(15) Demon Water

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Celeste was jolted from her memory when she almost slipped. Adrian caught her wrist, and when she raised an eyebrow at him, he snarled, “Don’t get any ideas. You’re my tracker, which is the only reason I am saving your life. Be grateful.”

     He let go of her wrist.

     “How should I be grateful towards a man who likes to seek out for blood?” she asked. In an instant, Adrian stopped walking.

     “Hey, I’m talking here!” she said.

     “Quiet!” he said, “Don’t you hear it?”

     Celeste quieted down as she listened for the sound. All she heard was the frogs and a view mosquitoes buzzing. That is, until she concentrated harder and closed her eyes, and she heard a slight roar, as well as water. Celeste opened her eyes and nodded, “We’re close.”

     “Which way?” demanded Adrian.

     Celeste smirked, “And why should I―”

     Before she could finish Adrian put a sword point to her throat, “I’m not afraid to attack a girl.”

     “You should be since you know what will happen if my friends find me dead,” said Celeste, “Besides, you need me to track down the creature, remember?”

     Adrian looked amused, “Blackmailing a blackmailer, who exactly are you?”

     Celeste had to resist the urge to say out loud, The Moon Guardian of Analysia, freak. Instead she said with a smile, “Just a girl who stowaway on your boat.”

     Adrian raised his eyebrow, “Just find the beast.”

     Celeste had to bit her lip in order not to smirk, but she followed her instincts and went through a few bushes. Soon, her eyes widened at the beauty that she stumbled upon: a giant natural pool of water, as smooth as blue-ish green glass, and a perfect oval. Crystals, much like the ones at the Crystal Cavern, but some of them are a light purple, are spiked in different angles around the glittering pool. Surrounding that is a grassy surface, in front of summer trees that reflect on the pool. She felt something glow silver on her body, and Celeste realized it was her birthmark, hidden under her blue headband. Hopefully Adrian won’t notice it.

     “Finally,” said Adrian, “the heart of the island, and the home of the beast.”

     As Dusk flew in the clouds, Ray looked down at the water of the ocean while holding onto Shade’s sides. “So how much longer until we find this island?” he asked, his voice over the wind so that Shade can hear.

     “I’m not sure,” Shade admitted, “You’d think we’d spot it by now. Dusk, see anything?”

     Dusk shook his head, and that’s when he spotted something in the water. His wings glided so that he could see closer, and when Shade saw that he was going down, she frowned. “Dusk, we’re not even near land yet. You need to―”

     In an instant, the water shot up in individual vines of water. As the watery vines attacked them, Shade tried to steer Dusk to try and dodge them.

     “Why in Hades is the ocean attacking us?!” yelled Shade.

     “I don’t know, it’s some sort of demon water!” replied Ray.

     “Well tell the demon water to stop attacking my dragon!” she said.

     “Oh sure while I do that want me to ask it out for tea and cookies?” yelled Ray.

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaWhere stories live. Discover now