Until the end of time

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Hoseok and Namjoon are the first two to be discharged. The two visited almost every day, which wasn't surprising. Although things weren't like they used to be. Namjoon seemed to be on the verge of breaking down constantly, only letting his guard down around Seokjin. Hoseok had lost a lot of his energy and it almost felt like the sun gone for the most part. He was distant and quiet. They had lost their sunshine and were given constant overcast with rain here and there. It broke Yoongi's heart seeing them like this. When seokjin was discharged Yoongi noticed differences in him as well. They weren't exactly negative since it was mainly him becoming more motherly. He had both the full on care and alertness a mother does on their newborn child.

Yoongi and the maknae line are still stuck in the hospital however. While he's there, Yoongi comes to a conclusion on a lot of things. So one day he asks Namjoon to help him get better at English. The younger gives him a confused look. "Why do you want to improve your English hyung?" He asks and Yoongi plays with hospital gown. "I just realized I've been wasting time not doing things I've always wanted to do. Life's too short you know? And I've always wanted to improve my English anyways." And so everyday Namjoon comes in and helps Yoongi out. The older thinks the consistency that it gives grounds Namjoon a bit. He definitely seems calmer, maybe it's because it distracts the younger from his thoughts.

He also asked Seokjin about easy things he could cook. "I mean if you think about it, out of the two of us I'll most likely be doing the cooking at home. At least I'll start cooking when my fingers heal. Until then I don't know what we'll do. But yea I wanna be able to cook for Taehyung and myself food. Like the good food though Hyung, you gotta give me the good shit." The next day Seokjin brought in some recipes. "I would rather you be the one cooking anyways, you've yet to almost set the kitchen on fire." Seokjin says and Yoongi smiles. He remembers that day really well. Seokjin had come down with a bad cold and because no trusted Namjoon in the kitchen Taehyung went over to supervise. In the end the pot caught fire and Seokjin made the soup himself. For the next few days Seokjin would just talk about the most important parts of the cooking process in each dish. So Yoongi would get an English lesson in the morning and a cooking lesson in the afternoon.

Jungkook has woken up too. He's still trying get a hold of using the wheelchair, but everyone knows he'll get the hang of it soon. Sometimes he'll roll by to talk to Yoongi. It normally ends in Yoongi apologizing about what happened the younger. However, Jungkook says it's ok. "Bones heal hyung, they even say that I'm healing at a fast rate. I'm even golden at healing." Jungkook smiles but Yoongi still feels bad for the boy. He's also got a scar on his cheek now. It doesn't bother the younger too much however. "Everytime I see it, it reminds me that I survived. It reminds me we all survived. I think if we can make it through that, we can make it through anything." That was the day Jungkook taught Yoongi that scars aren't as ugly as the older always thought they were.

Taehyung and Jimin are taking the longest to recover. Apparently their bodies weren't in the best condition to begin with when they first were taken. Jimin commonly diets, he's always had body issues. By the time they were found he was malnourished. Taehyung had also been put on a diet by his modeling company. So he was in a very similar state as Jimin. That being paired with them being the ones who got beaten the longest, it left them horrible states. Yoongi wishes he could just magically make them better.

As Yoongi learns more, his bones heal more. With each day his conclusion becomes more and more clear. Eventually he too gets discharged and he couldn't be happier. Namjoon is even amazed with how much his English has progressed. "You learned so much so fast I could say you're trying to replace our golden maknae at being golden." Namjoon tells him. He visits Jimin and Taehyung. He'll always leave Jimin with a hug and he'll leave Taehyung with a kiss before he goes home. He can't shake a few things off his mind however. Like how this wouldn't have happened to them if it weren't for Yoongi. He also can't get that tiny conversation he had with Seokjin out of his head. "New York City..." Yoongi mumbles to himself in his empty apartment. Soon he finds himself searching up anything and everything about the city. "Life's short." Yoongi says when he tries to find a reason for this. Plus it's a fascinating city to Yoongi. Soon those two things form into one and everything becomes clear to Yoongi. He only has one conclusion in his mind now.
So the next chapter is the last chapter and uh yea. I wanna say something about all of this but I don't wanna give the wrong impression here. So you'll all just have to wait till some random time to find out what happens in the last chapter.
My only hint is that I'm extremely nervous to post it


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