Chapter 2: Ryūko Matoi

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(Damien's POV)
"Damien.......Damien......DAMIEN!" I shit up and looked around. I saw it was now morning, tho I don't know how late. I rubbed my eyes and sat on the edge of the he'd. "Finally, you are awake." Alpha said. "Couldn't you just set a alarm clock?" I asked.

"If you remember, the last alarm clock you had was smashed against the wall." He said. "Any, the time is Five-thirty. Due to the distance, I suggest you get a early head start to school."

Right. School is at the top. And I am by the waterfront. Ah well. I pulled out what is to be my uniform, but instantly I didn't like it. "Urgh." I still put it on, guess I can try and sprues it up a bit. I got some quick breakfast and quickly grabbed Alpha and my glasses. Putting him in, I grabbed my bag and headed out. I walked out my apartment. "Alright, time to save the world." I said. "Well, to be more accurate, you are helping others save the world." Alpha said. It was low enough for me to hear, so least we wouldn't be caught if he ever helps me.

"Whatever." I walked out and headed towards one of the trolley stations that lead to the school. "So Alpha, mind if I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course. I am here to help you in anyway." He said.
"I been thinking for a small while now, but is this a good idea? I mean, joining a rebellion?" I asked him.
"Damien, you discovered the true intentions of Ragyo and The Organization. Instead of still blindly following them, you choose to fight back. I say you made the best choice."

"I guess. Thanks Alpha." I said. "You are welcome. By the way, you missed the trolley." What? I looked ahead and saw it go by. I freaked and began sprinting. I may be the fastest when I was in the Agency, but that was also with the crazy nano-suits. I barreled up the walk way. Almost there, almost there......"Hay! Grab my hand!" I saw someone shoot out their hand, and without a second thought, I grabbed it and the helped me on. When I got on, I panted a bit, and looked to thank my helped. Only to stop dead in my thoughts.

Black hair with a red strip in the front. Red and Black school uniform with an eye. Red fingerless glove.

It was Ryūko Matoi.

"Hay, you okay?" She asked. I blinked a few times. "Huh? Ah, yeah. I am fine. Sorry, winded. Anyway, thanks for the help." I said, finally getting my senses back. I heard Alpha whisper. "Remember: We cannot let her know that we know who she is." He said.

I know, don't need to tell me twice. "So, I am assuming you are new?" Ryūko asked.
"Yup. I just got into town yesterday. Place is crazy." I said, looking at the nicer places.
"Trust me, it's gets crazier." She said and we chuckled.
"Well, then if I am not asking too much, mind being my little guide?"
"Guess I can. You seem like a pretty chill guy." She said.
"Don't forget me!"

Suddenly, a girl with short brunette hair in the female uniform popped out, somewhere, and stood right in front of me. I jumped back, a bit startled by the girls sudden appearance. "Hi! I am Mako Mankanshoku! I can be your guide too!" She said, extremely excited by the idea. "I assume she is with you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Kinda of a package deal." Ryūko remarked.
"Well, in that case, thanks." I said.
"You're welcome!" Mako said and saluted me. I blinked and shook my head.
"Um, mind not doing that?" I said. Both girls looked at me confused. "Sorry, I just......I don't have the best history with military....or authority sometimes." I said.
Ryūko laughed a bit. "Man, I knew I had a good feeling about you." She said and slung her arm over my shoulder.

"I say you two are off to a good start." Alpha said. I smiled and the rest of the ride there, I told Ryūko and Mako about myself. Or, least the parts that didn't involve underground complexes. "Wow, sounds like you are quite the person." She said, almost sarcastically.

"Hay, I try to be." I said. Finally, we reach the school and it was enormous. I mean, I thought it was big from a distance, but up close. I looked up at it in aw. Alpha appeared then whispered. "So, ready to start school?" I shook my head and followed Ryūko and Mako towards the main building.

(For an quick note, this takes place after first three episodes)

I walked besides Ryūko, that was when my senses kicked in. "Duck!" The three of us did soon as someone flew over head. We looked to see someone in what looked like a monk robe, but I can see the life fibers that was enhancing it. The man stood up and had a stern look on his face.

"I am Uda Tenhoka, leader of the Tai-Chi club. I am here to challenge you, Ryūko Matoi." He said.
"Wait, what is going on?" I asked.
Ryūko sighs. "Satsuki told all the damn club leaders that they can try and challenge me to a fight." She explained.
"Ah. Okay then."
"Enough chatter. Prepare yourself." Uba said and got ready.

Ryūko smirked and activated her Kamui. I won't lie, I did get a bit of a nose bleed, but I shook my head. That was when I noticed all the other guys and girls. Just like I thought, leader gets into a scrap, the minions get involved. "Alpha, I think I might have to get dirty." I said and reached around to my waist.

"Damien, I would advise against that." Alpha said.
"Too later, going to do it."

Alpha sighed. "Very well, beginning analysis." He said. I jumped in and stood back to back with Ryūko. "Damien? What the hell are you doing?" She asked. "One against a whole club. Even with an outfit like that and a giant scissor blade, you'll need a tiny bit of help."

I grabbed the item equid to my waist, and it unfolded into Wind Cutter. I put it on my back and drew my sword. I whipped it around and readied myself. "So, whose first?"

(Third person)
Uba and several club members pounced on the pair. Damien's glasses flashed as Alpha loaded up targets. He smirked and swung his sword. It glowed green and sent out a beam of energy that hit all the targets and they were sent flying. (Think of it as the Bloodskale blade from Skyrim.) Ryūko stood off against Uba.

As those two faight, Damien took care of the grunts. Multiple students tried to hang up on Damien, but he managed to dodged and take care of them. Damien blocked a kick from a student and he smirked as he faked losing his balance, only to bash his pummel into the students gut.

High above, standing in their room, watching the fight blow was none other Satsuki Kiryūin and her elite four. "Who is that boy fighting with Matoi." Satsuki said, taking a sip of her tea. Hōka pulled up on his tablet Damien's file, but after a quick scan, he was confused. "His name is Damien J, Frost. He seems to be a transfer student like Matoi, but I am not seeing anything that shows he would be proficient with a sword."

"Maybe he was in a club in middle school." Uzu suggested.
"It would be in his file." Hōka said.
"Well, whatever his reason is for his skill, this Damien seems like trouble, just like Matoi." Nonon said.

Satsuki set down her cup. "I would like to see what further skill he posses." She said. The elite four returned their attention to the fight below.

Damien was forced to Ryūko's back. "Damn. For a bunch of club kids, they sure do know how to fight." He said.
"It's because of Life Fibers. They give them these crazy powers." Ryūko said.
Damien chuckled. "Well, how about we finish this fight?"
"How do we do that?"
"A sort of twin strike move?"

Ryūko grinned and got her blade into is decapitation mode. Damien got his sword ready and the pair in one fell swoop look long swipes with their blades and ended the remaining club members, and even shredded Uba's uniform as he was sent flying. The Life Fiber from his uniform flew into Senketsu.

The pair stood up and looked at each other, and high fived.

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