So it was decided, I wasn’t going to join Satsuki. After biding Mikisugi good night, I walked out with Ryūko m once on the street, O turned to leave but heard Ryūko speak up. “Hay Damien. Um, can we talk a minute?” She asked. I turned to her and smiled. “Sure. What’s up?” I asked.

“Well….I am glad that you aren’t taking Satsuki's deal.” She said.
“Well, I did think about it for a second, but then I remembered something.”
“Whats that?”
“I swore to help you. I am on your side Ryūko, no matter what.”
Ryūko looked at me surprised, before blushing a bit. It was faint, but I saw it. “T-thanks.” She said.

I smiled and patted her head. I began turning to leave, but then I felt someone kiss my cheek. Before I could see who it was, there was a dust cloud where Ryūko stood. Wait, did she? Nah, that can’t be the case, or…….

(The next morning.)
I walked beside Ryūko and Mako as we headed to class. We were about half way through the court yard, until I stopped dead in my tracks and looked up just as the light shined. At the top was none other then Satsuki herself. Everyone cleared the area as one star students filled the place. “Damien Frost! You have had time to think about my offer! What do you say? Will you join my elite four?”

I looked at Ryūko and she smirked, as did I. I walked forward and pulled out Wind Cutter. “I have given it thought, and now I have my dissension. I will not serve you. I already swore to help and fight along my friend Ryūko Maoit! And I will honor it!” I said, my voice mimicking Satsuki's. She looked down at me and smirked.

“Very well.  While I will say you are a loyal person, and that type of loyalty would have been rewarded, if it was given to me. But you have picked you place! Damien Frost! Let it be heard, the new challenge. Not only would students and club leaders have to take down Ryūko Matoi, but also Damien Frost as well!” She said.

I just grinned. Well, this is going to be fun.

(Thrid person)
Standing in the crow their active camo on,  Wash and Oak stood their watching. “See, told you we would find Damien.” Wash said. “,yes, but it seems our friend is already getting himself involved in a fight already.” Oak said.

“Well, he wasn’t that good of a ninja to be honest.”
“True. But now we can get to him and offer him assistance.”
“That will have to wait, seems he may be busy.”

Oak nodded and the pair left quickly, heading back to the Hawk to get ready for when they will meet Damien.

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