(25) Crash Landings and Kinappings

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They flew for a while in silence, until finally Celeste saw a place to land and pointed.

     “Over there,” said Celeste, “We can hide out in the forest.”

     Shade looked at where she pointed. Below them is a forest of tall trees, and the occasional spike shaped boulder, just as tall. Something about this forest . . . Shade’s the Guardian of Stars, so she can detect darkness and evil. This forest, it’s full of it.

     “I’m not sure Celeste,” said Shade, “This place reminds me of the Dark Woods.”

     “To be fair, that is the place where Leona lives,” said Celeste.

     “She’s got a point,” said Ray.

     Shade groaned, “I hate you guys. Well, I guess we can ― yikes!”

     Without warning, Dusk’s body started to fall, as if he gained a million more pounds and can no longer stay airborne. Shade, Ray and Celeste hang on for dear life, the wind violently rushing in their face as their stomachs gained a sinking feeling. The trees and dangerous spiked boulders came closer and closer.

     “What’s going on?!” Ray yelled.

     “Dusk fell asleep!” Shade yelled back.

     “Well wake him up! Unless you want our blood spilled on one of the pointy rocks down below!”

     “Okay!” Shade snapped. With difficulty, Shade’s hands moved closer to Dusk’s head, until finally she managed to scream, “Dusk! I know you’re tired but you can’t sleep on us now, we’’ get turn into a pancake! DUSK! WAKE UP YOU STUPID DRAGON!”

     In an instant, Dusk’s eyes shot open. When he saw the giant stone spike closing in, he roared and spread his wings. The wind caught him and he was pushed back a little, causing the three Guardians to crash onto their stomachs before sitting back down. Unfortunately, they still crashed into the giant spike of stone. Luckily no one got hurt when they landed hard on the ground. However when Dusk’s heavy body made contact with the jagged spike it cracked, causing the top half to break and fall. Now it looks more like a slightly bent claw. Once they landed, dirt and dust flew everywhere, causing the Guardians to cough.

     “Is everyone alright?” asked Shade.

     “Well I haven’t puked blood yet,” said Ray, “So that’s good.”

     Suddenly Celeste shot up behind him, a crazy look in her eyes. “Man!” she said, grinning. Her hair is like a rat’s nest, “That was awesome! Let’s go again!”

     “Let’s not,” said Ray. Shade looked at Dusk and sighed. Dusk is now snoring as he fell asleep.

     “That battle with the Wolf Statues must have did a number on him,” said Ray. “The big reptile is probably exhausted.” He shuddered. Just thinking about that tomb gave him the creeps. Luckily, Celeste took that a sign of being cold, for she said, “I’ll get some fire wood then. Something tells me it will be a while before Dusk wakes up.”

     “Alright,” said Shade, “Yell if you need help.”

     Celeste rolled her eyes, “Please. All I need to do is summon some water and bam! One drowned bad guy!”

     “Can you drown yourself with it?” asked Ray, grinning. Celeste glared.

     “Ray!” said Shade.

     “Relax, I’m kidding,” Ray laughed. Shade sighed and did a face palm, “You are such a child.”

     “Eh, I’ve been called other things,” shrugged Ray. Shade raised an eyebrow. Something in his voice changed with he said that. Almost like regret.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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