Chapter 3: Friends

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(Ryūko's POV)
“Dude, where did you learn to kick ass like that?!” I asked Damien as we sat down for lunch. Damien just smiled and leaned back on the wall. “I sort of learned it on my own.” He said.

“Well, you should teach me sometime. I would love to learn how to fight like you.” I said. Damien just chuckled.
“You were doing pretty well actually. Hell, I wish I had a weapon like yours. I could pull of some sweet moves with it.”
“Maybe. But still, you rocked it. Hope you don’t mind, but hanging out with me will surely land you into some fights.”
“Good. I actually like fighting.”

Damien stood up. “Well, I am going to the bathroom. Be back.” He said and walked off. I smiled and watched him leave, before starting to eat. “Ryūko. Don’t talk, just listen. I have a feeling Damien isn’t saying what he is. I have the feeling he is hiding something big.” Senketsu said. I looked down at him confused and swallowed. “What do you mean?” I asked.

“I don’t know yet.” He said.
“So what, can I trust him or not?” I asked.
“So far, I would say yes. While he isn’t saying who he truly is, he does seem to be more then just a student with a sword.”

I was about to ask him another question when Damien came back. We spent the rest of lunch in silence, but as I ate, I couldn’t help but glance at Damien every so often. ‘He isn’t saying who he truly is, but he is trust worthy.’ Senketsu's words rang in my head. Damien doesn’t seem like someone who would hide something……but maybe that is the point.

“Damien-Chan!” We looked up and saw Mako skid to a stop. “I just got off the phone with my parents, and they said you can come over tonight!” She said. Damien blinked a few times, before shacking his head. “Well, that’s nice to hear, but I am afraid I have to decline. I have some stuff.” He said.

“Why?” I asked.
“Its….hard to explain.” He said.
“See?” Senketsu said.
“Oh come on! You shouldn’t turn down a friendly offer! Damien, you should be kind and accept my offer!” Make said, getting in his face.
Damien was wide eyed. “Well…..if you are that persistent.” He said. “Then guess I can come over and have dinner.”
“Great!! I am having another best friend coming home!” Mako said.

“We are friends?” Damien asked. “Yeah!! You, me, and Ryūko-chan!” She said and grabbed us in a hug. I saw Damien have a pretty happy look in his eyes. Like he never had friends before.

Damien got out of Mako's arm. The bell rang. “Well, guess we better get to class.” Damien said. I nodded and stood up with him.

(Your POV)
Before class began, I stopped by the bathroom. I took off my glasses and splashed water on my face. “Friends.” I said and looked at myself. It was funny. Apart from Alpha, my only other friend………

I punched and kick the holographic circles around me, each punch and kick turning the green circles to red. I hit the last two. “Time: Six point four seconds. A new best Agent Colorado.” A woman’s voice said. “Great job Colorado.” A male voice said. I walked out of the ring and was greeted with a man around his late twenties. He had a light beard and shirt, Amber hair. He smiled happily at me as I walked up.

“Thanks Wash.” I said. Wash patted my back. “Come on, let’s g her something to eat. You look like you can keel over any second now.” He said.

(Flashback ends)

“Thinking about Agent Washington?” Alpha said, looking up at me. “Yeah. He was my only human friend in the Organization, and I bet they turned him against me.” I said. Alpha walked over to my hand and put his on it. “Damien. Agent Washington and you have a past. You two are almost like brothers. I doubt he will believe anything they would say.” Alpha assured me.

I smiled and stood up. I put on my glasses and headed to class. Once class was over, instead of taking whatever route I would have takes to get home, I followed Ryūko and Mako to Mako's home. As we walked, I was still thinking about Washington. “Hay Damien.” I looked up at Ryūko. “You haven’t said a thing since we left school. You okay?” She asked.

“Kinda. I was just….thinking about an old friend.” I said.
“Yeah. But no need to worry, I sort of figured it out.”
“Mind explaining it a bit more?”
“Well…..if someone convinced your friend that you were some evil person or something, what would you say?”
“Well, guess I would try and get them to listen, if we are that good of friends. If not….maybe truing to use a little force will help.”
I chuckled. “Maybe. He was always one to learn the hard way.”

I looked toward the sky and smiled brightly. I felt Ryūko put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and she had the warmest smile I have ever seen. “But don’t forget, you have me and Mako now.” She said. I nodded. “We’re here!!” I looked ahead and see we were in front of some sort of, urgent care? Medic shack? I wasn’t sure.

