(21) Dream Eater

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“Hey!” yelled Shade.

     Nybass stopped what he was doing and turned around, only to find Shade appearing from the shadows. Furious, Shade blasted dark energy at the dream eater spirit. It didn’t hurt Nybass, but it clearly annoyed him. He picked up sleeping Sam and held him over Nybass’ shoulder and began to fly.

     “No!” she protested, but it was too late. He flew out the window, along with Sam. Shade rushed to the window as he flew away.

     Someone opened the door, and Ray came in, “Shade? You alright?”

     “Sam, he’s gone! Someone kidnapped him.” said Shade.

     Ray’s eyes widened, “Don’t worry, we’ll get him back. Did you saw who took him?”

     Shade nodded, “A spirit, Nybass.”

     “Wait, you mean his imaginary friend?” asked Ray, “How is that possible?”

     “We fly around on a freaking flying, shadow breathing reptile and you’re asking how this is possible?!”

     “Okay keep it down,” said Ray, “We don’t want to wake Mrs. Creepy up.”

     “Sorry,” said Shade, “But I’m going after Sam. You and Celeste stay here in case he comes back.”

     “You can’t go there alone,” protested Ray, “I’ll go with you.”


     “We don’t even know where this spirit guy took him,” Ray said, “I don’t want you to go alone if it’s dangerous.”

     Shade sighed, “Fine.”

     “I’ll let Celeste know,” said Ray, “Come on, let’s bring the kid back home.”

     Shade nodded. They let Celeste know about their plan. Celeste nodded as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, “Alright, I’ll come to.”

     “Let’s go,” said Shade.

     They both nodded, and Shade held both of Celeste and Ray’s hands, (Was Ray blushing?). They melted into the shadows and appeared in the woods of Sarina. Ray shuddered, “Man, that’s going to take some getting used to.”

     Shade laughed, then stopped when she heard her own echo carry on in the forest. It soon departed, and they went looking for Dusk. When they found him, Shade sighed, “Dusk, what are you doing?”

     Dusk got his head in a berry bush, looking for some berries to munch on. Once he got out of it and looked at Shade, a few leaves got stuck on his head as well as some berry stains on his scales. Celeste giggled as Dusk said, “Rawr.” She licked Shade.

     Shade grinned, “Alright buddy, here’s what we are going to do . . .”

     She told them the plan. Dusk nodded, let them get on his back, and they took into the air after Nybass.

     Sam woke up groggily, still in his pajamas. He looked around and immediately saw that he is in a temple, and not just any temple: the Temple of Nybass. Sam saw it in his dreams. It’s this big temple made out of marble. A tomb is in the center; beyond that a throne, where Nybass sat in. A Wolf statue is on either side of his throne, and Sam studied the details of the tomb.

     There’s carving all along the edges, one message in Egyptian, another in code:

     Iru pb fkloguhq: wkh Fkdpslrqv.

     Sam looked at Nybass, “Is this the temple you showed me in my dreams?”

     Nybass nodded. He then spoke in a rash language that sounds like multiple whispers talking at once. A normal mortal wouldn’t understand him speak, but Sam isn’t normal. He can speak to spirits, so he was able to translate what he said:

     “Yes, this is my home. I built this when I lost my children.”

     Sam’s eyes saddened. He remembered the story of how he and his wife died. It’s not a pleasant one.

     “I’m sorry,” said Sam, “Why did you bring me here?”

     Nybass spoke another tone of rash whispers:

     “To keep you safe from those killers,” he said.

     Sam frowned, and then he realized who Nybass meant. Sam immediately got offensive, “Shade and the others aren’t killers. They helped me get back home.”

     “They only did that to gain your trust,” said Nybass, “And I thought you hated your foster parents. Those imbeciles never believe what you see.”

     Sam shifted his feet. Nybass does have a good point. His parents never believe in stuff that they can’t see. Bloodthirsty dragons? Sure, why not! Talking spirits? Nah. It makes him so mad . . . if only Sam’s actual parents were still alive, at least they’ll believe him, and that means they’ll believe in Nybass to.

     Nybass sighed sadly, reading his thoughts, “Yes, it is depressing. But do not fear, for I will protect you. Come over here my child, and you can sleep at my feet. You’ll be safest here.”

     Sam nodded. He is still sleepy, and Sam was awoken from such a good dream. It will be nice if he could get back to it. So Sam did what Nybass asked, and curled in a ball and slept in front of Nybass’ feet, still sitting on his throne. Energy glowed around Sam, and Nybass started to continue to feed from Sam’s dreams as he slept.

     Just as they always had to Nybass, the child’s dreams tasted wonderfully.

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