Chapter 8: Senketsu Vs Kenzeiko

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(Damien’s POV)
I dodged a bunch of fireworks as they soared at me. Three days sense Satsuki told me I am in the same boat as Ryūko, not that I care, and I have gotten into a few more fights. Today's: The leader of the Fireworks Club. His was a blonde guy with short hair, but with was spiked up and the tips we’re on fire. “HAHAHAHAHA, KEEP RUNNING, IT JUST MEANS THE NEXT ONE HITS YOU!!” He shouted and fired off a ton more rockets.

I dodged a few more, but as another wave came, I changed tactics. I hit a button on Wind Cutter and the blade opened slightly and glowed. The wave of rockets came and I spun quickly, shooting off a beam that hit the rockets. “Alright, my turned dick bag.” I said and charged him. The Fireworks leader laughed and fired more rockets at me. I grinned as Alpha pointed out the flight pattern of the rockets.

I dodged and weaved through them as the club leader fired off more and more rockets to stop me, I dodged and decided to launch another beam. The explosions happened and I took the moment to do something cool. I launched through the cloud and the look on his face was awesome as he freaked out and tried to fire off more rockets, but my sword got close to his head. “Sorry, but you ran out of fuel.” I said.

“Um……screw it, I win.”
“Not yet!!”

He kicked me and ran back. I jumped and saw him get out a huge tire. “FIRE IN THE WHOLE!!!” She ripped a tire and launched it. “Shit, Alpha, odds?” “Head on, not good. But maybe you can try something else?”

I smirked and got an idea. I charged the and not needing a second opinion, I just kicked it back. The tire was sent flying towards him and he freaked out. He tried running but it was too late as the tire hit him and he was sent flying away from the school. I chuckled and put Wind Cutter away. I walked away and headed towards my two watchers. “Whoa!!!!! That was awesome!!!” Mako cheered as I laughed.

I bowed. “Thank you, thank you. I am awesome.” I said.
“Please, don’t get cocky about it.” Ryūko said.
“Too late, already did.” I said and St next to her, Mako handing me a box. “So, is this how it works. They just come after you?”
“Pretty much. And?” Ryūko asked.
“I love it. Kind of life I like.” I said.
“Good to hear! Cause Ryūko-chan gets into lots of fights, and now you will too.” Mako said.
“Pretty obvious, I mean, not like I didn’t get into a ton of fights before.” I said.
“Right, you are the bad boy type, huh?” Ryūko asked jokingly.
“Nah, more I knew how to get the attention on me. When it was needed. I can be quite stealthy.” I told her.
“Oh yeah, prove it.” Ryūko said, crossing her arms.
“Already did.” I held up her scissor blade and swung it around my finger.
Ryūko quickly checked her pocket and then gave me the deadly glare. “Alright, give it back.” She said, holding out her hand.
I just smirked and put it in her hand. “Next time, don’t question a ninja.” I said and put some rice in my mouth.

The rest of lunch went smoothly, me only having to occasionally glance around. I was having the feeling that I was being watched. I didn’t know how to describe it, but it was weird. Who knows, maybe Satsuki has a spy watching me or something. After school, me and Ryūko took our trip out to our training ground.

We began setting up and I turned towards Ryūko. “Alright, this time, I think we should try something new.” I said. “What’s that?” She asked. I reached behind my back and pulled out a pistol. Ryūko immediately jumped. “What the hell?!” She asked.

“Let’s work on reflexes. The idea is simple. I shoot at you, and you have to either block, or cut the bullets in half.” I explained.
“Hell no!! That’s fucken crazy!” Ryūko said.
“No it isn’t, this happened to me when I was training. You want me to train you, this is how I am going to do it.”
“I don’t care! You ain’t training me like that!”
“You want to be Satsuki or not? Besides, you asked me.”
“Still, no!”

I cocked the gun. “One.”
“I told you, hell fucken no!!”
I took off the safety. “Two.”
“Oh you are a bastard.”


(Ryūko's POV)
I had my eyes closed and held up my blade, hoping it will hit it. But nothing hit. “Ryūko, open your eyes.” Senketsu said. I opened them and saw that Damien was smiling as he held out the pistol, smoke coming out of the barrel. “Blanks.” Damien said and fired the pistol into the air until it was empty. “See?” He had a cocky grin. That grin, quickly fading when he saw me starting to walk towards him.

“Ryūko wait, let me explain I-“ Before he could finish, I punched him in the face and he toppled backwards. “Okay, I deserved it.” He said.

