(4) Looking into the Fortuneteller

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“Shade Rosella Darkrider!” said Mom, “Where have you been? You scared me half to death!”

     “Sorry mom,” she mumbled as she went through the back door, mom closing it behind her, “It’s alright,” Mom said, “But don’t run off without telling me first.”

     “Okay,” Shade said. Her expression must have been scared, because her mother’s expression softened, “Did something scare you? You look spooked.”

     “I’m fine,” she said, and went to her room. Changing into her pajamas she lay on her bed and closed her eyes.

     She dreamed she was walking in the Dead Forest: a place of tertiary and snow and icy climates. It’s called the Dead Forest because no human life could live here. When she looked up, she saw her: the Dark Witch, aka Vitylia. She had black hair like Shade’s, and violet eyes that seems to change different colors of the winter. Her clothes were a dark colored shawl, as well as a wizard-like cloak.

     “One of the four,” she said, her voice as cold as ice. “Amusing. So you think you can defeat me, eh?”

     She summoned a blade of shadow and lunged.

     Shade’s dream changed. She dreamed she was in a beautiful forest, with amazing trees and animals she didn’t know existed in Analysia. She walked along the path, following this beautiful sound to a majestic tree that seemed to be much bigger and taller than the others. The heart of the forest.

     “Hello?” Shade asked, and her voice made an echo. Suddenly she heard groaning, and Shade looked closer until she saw a boy about her age, with the same color hair but with ragged clothes. Shade gasped and ran to the boy. “Are you alright?” she asked. She looked at him more closely. His hair was shaggy, and he was breathing hard.

     “So close . . . to finding an answer,” he croaked.

     “Don’t worry,” assured Shade, “You’re going to be fine.”

     He looked straight into her eyes and said one word.


     Shade woke from her bed, slightly confused from her dream. She could almost hear the boy saying that word over and over.

     Getting up from her bed, she changed into her dark shirt and jeans, as well as her favorite brown boots. She got her jacket, also dark brown, and went to the kitchen.

     “Morning dear,” said her mother, cooking at the stove.

     “Morning,” Shade replied. She grabbed an apple from the basket on the table, then started to chew, “Random question: what books do we have about Shadow Dragons?”

     She didn’t knew who was more surprised: Mom or Paige.

     “It’s for a school project,” she said quickly.

     “Oh,” said Mom, “Well, we don’t have a lot of books to begin with. You can ask the Town’s Liberian after school though.”

     “Thanks,” said Shade. She got her bag and went out the door, heading for school.

     “Yo Shade, wait up!”

     Still walking, Shade turned and saw her friends Ray and Celeste running towards her. She was walking along a dirt path surrounded by trees and a few old buildings. The sky was a orangey yellow as the sun rose.

     “Sup guys,” said Shade.

     “So, ready for the test today?” asked Celeste. Shade’s eyes widened, “Test? What test?!”

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaWhere stories live. Discover now