“This place….looks sketchy.” Alpha said. I nodded as I followed her inside. When I entered, I was met with instant questions. A man, who I assume it Mako's dad, was asking if I wanted to sign up for some life care. That was when I felt a hand in my pockets and saw a small boy with his hands in my pockets. “Hay! Get your hands out of there!” I yanked him out and saw he had one of my daggers.

“Whoa what is this?” He said. I quickly snatched it up and looked at him. “Nothing to concern you.” I used my foot to push him back. While this was happening, I heard Ryūko laughing as she watched me. “Alroght everyone, settle down.” The air became heavy all of a sudden as both Mako's dad and brother stop and sit at a table. I turned around and looked at who was Mako's mother. She looks like such a kind woman, so I was surprised with the sudden aura of scariness.

“I am sorry about that. We are just surprised to see Ryūko and Mako bring home a boy.” She said.
“Its nothing to worry about Ma'am. I can understand.” I said.
“Ma’am? Aren’t you a well mannered boy. Anyway, dinner will be ready in just a second.” She said and walked off.

I took my spot at the table. “Well, this family is lively. It’s sort of refreshing if you ask me.” Alpha whispered. Ryūko sat down next to me. “So, thoughts?” She asked.

“Well, they are hyper. I'll give them that. Yet, oddly enough I kinda like it.” I said.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. But I like it too.”
“Yeah. Guess a lively family would be a nice change for some people.”

I looked at Mako, her father and brother was I guess they were…..fighitng? I really can’t tell. I smiled at it as it brought back further memories.

“I am telling you, it can’t be done.”
“Bull-Fucken-Shit! I guarantee that it can, and possibly will be done. Right Colorado?”

Both Wash and Agent Oklahoma, everyone calls him Oak for short, we’re arguing over if with the right gear and such, someone could run the speed of light. I just sat there with a sandwich in hand about to take a bite.

“Well…..I guess it could. I mean, given the gear and such is right.” I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.
“See? Colorado agrees with me.” Wash said.
“So what? Doesn’t mean it is still impossible.” Oak told him.
“You’re just saying that cause you don’t like ideas like this.” Wash said.
“What the fuck does that have to do with anything?” Oak asked.
“Guys. Instead of that, why not ask this: Would the human survive?” I said.

Both agents looked at me, then at each other. “Well……..I highly doubt it.” Wash said. “Me too. The human body cannot take that much strain.” Oak said. I smiled as the two looked defeated.

(Flashback ends.)

“Dinners ready!” I looked and saw Ms. Mankanshoku say and bring out a giant try of, I don’t know. She set them down and everyone dug in. I chuckled and dug in as well.

After dinner, I had to say goodbye. But as I was about to walk out the door, I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned and saw Ryūko standing there. “You seem to do that a lot.” I pointed out and she laughed. “Yeah. Well hay, I wanted to ask you something.” She said.

“Sure, lay it on me.”
“Mind training me?”
“Train you? You seem really good already.”
“Yeah, but that was more or less me acting on instinct. I am asking is I want proper training.”
I smiled. “Sure. I can show you what I know. When do you want to start?”
Ryūko smiled as well. “How about tomorrow?”

“Alright. Tomorrow it is then. We can scout out a spot and start.” I said. Ryūko bowed and thank me. I told her good by and headed off to my apartment. I almost had a skip in my step as I walked. “You seem happy. I guess that seeing Ryūko and the Mankanshoku family made you happier.” Alpha said.

“Well yeah. I mean, it was nice to see such friendly people.”
“Yes. But something else is striking you. Is it possibly Ryūko herself?”
“Well…….I guess. I mean, for what the file on her says, she isn't like that. I don’t know, I guess I just, click, with her.”
“Well, that is a way to put it. Humans seem to connect sometimes on first contact.”
“Sure. That’s one way to put it.”

I arrived home, and that night, I fell asleep full of warmth, even if I didn’t fully understand why.

(The Complex, third person)
“I can’t believe this!” Wash punches a locker and breaks it. “Price didn’t put us on the team to get Colorado back.” He kicked another locker door and dented it as well. Oak sat on a bench and watched Wash take his anger out.

“I don’t understand why you are mad.” Oak said.
“I am mad, because instead of letting someone who can talk Colorado into coming back, they instead send a god damn killer!”
“Agent Nebraska has a excellent history of non lethal take outs. I am certain that Mr. Price made the right choice.”
“Oh bullshit! You are just as pissed off about this as I am.”
Oak sighed. “Yes. I am made that Damien left, and I can’t ask him why. But anger will not help us in this situation.”
“Then what? What should I do?”
“……Maybe we can sneak out?”

Wash looks at Oak, rather surprised. He grins. “When did you become a little rebel?” He asked and Oak just shrugged. “When our friend became endangered.”

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