I missed you

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A shift in the bed wakes up Taehyung. "Yoongi...?" He says when a pair of arms are wrapped around him. "Shh Tae go back to sleep, Ill be here when you wake up in the morning." Yoongi says and Taehyung hums. "Ok but first..." Taehyung turns to face Yoongi and makes it so he's the big spoon. Yoongi mumbles something about wanting to be the big spoon for once but Taehyung just laughs and places a kiss on the elders forehead. "I love you Yoon."

"Love you too Tae."
Taehyung wakes up again this time to the smell of pancakes. The idea of waking up alone to Taehyung isn't as frightening as it used to be but it still makes him walk a bit faster to Yoongi. When he gets there he sees the domestic sight of his boyfriend cooking and he can't help but lean against the wall and watch. Taehyung finds it cute when the other finally notices him and jumps in surprise. "Holy shit don't scare me like that." He says and the younger just chuckles.

"You didn't have to make breakfast. I miss our morning cuddles." It's true. They haven't really seen each other as much, not with Yoongi's new job and Taehyung's classes. "I miss them too but I also miss making you breakfast and making you tea before classes." They move closer to each other until their lips meet. Even though it's been almost two years, Yoongi still blushes and Taehyung still finds that adorable. "How about we eat and then we cuddle?" Taehyung pleads and Yoongi can't say no to his puppy eyes.

"Fine, only because it's you." What Yoongi doesn't expect is for Taehyung to pick him up and carry him to the table. Taehyung can't help it though, he loves holding his tiny lover in his arms. He grabs their plates and the plate that Yoongi had placed all the pancakes on and moves them to the table. "Americano for my darling?" He asks but Yoongi shakes his head. "Water sounds better." So Taehyung gets a glass and fills it with water. He's found it's just easier to get Yoongi off of coffee by offering it and letting the older choose if he wants it or not. He doesn't act surprised either when the other says no to coffee either, it'll just set back his progress.

He grabs himself a glass and fills it wit water as well and then places them on the table, sitting down next to Yoongi. The older has already moved a pancake to his plate and he's happily eating it. "The brown hair looks nice by the way. I'm glad they're finally treating your hair better." Taehyung says as he runs his hand through the others hair. "Yea, but I still think brown suits you better."

They smile at each other and get lost in the others stare. It's been so long since they had this. "How long are you on vacation for?" Taehyung asks before his mind comes up with all these fun things the two can do together only to be let down. "Two weeks." The older responds and Taehyung hasn't been this excited in a while. "Perfect, now we can cuddle for two weeks straight."
Aaaaaaahhhh I'm so happy! I've been wanting to write this sequel for months now! I hope you guys will like it

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