“Yeah, you do!! Now, what the hell?!” I asked.
Damien stood up and rubbed his jaw. “It was a trust exercise.”
“Trust exercise. The point was to see if you actually thought I was going to shoot you.”
“Yup, the idea is that if you know I wouldn’t actually shoot, you would have been stead fast. If you did know, well your reaction was reasonable.”
“So…….you were just testing my trust?”

“Exactly. See, you and I are in the same boat. We are now the targets of every club, not mentioning those elite jerks and Satsuki herself. The only people we got is each other and Mako, and she can’t fight. So, you and I are the only allies we have, well, guess we can add Mikisugi, but I don’t truth him. Anyway, point: We need to make sure we have each other’s backs. No matter what.” He explained.

I looked at him for a second, before thinking about it. He wasn’t wrong, we don’t really have many allies. I looked at Damien and sighed. “Well, you do make a good point. Alright, guess I should have trusted you with that.” I admitted.

“Again, reaction is normal. But now you are seeing what I am thinking. Anyway, guess we can start on the next part. And this exercise will benefit all of us.” He said. He took out a knife and was about to cut his hand. That was when I got the idea. He was going to activate his Kamui.

He saw my grin and gave me a equal one. “I see you are excited. Now, let’s do this.” He cut his hand and put his hand on his shirt. The blood was soaked in and the transformation began.

When it was over, I looked on in awe. Damien stood in what looked pretty much armor. It was skin tight, not surprised to be honest, but on his shin and mid thighs we’re armored. It was light, but still there. He had unusual shoes underneath, the fronts of them having weird claws. His upper body and arms had similar looking armor, but I could see that it wasn’t that good, guess to just keep the essential stuff protected. Finally, what looked like the bottom jaw like of a mask went up his neck, along his jaw line and around his head. His hair stuck out the back, but I could tell that a mask definitely was to be there. The eyes of Kenzeiko were on his back, peering over his shoulders in the horn like matter like Senketsu's.

(Think of it as Genji's armor, but add some armor, make it black and green and ad the Kamui eyes.)

“Impressed?” Damien asked.
“Yeah, and a bit jealous.” I said.
“Cause yours covers more!” I said, changing into mine and showed what I meant. To which Damien just looked. “Hay!”
He jumped and wiped his nose. “Sorry, anyway, mine is reveling too.”
“How so?”

That was when he turned around and I saw how it skin tight it was. Real tight. “Ryūko, your face is red.” Senketsu said. I shook my head. Shit, why am I red? God dammit, what is wrong with me? “Anyway, ready to do this?” Damien asked, turning back around and had his sword out and pointing at me.

I grinned and got ready. “Hell yeah I am.” I said.
(Third person)
Damien got into position as Ryūko did the same. Damien was first to attack, he charged at Ryūko at high speed and when their blades hit, there was a huge burst of wind and it blasted the ground behind Ryūko. She grinned and knocked him back, and swing at him. Damien blocked Ryūko's blade with his arm. Ryūko looked at Damien stunned.

“Yeah, this is how I fight when I let lose.” He grabbed Ryūko's blade and pushed her blade down. Ryūko growled as she did the same and kick Damien in the side of the head. Damien skidded and got up and raised his sword. Ryūko raised her and the two clashes again. They felt the ground crack below them and Damien went up to knee Ryūko, but before it hit, Senketsu but Damien's leg.

Kenzeiko launched Damien back to protect him. Ryūko took the chance this time and charged Damien. Damien blocked her blade and got an idea. “Blade wall!” He shouted and blades shot out of Kenzeiko and tried to hit Ryūko. But she was fast enough and they barely hit her. “That was close.” Senketsu said.

“No kidding.” Ryūko said and got ready for another strike. But Damien held up his hand and Kenzeiko went back to the uniform. “Think that’s enough. Got to see the power the two of you have.” Damien said.

Senketsu powered down as well. “Same goes to you, that blade trick was impressive.” Senketsu said. “Thanks. Got that one from a movie.” Damien said and put Wind Cutter way as he walked over to them. Damien put a hand on Ryūko shoulder. “You know, we need to have a real fight one day.” Damien said.

“Really?” Ryūko asked.
“Yeah. Real one. Only rule being no dying, but the idea is the same.” He explained as the pair sat on his bike and Damien started it. “What do you think?”

Ryūko wrapped her arms around Damien’s gut. She smiled and looked at his back. “Sounds awesome.” She said as the pair drove off.

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