*] preface

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"Things won't always be this easy, will they?" you asked him as the sun set, the waves lapping up gently around the both of your feet.

"They won't," he confirmed what you were already thinking. Sighing, you hugged your knees and looked out upon the water.

"The ocean is so...big. I never realized," you mumbled.

He couldn't help but chuckle, "You're so random."

"That vast amount of ongoing water that just keeps...stretching forever...That's the space that's about to be between us. Don't you realize?"

He looked down, his demeanor quickly changing from cheerful to sad.

"I know..."

"I thought things are supposed to be easy when you're young. That's what adults have told me for my entire life," you complained, scooping up a handful of sand and tossing it into the water.

Hoseok looked over at you, a sad smile on his face, "They lied."

youth // jung hoseok ✔️Where stories live. Discover now