(22) Shooting Stars

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“So do you know where Nybass took him?” asked Ray over the wind. Shade shook her head, “Doesn’t mean I can’t find him.”

     “So were basically at a wild goose chase,” translated Ray, “Yay.”

     Shade rolled her eyes, and then whispered to Dusk, “Alright Dusk, think you can find him?”

     Dusk nodded, and then something weird happened. When she touched his neck, Shade’s vision suddenly got sharper, and she can see farther than a normal human could. Shade understood what’s happening: Dusk is sharing his vision with her. She saw a mountain climate, which is circled around like a rocky dome but with no top, and it looks like dragon claws trying to scoop up the dirt or something. She saw a greenish blue misty glow coming from the top.

     Shade pointed even though her two friends could probably only see the forest and small rivers below them.

     “Shade?” asked Celeste.

     “He’s there,” said Shade, “We better hurry.”

     Ray looked and frowned, “All I see are trees.”

     “Trust me,” said Shade, “Now, let’s go!”

     Dusk nodded, and he flew so fast Ray and Celeste almost got knocked off. Ray is glad his stomach is empty, otherwise he would hurl on Shade’s back. That wouldn’t be good for either of them.

     Finally they made it to their destination. They circled around the claw-like mountains, Shade studying the strange glow coming from the open top. The sky is really stormy here, and Shade could see lightning in the clouds. Celeste frowned.

     “What’s wrong?” asked Ray.

     “The storm,” explained Celeste, “It doesn’t look natural.”

     “It might have something to do with the glow,” said Shade, “Alright Dusk, let’s save Sam.” Dusk nodded, and when Dusk flew towards the weird shaped mountains, the greenish blue glow from the top spread all over the mountains, almost like a force field. This caused Dusk to get pushed back. Shade and Ray managed to hold on, but Celeste wasn’t as lucky. She fell off Dusk’s back and fell from a few hundred feet in the air.

     “Celeste!” cried Ray.

     “Hang on!” said Shade, and she made Dusk dive straight down, following Celeste as she screamed. Dusk held out his paws and grabbed Celeste by the shoulders. He then flew up a little and then descended, letting Celeste jump onto the rocky surface safely. Dusk landed soon after.

     Shade and Ray got off.

     “What was that?” asked Celeste.

     “Some kind of force field,” said Ray, studying the glowing rock. He went towards the curved mountain and held out his palm.

     “Uhh, Ray―?” asked Shade.

     Ray put his palm against the glowing rock. In an instant a shock went through him and he winced, jerking his hand back. He heard a vibration noise as he did. Ray rubbed his palm, “It’s a protection spell. Probably used by Nybass.”

     “Oh great,” said Celeste, “How are we suppose to get in?”

     “Not sure,” mumbled Ray, “Maybe there’s a weak point? Or―”

     “Shade?” Celeste interrupted, looking at her direction, “Are you okay?” Dusk and Ray immediately looked at Shade’s direction, and Ray’s eyes widened. Shade’s skin . . . it’s glowing a pure white light, almost like starlight. Her eyes shot open, and they too are glowing white. She shot up like a shooting star, and flew straight into the center of the dome like mountain. She vanished into the greenish blue light.

     The gods only knew what happened inside.

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaWhere stories live. Discover now