(9) A Knight to Remember

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“Are we alive?” asked Ray, his eyes closed. Celeste rolled her eyes, “Nah you’re in H. Of course you’re alive!”

     Shade laughed as Ray opened his eyes. He looked down as if he was making sure his body was still intact. Leona waved her hand. Once she did, a stair case leading down from the balcony appeared. As she walked down, along with Sylvia, the stairs disappeared behind them until it was completely gone as their feet touched the floor. Dusk simply jumped down from the balcony, and he landed so hard Shade was surprised he didn’t crack the floor. He went over and nudged on Shade, who petted his snout.

     “Thanks boy,” she said, grinning.

     “Now that you’ve had some training, I think you are ready for your quest,” suggested Leona.

     “Wait, you’re still making us go on a suicide quest?” Ray asked, surprised.

     “Come on, our winter break is going to be boring anyway,” said Celeste, “And besides, the world needs us.”

     “She’s got a point,” admitted Shade.

     Ray thought about it, then sighed, “Fine.”

     “Stick together?” suggested Celeste.

     “Stick together,” Shade repeated as they held out their hands. A grin started to tug at the end of his mouth, “Stick together till the end.”

     He then put his hand on top of theirs.

     “Shade, may I speak with you for a moment?” Leona asked politely. Shade nodded, “Of course Leona.”

     They went in the main room of the cavern as Ray and Celeste started talking to Sylvia.

     “Everything alright Leona?” asked Shade.

     “I wish it was,” sighed Leona. She held the bronze sword, “This sword is held by the Mist Guardian, but he has vanished. I want you to find him while on your quest.”

     “We’ll do our best,” said Shade, “But how will we know if it’s him?”

     “I think you will know,” said Leona.

     Shade suddenly remembered the boy in her dream. Now she was certain than ever that the boy in her dreams was the Mist Guardian.

     “Be sure to give this to him when you find him,” asked Leona. She handed her the sheathed bronze sword. “The sword is called Kataigida, the Greek word for Storm. As you are well aware, the Mist Guardian can create illusions, making things appear that aren’t really there. When the user uses this sword, he or she can also create mist around him or her.”

     She handed Shade the sword. Shade sheathed it and shouldered it on her back, next to Nox. “You can count on us. Except, how will we even get there?”

     As if on cue, Dusk came plowing down from the training area and licked Shade’s cheek. Leona laughed, “I think that answers your question. You will need his help.”

     Shade nodded as the others came in. She looked at Ray and Celeste, “You guys ready?”

     “You bet,” said Celeste.

     “Might as well, if the world’s at stake,” said Ray, “But where do we start? Do you know where the Dark Witch’s place is?”

     “Yes. Her castle is in the Gravelands, a place that’s literality a grave for miles. It’s in the North West of Lyeria, near the Northern Snowy Peaks. You must find it before it is too late, or else Analysia will be overrun by shadow dragons. You have until the winter solstice, when her power is at her highest strength. You have four days at best.”

     “We’ll do it,” volunteered Shade, before Ray could say no, “We won’t let you down.”

     Leona nodded, “Best wishes.”

     “Wait, what about our parents?” Ray suddenly realized. Boys. They need to keep their mouth shut sometimes. “Won’t they notice us gone?”

     “Shade’s mother already knew about her powers,” Leona explained, “As for your parents, Ray and Celeste, don’t worry. My apprentice will take care of it.”

     “Yeah, don’t worry,” said Sylvia, “Sylvia’s gotcha covered.”

     She winked.

     “Off you go then,” said Leona, “and good omens to come!”

     Shade nodded, “Dusk, you ready boy?”

     Dusk nodded, spreading his wings as he crouched. He roared gently at the guardians, telling them to get on.

     “Great, more flying,” Ray grumbled.

     “Shouldn’t we wait until we’re outside the cavern?” asked Celeste.

     “You’ll see,” Leona promised.

     The guardians looked at each other, and Shade shrugged and got on Dusk. Ray behind her, and Celeste behind Ray, Dusk’s legs started to rise and his wings started to flap. Dusk then took off, straight ahead for the top of the giant crystal of the cavern.

     “Wait―!” said Ray, but was soon caught off as they turned into shadows. Somehow they fazed through the ceiling, but as they went up it happened so fast that all Shade saw was a mix of blue and white light. Finally when they went out of the cavern and Shade’s vision went back to surface, she found herself in the sky while on Dusk’s back, her friends still sitting behind her. She risked a quick glance behind her. Kalica soon shrank from view as they flew farther away, until their home was out of sight.

     She heard a slight, sad growl from Dusk. She put a hand on his neck.

     “Don’t worry,” she assured him, “Leona will be fine.”

     Dusk nodded, his eyes still on the sky. Soon, they left Kalica behind.

     In the woods of Kalica, however, a man jumped off from a tree, still able to see the dragon and its companions. He was dressed in dark armor, with dark hair under his helmet. A celestial bronze sword was at his side, and his silver eyes were locked at the sight of the dragon.

     “A new identity,” mumbled the Shadow Knight, “Well then, Dusk, let’s see if you’re still up to the chase when the girl will be in my possession.”

            He laughed as he turned into shadows.

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaWhere stories live. Discover now