Chapter 6: The Truth

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(Nebraska's Base Camp, Third person)
“Fucken gorilla man, getting between me and Colorado. God fucking dammit!” Nebraska took of his helmet and threw it. It his the wall and rolled to a stop as he took off his armor and started to so fix it. “You should have listened to my advice Agent Nebraska.” Nebraska looked over as the voice. Appearing was a man, around the size of Alphas holograms. Instead of a light blue, this one was a light red.

“Please, like I need the help of a fucken computer.” Nebraska told it.
“I find that highly offensive ape. I am a AI, the second to be made after Alpha, given to you by the Mr. Smith as help to bring back the stolen technology. I demand respect.”
“You’ll get it when you are done droning on saying “I told you so.””
“That was not the intention of my words, but if that is how you see them, then very well.”
Nebraska growled. “Whatever.”
“Still tho, I am here to offer help, and help is what I have. I may have information you will find, helpful.”

Nebraska looked up from his armor and looked at the AI. He thought for a moment, until sighing, knowing It was right. “Alright Omega. What do you have?” Nebraska said. Omega smiled. “Excellent.”

(Honnōji's Nurse’s Office, Damien’s POV)
“You know, I am surprised you didn’t go all out on Nebraska.” Alpha said. I sat on the bed in the nurse’s office. After Ira brought me here, I was excused for my morning classes, least to rest. “Couldn’t exactly let out that I have Kenzeiko. We were being watched apparently.” I told him.

“Yes. While the nurse was stitching your shoulder, I tapped into the computer and went through all the files. Seems they been watching you the most.” Alpha said.
“Who is They?” I asked.
“The Student President and her council.”
“Right, think Ryūko said that.”
“She did. Ira Gamagōri is one of the student council, or Elite Four. Apparently this school seems to be training it’s students for something.”
“Really? Isn’t my life full of secret soldiers already?”
“It does seem to be the life we have. Anyway, we have other matters to deal with, like the fact that there is a small mass coming towards you.”

The door burst open and I saw Ryūko standing there. She looked pretty pissed as Ryūko walked over and before I could do anything, she gave me a mean left hook as I hit the wall. “Ow, I think I deserve that.” I said. “Damn right you do!! Now, tell me what the hell was that?! Who the hell was that?!” Ryūko asked, anger in her voice, but oddly enough, I think I could hear worry too.

I sighed and rubbed my cheek. “Look, I know I promised that I would tell you, but not here. Satsuki or one of her minions could here us.” I said. Ryūko looked at me and she growled at me, but realized I was right. “Fine. But I better get a answer soon. And I want all of it!” She told me. I nodded and Ryūko walked out. I sat back up on the bed, Alpha looked over at me. “Well then, that went better then I expected.”

The rest of school was rather strange to say the least. My fight with Nebraska got around and students were talking about it, and me. It seems undercover will be harder to pull off now. Once school let out, I found Ryūko by the entrance, waiting for me. “Alright, follow me, I know a place to talk.” I told her and Ryūko followed me.

(Ryūko's POV)
Damien opened the door to a small apartment, guess this is where he lives. I saw Damien take out his sword and it unfolded, before he set it down in the corner. “Alright, tell me the truth.” I said and sat on his bed. Damien let out a sigh. “Alright, let me start with some introduces.” Damien pulled something out of his glasses and put it in a cube. It lit up and a small person appeared on the cube. I looked at it surprised. “What is that?” I asked.

“I think you mean who. I am Alpha, and AI developed by a branch of the Organization's Science department.” It said, or he I guess.
“Whoa, but wait, what does this have to do with that guy?” I asked
“Well, I was getting to it. You see, I was member of a underground group known as The Organization.”

“Yup. You see, when I first joined, shortly after my parents death, I thought I was training to become a some warrior of justice. Able to help people. But it wasn’t true, turns out, they were training me to become a soldier so that they could chip me and sell me to the highest bidder. Anyway, when I found out, I did the only thing I could, going rouge. I ran off with my sword, Alpha, and Kenzeiko.” He said.

