(6) I Need Some Shade

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     “Okay, this is getting ridiculous,” said Ray, “Where does she keep running off to?”

     Celeste shrugged. They were walking on the cement path in the town, trying to find Shade. The town was crawling with citizens and stone or wooden buildings. On their left, the dark woods loomed next to them. “Shade probably went home.”

     “She always hangs with us for a while and then goes home though,” said Ray. Now for the past week Shade’s been sneaking off.”

     “Hey, it’s her business. We shouldn’t butt in.”

     “Excuse me for being overprotective,” grumbled Ray. He stopped as he looked at the woods. A green glow seemed to gleam from the shadows of the trees.

     “Ray?” asked Celeste, “You alright?”

     “Something is in there,” said Ray, “Don’t you see it?” Celeste frowned as she looked, and then her eyes widened, “What is that?”

     Few, least he isn’t going insane. “Let’s follow it,” said Ray. He started to, but Celeste grabbed his arm in protest. “Are you crazy? We’re not allowed in there in the first place! Now you want to follow something that’s inside the woods?”

     “Yep,” said Ray.

     “You’ll get yourself killed!” she exclaimed.

     “I need to find out what that is though,” he said, “I have a feeling its calling to us. You’re saying I should ignore it?”

     “I’m saying we should not act like idiots and go check on Shade instead,” she said, glaring.

     “What if I say I have a feeling she’s in the woods?” asked Ray carefully. Celeste’s eyes widened, “There’s no way she’ll . . .”

     “Dude, it’s Shade.”

     Celeste thought about it, then sighed, “Good point. And I am not a dude!”

     Ray tried hard not to smile at that, “Come on, let’s go before anyone asks questions.”

     Celeste sighed, “Alright, just to see if Shade is there.” Ray nodded, and they went inside into the dark forest.

     Shade yawned as she woke up. She looked up and cursed. The sun was halfway from setting in the sky, and Dusk was no were to be seen. Where the heck did he go off to now?

     “Dusk?” she called, worry in her voice. That’s when she heard a distant familiar roar, and her heart nearly stopped: something was attacking Dusk.

     “Dusk!” she cried, running to the sound. She went deeper in the forest, and her heart nearly stopped at who was attacking.


     ~Few minutes later~

     Dusk woke up to the sound of a light. It’s not like he could hear light, of course, but when he looked over, he saw a pixie surrounded by green light.

     Who is this puny creature? he thought.

     The pixie giggled, as if reading the dragon’s thoughts. She flew around him, making dust fall on his snout. He sneezed. As the pixie was laughing, he got a better view of the creature.

     She is about two inches tall for starters. The pixie’s ears are pointy, and she has reddish hair, her dress out of leaves. Her eyes were silver, and she had a green glow around her with dust sparkly junk floating around her also. It appears the creature was encouraging him to follow her to somewhere.

     He glanced at his wings, covering protectively of a young girl. If he left her here, other creatures might attack her that aren’t so friendly. What if she gets hurt?

     Suddenly the pixie giggled and tugged at his ear, causing him to snap at her. The pixie flew back, and she was obviously trying to convince him to follow her still. Dusk sighed as he carefully uncovered Shade, then nudged gently with his head on hers. After that, he followed the pixie due to curiosity.

     Curiosity kills the cat you know, said a voice in his head. He snarled out loud, ignoring it as he tried to follow the pixie.

     Ray and Celeste were walking in the woods, trying to find Shade. At least he was smart and brought his bow and quiver filled with deadly arrows with him. They’ll need the defense.

     “Shade! Where are you?!” cried Celeste.

     “Shush! You want to attract unwanted attention?” demanded Ray.

     Celeste glared at him, “How else is Shade suppose to find us?”

     Ray didn’t speak. His eyes seemed dazed.

     “Hello? Earth to Ray!” she said, snapping her fingers under his nose. Ray grabbed her wrist in surprise and pushed her towards the bushes. They landed hard on the ground and hid behind the bush.

     “What was that for?” she yelled at him.

     “Shh!” he demanded, then said in a low voice, “Look slowly, and don’t make a sound. No sudden movements.”

     Freaking out inside, Celeste moved her head slowly and almost gasped. In the trees in front of them, was a dragon shaped creature following as very faint green glow. Ray got out his bow and quiver as he took aim at the beast.

     “What if it attacks?” whispered Celeste. Ray looked at her, “We can’t let this monster run freely in the forest. What if it attacks our town?”

     “Well . . . okay good point,” she sighed. Ray let his arrow fly as it hit the beast. It landed on the ground and the arrow let out a flash of light and blinded the beast as it roared in confusion. Ray grinned as it was a flash arrow. He was about to shoot another, and Celeste’s and Ray’s eyes widened as someone they knew appeared from the trees.

     “Ray, don’t hurt him!” cried Shade.

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon