(24) In Your Dreams

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As Shade charged, Nybass just stood there. He lifted his hand and Shade froze, mid-charge. Nybass lifted her up in the air.

     “Shade!” cried Ray. Angered, his hands glowed with fire.

     “Fire Wall!” he chanted. Immediately a wall out of flames erupted in between Nybass and Shade, causing him to lose his concentration as Shade was unfrozen and dropped on the floor. Nybass hissed at the intense light, his skin steaming. The sword called Storm was released from Shade’s grasp, skittering across the floor. Shade started to run toward it, but Nybass made the wall of flames separate into two, long enough for him to walk through. The child Sam is no longer near his throne. Nybass looked, only to find him in the hands of the Moon Guardian. He hissed.

     “Give me that child!” demanded Nybass. Shade heard what he said, and she looked at Celeste, who was protecting Sam as the wolf statues walked toward her, growling. Dusk stepped in front of Celeste, shielding them both from any harm.

     “Celeste!” said Shade, “Get Sam out of here!”

     Celeste nodded. Nybass growled and blasted darkness at Celeste, but Ray blocked the attack with his fire. Both Celeste and Sam then turned into water, disappearing outside the tomb.

     “No!” growled Nybass. Furious, his body glowed with powerful energy. Shade managed to pick up Storm and sheathed it at her back, Nox still in her hand. Ray and Shade stood shoulder to shoulder, ready to fight with their swords drawn.

     “Well, it was nice knowing you,” said Ray.

     “This isn’t the end yet,” said Shade, “Once he attacks, follow my lead.”

     Ray nodded, and that’s when Nybass attacked. Dark energy exploded from his body, causing Shade and Ray to cover their faces with their arms. Once the attack was over, Nybass lunged at them.

     “Now!” yelled Shade.

     Shade and Ray jumped from opposite directions, both causing Nybass to land on his feet. His hands glowed with energy, trying to decide which Guardian to kill first.

     Shade put her palms close together and formed a sphere of darkness. Ray did the same with his fire. Both elements turned into beams as they collided, a mixture of darkness and light together.

     When it hit Nybass he roared. Shade and Ray kept blasting him with their element. Finally they stopped due to energy level, and Nybass’ skin is literately smoking. He fell to his knees.

     “We did it!” said Ray.

     Nybass started to glow again, and so did the giant wolves. Shade backed up, “Uh, I don’t think so Ray.”

     Ray looked, and his eyes widened. Nybass roared, and the wolves sucked into his body. His mismatched eyes glowed: one now black and the other white. Half of the tomb turned to shadow while the other half glowed with light. For some reason, this light didn’t affect Nybass. When the two elements meet in the middle of the tomb, the line glowed and moved like flames of darkness and light. Shade’s body glowed with light, while Ray’s body glowed with darkness.

     “What’s going on?” said Ray, looking at his hands. He can feel his power dimming.

     “I am taking everything you stand for,” hissed Nybass, despite Ray’s lack of knowing how to communicate with the dead. “You will not escape my wrath, and I will have that child!”

     “In your dreams!” yelled Shade.

     Nybass thought for a second, “Hmm . . . what a perfect idea!”

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaWhere stories live. Discover now