“Kenzeiko?” I asked.
“This guy.” He said. I watched as I Damien's out fit opened it eyes?! “Wait, is that a Kamui?!” I asked, looking at it.
“Yes, I knew I sense something about that outfit.” Senketsu said.
“Surprised you didn’t say anything earlier about him.” Damien said. Both me and Senketsu were stunned.
“Y-You can hear me?!x Senketsu asked.
“Well, yeah. It is affect of having one I guess. I could hear you since the first time you spoke, I just didn’t say anything cause I was trying to be hiding.” He explained.
“Or we were, until Nebraska came. Now the Organization knows where you are.” Alpha said, looking at Damien.
“Yup, but still, we have a mission.” Damien said.
“Mission?” I asked.
“Yup. First mission as a part of my three man rebellion. Get in contact with Nudist Beach and, just know I had only a file to go off of, protect you. But, I see that is a different case.” Damien said.

I sat there for a second, thinking about everything I heard. “So wait, let me get this all straight.  You are a Rouge from so. Evil company or whatever, bent on all sorts of evil stuff. You found out something bad, and now decided to rebel and your only allies are a Kamui and Computer?” I summed it up.

“Computer? Ma'am, I am a AI, Artificial intelligence, I am better then any damn computer.” Alpha said.
“Uh, interesting.” Senketsu said.
“Anyway, did I get that all right?” I asked.
“Pretty much, minus the computer. Anyway, I am sure you believe me…….right?” Damien said.
“Well, wasn’t for the all the shit I seen and heard today. Yeah, I believe you.” I told him.

Damien chuckled. He sat next to me. “So yeah, that is the truth. I am a man on the run, fighting crazy odds.” He said and laid on the bed. “Heh, kinda like me.” I told him. He laid back down as well and thought about what Damien said. Since five, he's been doing this. I looked at him as he seems to be lost in his own thoughts.

(Damien's POV)
I was nervous. I told Ryūko everything and I don’t know how she will react. I waited for some sort of response. I know she believes me, but would she want to do anything with me now, knowing I am hunted. I felt Ryūko sit up and looked at her. “I assume you don’t want to do anything with me now?” I asked. She looked at me surprised. “What? Where did you get that idea?” She asked.

“Well, you know, I am being hunted by a guy in armor with guns, I figured, why hang out with me?” I told her, siting up.
Ryūko sighed and looked at me with a smile. “Damien, I told you. We’re friends now, you and me. It means that your problems are mine and vice versa. You are helping me with Satsuki, while I help you with, Nebraska?”
“Yeah, Nebraska. Naming convention is weird.” I said. “My code name is Colorado. Or, nick name now I guess.”
“Why Colorado?” Senketsu asked.
“State I was born and grew up in.” I told him.
“Well, I kinda like it.” Ryūko said and put a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at her. “Hay Damien, thanks for telling me the truth, finally. Anyway, I should be getting home.” She said and stood up. “Right, yeah. I um, I have some stuff I need to go over.” I said and walked over to Alpha. Ryūko opened the door, but not before turning to me. “see ya tomorrow.” Sue said and left. I looked at the door for a bit, until sitting down. “Damien.” I looked at Alpha as he sat on his cube.

“I couldn’t help but notice that your heart rate increased, and that it happened after you told Ryūko the truth.” Alpha said. I looked away. “Its fine. I was just nervous was all. I um, I need a nap.” I said and laid down on my bed. I felt sleep slowly over come me.

(Third Person.)
The Hawk Landed a few miles outside of Honnō City, in the woods where it won’t be seen. Oak got out of the pilots seat and headed towards the back where Wash was checking out his gear. “Alright, Colorado is on that city. Probably won’t be hard to find him.” Wash said, loading his rifle. “You never know. With Alpha, he might have found a good way to hide himself.” Oak said.

“Come on, this is Colorado. He chased a car done once. True, it was for the mission, but still.” Wash pointed out.

Wash opened the shuttle door and stepped out. “Alright, ready?” Wash asked. “Ready.” Oak replied and the two headed off.

The Rebel Ninja (OC X Kill La Kill)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें