(23) Let it Glow

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As Nybass fed on the child’s dreams, he saw a flash of white light in the ceiling of his tomb. He growled. Nybass despised light. He covered his face with his arm, and when he looked, the Star Guardian appeared in front of him.

     Shade growled, her eyes as bright as the stars.

     “Alright spirit,” said Shade, “I’ll only ask once. Release the boy before I sent you back to the Land of the Dead.”

     The creepy spirit in black, Nybass, talked in a rash tone of different whispers. Somehow, Shade was able to understand what he said:

     “The child is my property,” he hissed, “Leave my tomb, or face the consequences!”

     “Oh, you asked for it,” said Shade. She got out her sword Nox, while the other sword she’s been asked to take care of is still on her back. Shade then chanted, “Shadow Blade.” Instantly a wave of shadows appeared on her blade. She charged, and sliced at the air. The shadows flew off the metal and towards Nybass.

     Nybass simply waved his hand Yoda-style and the shadows disappeared into the cold air. He stood in front of sleeping Sam, and called out, “Savita! Neoma! Awake at my presence!”

     The ground shook slightly, and Shade had a little trouble focusing her balance. The wolf statues suddenly came to life― one pure white and the other pure black. Paige is always into weird and cool sounding names, so Shade remembered something about these two in particular. For Savita means sun in Hindi, and Neoma means new moon in Greek. So from that knowledge, the black wolf is Neoma, while the white wolf is Savita. Huh, that’s good to know for something that’s trying to tear her to shreds.

     Neoma, the black wolf, lunged at Shade. Her eyes widened and she quickly dodged, then sliced at the wolf’s feet with her blade. It didn’t damage it. In fact, the wolf seemed to grow from the hit, into a slightly bigger size. Shade stepped back, only to run into the white wolf named Savita. Dark light radiated from its fur, and it blasted Shade. Shade got pushed back against the wall, and since the protection spell seemed to work on the inside to, her body got shocked from the magic. Shade roared in pain.

     Dusk heard her from the outside, and he roared, causing Ray and Celeste to cover their ears.

     “What’s going on?” asked Ray.

     “I think Shade is in trouble,” said Celeste, “Dusk must sense it from the inside! We need to help her!”

     “But how?” protested Ray, “We can’t get in!”

     Dusk growled, and charged at the mountain side. The protection spell shocked him. Dusk roared and kept at it, and the same thing happened. Celeste shouted in panic, “Dusk stop! You’re killing yourself!”

     But Dusk won’t give up. His friend needed him, and Dusk is not going to fail. Not now, not ever!

     Let me help! said the voice inside. The Spirit, I can get us through.

     Forget it, thought Dusk with a growl, You’ll just get in the way.

     You are the one getting in your way! said The Spirit’s voice, Now let me help or Shade will perish!

     Dusk hesitated. Then he let him take over. Dusk started to glow in a bright blue light.

     “Whoa,” said Celeste.

     “First Shade now Dusk,” said Ray, “Is everyone going to turn into a glowing light bulb now?” In an instant the blue glow surrounded Ray and Celeste, and they got sucked into the inside like a vortex of blinding light.

     Meanwhile, back in the temple Shade is being busy getting beaten up by two piles of living stone. She kept throwing Dark Spheres ―glowing balls of shadow― at the wolves, but it just made them grow bigger. Shade stepped back when they grew to the size of eight feet tall. Shade stepped back as her fists glowed with darkness.

     “Feast, my wolves,” said Nybass, “Go and have your supper.”

     “Jeez, Sam really should be more careful when picking his friends,” said Shade to herself. The wolves growled, and Shade got pushed back closer and closer to the wall, which is glowing with protective magic. Just as the wolves were about to attack, Dusk and the other Guardians appeared behind them. Nybass growled, “How?”

     Dusk blew darkness at the white wolf, who just kept growing from the energy. Dusk then lunged at the wolf, but it still grew at each attack.

     “Dusk stop!” said Shade. Ray ran over to her and helped her up, “Are you okay?”

     “Yeah, but we won’t be if you guys keep attacking the wolves physically,” said Shade.

     “Wait, what?” asked Ray.

     “Every time you attack them they get bigger,” Shade explained, “Which means they grow from every hit!”

     A loud boom appeared from their right, and they looked as Nybass glowed with energy. Sam suddenly floated upward, and his eyes opened, but they’re now glowing gold. “Sam?” asked Shade.

     “He cannot hear you,” said Sam, but in an ancient, raspy male voice. Shade saw that when Sam spoke, Nybass spoke in his multiple sounding whispers. She realized that Nybass is using Sam to communicate with Ray and Celeste.

     “No one steals from me,” Nybass said, his voice speaking through Sam, “This child is mine to feed on.”

     “Why are you after Sam anyway?” Celeste demanded, “He’s done nothing to you.”

     Nybass chuckled. It’s weird hearing his laugh coming from Sam; it’s like nails on a chalk board, happening at ten times at once due to his echo like voice, “That’s when you are wrong. I feed on children’s misery and their dreams, and this child is full of it― filled with delicious dreams that he knows will never come true.”

     Shade gritted her teeth. This spirit makes her so angry. Not only does Nybass kidnap Sam, he’s using Sam as a puppet. Strangely, even without using Sam Shade can still understand Nybass perfectly. It’s strange.

     Shade felt her rage boil inside her, her knuckles turning white as darkness surrounded her. “Shade?” asked Celeste, scooting away from her. Dusk looked at her as he kept battling the wolf minions.

     Without thinking, Shade got out both swords and charged.

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaWhere stories live. Discover now