Chapter 11: Planning

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(Damien's POV)

I sat beside Ryūko at our normal spot during lunch. I was probably the happiest I could be. I smiled and looked over to Ryūko. I apparently caught her looking at me as she had a mad blush. I chuckled and warpped my arm around her, bring her closer to me. That was when I heard the kissing noises from Mako and looked at her.

"Are you mocking us?" I asked.

"No, just seeing if you two would." Mako said innocently.

I took a look at Ryūko and she just smirked and gave me a nice kiss on the lips. I kissed back and broke it. Ryūko smiled and then unexpectedly put her head in my chest. I just smiled and sat back. Lunch went by like this and after the last few classes, I was well on my way home. During school, got a text from Alpha oddly, saying to meet Wash and Oak in my apartment. I told Ryūko what's up and she told me it's alright.

I got to my apartment and opened the door. I saw Wash, Oak and Alpha getting comfortable. "So, what's up?" I asked, setting my bag down and sitting on my bed. "Well, me and Oak are thinking of taking off. We need to hit a few spots. Since the Organization knows where you are, we need to keep a better watch " Wash said.

"Really? And Alpha?" I asked.

"I will be staying here with you Damien. Do not worry." He said.

"I wasn't worried. Anyway, you two know Nebraska is here. Right?" I asked.

"Yes, we are aware of that. We are hopping to get a perimeter set up so incase any more agants show up, we would know. Plus, a secret relay link between here and the Complex." Oak explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"Keep an ear on just transmissions." Oak said.

"Alroght. When will you guys be back?" I asked.

"Few days. Since locations are scattered." Wash said.

"Alright. Well wish you guys luck. And don't die." I told them.

Wash laughed and gave me a high five. Oak promised and patted my back as they walked out. I turned to Alpha. "So, want the latest news?" I asked. "Yes, I would like that." Alpha said.

"Alroght. Well, Ryūko got challenged, again, to a fight by Sanageyama. I butt in and saved her, after using Kenzeiko and defeated him. Anyway, after that, I brought Ryūko here, and after a tender moment, we kissed and are now dating. Day after that tho, Ryūko and Mako made a club, stuff happened, life got better for them for a bit, until Mako beat the shit out of Ryūko and ended the Fight Club. Anyway, tomorrow something will be going on, no idea what tho." I said, catching him up.

"Alright, standard stuff. Wait, you two are dating now?" Alpha asked.

"Yup. We are a item now. And have to say; It's awesome." I said.

"Well. Like said; Two of you are cut from the same cloth."

I just chuckled and laid back on the bed. "Alpha, when do you think we will take down the Organization?" I asked. Alpha looked over some stats. "In a year, at least." Alpha said. I figured he was lying. But not like I give a shit. I mean, if it was that easy. It may have been done. But again, I doubt it. I closed my eyes and rolled over in bed. Maybe a little nap will help.

(Short Chapter, I know. But I wanted to write a little something for this book.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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