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"Hyung come on we have to go." Namjoon says but Yoongi will not budge. "No Namjoon I'm going to lay here and continue to wonder about the meaning of life while the soreness of my limbs slowly goes away. This is an art and you cannot interrupt it." Yoongi says in return. Namjoon sighs and gives up since he too is tired after a long day of practice so he decides to leave his hyung be. When the door closes Yoongi thinks he is alone and so he sighs. He's just been feeling so stressed ever since they went to visit Taehyung's family. Even though it's been a month since it happened there's just been so much thrown at him since. It doesn't help that he barely sees Taehyung either, the younger fuels his happiness. If he could he would be laying in bed with the boy just enjoying the other's warm as they do so. Instead he's laying on the cold wooden floor of the dance studio wondering trying to figure out what is going on in his life. Yoongi groans in frustration.

"Jesus this is an aggressive art." Hoseok says and Yoongi is a bit surprised. He had thought the younger had left with Namjoon but apparently he was wrong. "It's not I just feel like death." Yoongi says and Hoseok hums. The younger sits down next to him, looking at their reflection. "Ever since you came back from our break it's almost like you're on edge all the time." He says, shocking Yoongi. He really has to pay more attention to his body language, he doesn't like worrying people. "You don't have to tell me what's going on but I just want you to know I've got your back hyung. Don't forget I'm your hope, I'm your angle, I'm jhope." Hoseok laughs at his signature phrase Yoongi joining in slightly. "I'm just dealing with what life has thrown at me. Nothing too bad." Yoongi says trying to make it seem like nothing too bad is going on. "I guess I'm just seeing things worse than they really are then. Although I've been wondering for a while how you hurt your hand so badly. Seokjin hyung said you and Taehyung looked like dead men walking when you came in that night."

Yoongi sighs. He should've know Seokjin would've said something to the others. He isn't really sure how he thought he could keep the reason a secret really. "Yea we were having a shitty day honestly." Hoseok hums once more, staying quiet. Yoongi hopes that means he won't question further. "Well I'm sure things can only be amazing here on out. I mean have you seen how great everyone in the group is doing? Jin made more than one good recipe. In a week. Now that has to be a good omen." Yoongi laughs at this. "I swear if you just jinxed us I'm going to beat the shit out of you." He says and Hoseok stands up. "Oh noooo, an angry turtle is going to attack me. Whatever shall I dooooo." The younger says, sarcasm lacing each word. "Oh noooo the horse is getting sarcastic with me, whatever shall I dooo." Yoongi mimics only to be met with laughter.

Before it can go any further Yoongi's phone begins to ring. When looking at the caller id he's somewhat shocked since it was Jungkook, someone who rarely called him. He answers the call and brings the phone to his ears. "Hey kook what's up?" He says. "Is Jimin with you?" The younger asks confusing Yoongi. Didn't the younger know that he's been busy with schedules all week? "Um no kook, I've been busy all day. Why is everything ok?" Hoseok has even picked up on the tension forming from the conversation. "He hasn't been answering my calls and I've asked every friend of his that I know if they were with him but they aren't. Hyung what if something happened to him? What if was hurt or killed or kidnapped or-" the boy takes a deep breath and Yoongi takes this moment to speak. "Hey calm down. I'm sure everything is alright. Maybe his phone died and he was out at an audition. Maybe he's in the library and he turned his phone off. The best thing to do is keep calm and not panic. If he isn't home in the next few hours then call the police. Right now they won't do anything so you'll have to wait. Are you going to be ok by yourself?" There's a shaky breath on the other line. "Yea I should be ok. I'm probably stressing over nothing, thanks anyways hyung. I'll talk to you later." The line goes dead before Yoongi can say anything so the older is left staring at his phone.

"Is everything ok?" Hoseok asks while putting his coat on. "You know you may have actually jinxed us." Yoongi says dryly, moving to grab his own coat. "Jimin's phone is either off or dead and he probably forgot to tell Jungkook he had plans today. I'm sure everything is fine." Yoongi says and Hoseok seems to believe the older. Now if only Yoongi could believe himself.

He almost did until the next day a sobbing Jungkook calls him. "Everything isn't fine hyung. Jimin is gone and nobody knows where he is and I know it's only been an hour since I called the cops but they haven't come back with anything and I'm just so nervous hyung. What if he's really not ok?" Yoongi's world is frozen, for his best friend and pretty much his brother is missing. He doesn't know what to say. "I'm gonna go look for him myself." Jungkook says and before Yoongi can argue with him the line is dead. He really has to tell the younger to stop doing that.

Now he is left sitting on his bed, unsure of what to do. "Yoongi are you home?" Taehyung yells from the front door, instantly Yoongi runs towards him. "Oh hey you actually are this time, wait why are you crying?" Taehyung says as the older buries his head into the taller's shoulder. "Jimin is missing and now Jungkook is out there looking for him." The younger drops his bag out of shock and Yoongi flinches at the sound. "Lets, uh, lets move to the couch huh? Yea that sounds like a good idea. Yea." Taehyung sounds panicked as he ushers himself and Yoongi to the couch sit down on. The older is still crying, now into the youngers chest, as Taehyung tries to calm down from the high of the shock. "Did he call the cops?" Taehyung asks and yoongi nods.

The younger takes a deep breath before talking. "I want you to be extremely safe ok? You're the closest to Jimin so for all we know you could be a target as well. Don't go looking for him that's probably what they want, in fact I'm going to go get Jungkook back ok? I'll be back really soon I promise love, when I do we can cuddle and calm you down more ok?" Taehyung starts to get up but the older grabs onto his sleeve. "Be safe, they might be looking for you too." Yoongi says but the other nods. "I'm not as close to him as you and Jungkook are. I'll still be safe however. I love you." "I love you too."

Yoongi watches as he walks out the door, closing it behind him. His eyes never leave the door, even almost an hour after he's left. When his phone rings he scrambles to answer it. "H-hello?" He says realizing he never checked the caller ID. "Hey love I just left Jungkook's apartment ok? He's home now and I'll be home real soo-" the line cuts off. Why did the line cut off?
Oooo a cliffhanger
Y'all are gonna hate me for doing this however i just wanna bring attention to something.
I know I've been signing off as kat for a long time now however I'm not doing that anymore. It's kyl now(it's pronounced Kyle I just don't want the basic way to spell it.) I know it's no big deal however I'd rather explain then just randomly start signing off as kyl and all of you being confused.

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