(12) Stowaway

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As Celeste walked in the city, she spotted Adrian heading towards a dirt path in the woods; probably leading towards the beach. With that thought in mind, Celeste secretly followed Adrian down the path.

     Yes, it’s dangerous, and yes, it’s stupid. However, Celeste’s objection to this statement is that . . . yeah, her mind is at a blank. But she still thinks that this monster isn’t actually how the citizens described. In fact, she even feels connected to the “monster.”

     The woods in Silvermeadow looked really pretty, covered in autumn colors off of the trees’ leaves, some of them scattered on the ground. She saw a couple white bunnies coming from out of the bush. Celeste grinned, until she does the stupid thing and accidently steps on a twig. It snapped at her foot.

     Adrian stopped, then turned as he got out his sword in less than a second. Yet when he looked behind him, he saw no one.

     “I know you’re out here,” growled Adrian, “Come out, and I will deliver less pain to you.”

     No response. However, he did saw a couple acorns fall to the ground. He looked up and threw a throwing knife at the spot where the acorns had fallen. A flock of blue birds flew out of the tree in surprise. Adrian shrugged and went back to heading towards the beach.

     Celeste sighed with relief as she was hiding behind the leaves on a tree branch. The knife landed right next to her head, barely giving her an unpleasant hair cut. It’s times like these she’s glad she keeps her hair short.

     She grabbed the knife’s hilt and pulled it out of the bark. Celeste studied the blade as it gleamed in the sunlight. The whole thing is made out of silver, with an eighteen inch blade. The blade’s shape is triangular, with a wave pattern along the edges of the blade. On the hilt lays a crescent moon design. She strapped the knife onto her belt and jumped down once the cost was clear. Celeste kept following him in secret until finally she stopped behind a boulder facing the beach.

     The beach looked beautiful. From her boulder to the ocean vertically lay what looked like about fifteen to twenty feet of sand at least. To her right she saw Adrian walking to a wooden dock that kept a small boat big enough for six people to sit in, as well as a section for the driver to navigate the boat on the water. The boat is a twenty-nine foot custom-built Crosby Hawk, with a little room just for the driver. The top part in white and the sides blue with a silver strip in the middle. In the back of the section were the person would sit had a wooden crate, most likely for life jackets or supplies.

     Adrian walked on the dock, making some of the planks creek as he walked. As he got onto his boat, Celeste chanted a spell as she turned herself into water. Just as Adrian took off, Celeste ―in water form― flew into the water; becoming part of the ocean as she caught up to Adrian’s moving boat.

     Magnetic Force, thought Celeste. She moved to the side of the boat. Just as she became human, her hands and feet seemed to glue onto the side of the boat, a spot were Adrian wouldn’t notice. She wasn’t sure how she known the spells without Leona’s knowledge, but it was as if a voice is speaking in her head, telling her what to do. As the boat drove off, she saw where Adrian is heading.

     Up ahead about half a mile away is a crescent-shaped island, at least that’s what it looks like from her point of view. All she could tell from here is that it’s a forest-y type of island, with an outline of sand all around it. When Adrian saw it, he mumbled, “Crescent Island. There’s nowhere you can hide, vermin.”

     Just before the water got to shallow, Celeste let the spell were off and fell into the water with a light splash. As soon as Adrian stopped his boat, he looked over his shoulder towards the waves. Celeste can be invisible when she’s underwater, but Adrian was looking right at her. Just as she thought she was busted for being a stowaway, Adrian just shrugged and got off his boat. He walked into the forest, and when she was safe enough to continue following, she slowly moved from the water and onto the sand. Once she got onto the surface though, she felt a little dizzy as her energy drained a little. The good news is that the dizziness only lasted a few seconds, so she managed to shrug it off and continue walking.

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