(7) The Light, the Water, and the Darkness

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“Shade?” asked Ray and Celeste in illusion.

     Shade went over to Dusk. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt. She managed to touch his forehead and calmed him down. Then she got in front him facing her friends, determined to protect him.

     “Shade, are you crazy?” demanded Ray, his bow still drawn, “Get out of the way!”

     “No,” she said. “You attack Dusk, then you attack me as well.”

     “Wait,” said Celeste, “Whose Dusk? The dragon?”

     “Duh,” Shade replied.

     “Shade, it’s a dragon,” said Ray, “I have to.”

     “I won’t move,” determined Shade. She heard Dusk growling behind her, obviously about to protect her. She couldn’t believe they’ve known each other for a week and yet they already have a strong bond. “I would choose your next move carefully if I were you.”

     Celeste looked between Ray and Shade. It was like a battle between them: Light vs. Darkness. Ray vs. Shade. She was too stunned to speak that she didn’t know what to do. “R-Ray?” she managed.

     Ray was shaking. He clearly tried to hide it, being tough and overprotective, but Celeste could easily see it clearly.

     “You’re sure its tamed,” he said slowly.

     “Him,” she corrected, agitated, “And yes, he’s friendly.”

     Dusk growled at Ray.

     “Erm, most of the time,” mumbled Shade, “Except when he gets almost stabbed by a freaking arrow.”

     “Okay, you got me,” said Ray. He lowered his weapon as he put it away, but he still kept weary of Dusk, “So you’re telling me you hid a huge shadow dragon in the woods and snuck over here every night?”

     “Yep,” said Shade, “But it was more like he found me. By the way, he’s the same dragon you shot at a few years ago when we met.”

     Dusk growled at him.

     “He did seem familiar when I first saw him,” said Ray.

     Shade waited. He realized she was waiting for an apology.

     “You expect me to apologize to this thing?”

     Shade managed to keep Dusk from attacking, “Yes, and he’s not a thing.”

     Ray grumbled. Shade couldn’t help but holding back a laugh. He hated apologizing to people he doesn’t like, “Fine. Sorry.”

     “For?” said Shade, trying hard not to crack up. How is it even when Ray is angry he’s still hot? “Don’t push it,” he said, “Be thankful I even said sorry.”

     Shade and Celeste burst out laughing, Ray blushing with embarrassment. Suddenly Dusk’s ears perked up.

     “Dusk?” asked Shade. Ray and Celeste looked at them in confusion. The dragon then lowered his legs, as if he wants them to get on his back.

     “You want us to ride you?” asked Shade. Dusk nodded.

     “No way,” said Ray, “I am not riding that shadow monster.”

     “Would you rather stay here and get eaten by some other shadow monster?” smirked Celeste as Shade helped her on her back. Ray sighed, “Fine.” Dusk growled at him as he approached.

Shade and Dusk: Guardians of AnalysiaWhere stories live. Discover now