Trip back home?

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The two were cuddling on the couch in a peaceful silence until Yoongi's phone began to ring. The older groaned assuming it was his job saying they'd have to cut the vacation short but he was happily proved wrong when instead he saw it was his mom. "Hey mom." He said and began moving to the kitchen. It's not that he wanted to be away from Taehyung, it's more that a good number of the phone calls he's had with his mom don't always end well. "Hi sweetheart, am I interrupting anything? I can always call back another time." Yoongi looked back at Taehyung who had sat up and was looking over in Yoongi's direction. "I'm sure Taehyung can wait a few minutes."

Yoongi remembers when he first told his mom that he was dating the younger. To this day Yoongi is still convinced that his mom was more excited than him or Taehyung. "Oh I'll be quick then. I just wanted to know when your next break was and if you wanted to maybe stop by? It's been years since we stood face to face honey. Plus holly misses you." As if this was all planned out the sound of a bark was heard in the background. Yoongi laughs a bit before he thinks.

Home is a touchy subject for Yoongi, life wasn't always good home. Still it was true that they were in front of each other, not since right before college. "Ok, I'm actually on break right now so whenever works for you will work for me." "Oh that's great! Why don't you come this weekend. Oh and bring Taehyung with you too, I'd love to finally meet him." Yoongi isn't sure if he's ready for his mom to meet Taehyung but he still agrees anyways. It's now or never and Yoongi can't push it back forever. "Ok then I'll see you this weekend, I love you son." "You too mom, bye." He hangs up and moves back over to Taehyung.

"Everything good by your mom?" He asks as Yoongi sits next to him. "Yea she just wanted me go and visit, bring you along too so she can finally meet you. I hope you didn't have anything planned this weekend cause I said yes to that." He looks over at Taehyung ready for a disappointed look but instead he sees his favorite smile on his favorite person. "That's great, I've been thinking of daegu a lot lately. Maybe while we're down there we can stop by my place and you can meet my family?" Yoongi hums and leans his head against Taehyung's shoulder. "Sounds like a good idea."

Taehyung wraps his arms arms around Yoongi and smiles. He really likes that he gets to meet Yoongi's mom. He has a question for her anyways. "More cuddles?" Yoongi asks and Taehyung hums. "How about we go annoy Jimin at work? Bet you miss that huh?" Yoongi chuckles and stands up. "I'm gonna have to cover up a bit first, you know how the paparazzi is." Taehyung frowns but nods. He knows how that annoys his boyfriend, he just wishes the other didn't have to put on a mask before he leaves the house all the time.

Yoongi goes to grab a hat and a face mask and puts it on before grabbing his keys. "Shall we go annoy our dear friend?" He asks and Taehyung gets up from the couch. "We shall" he responds and the two share a laugh before leaving the apartment and heading towards Starbucks. If there's one thing this couple loves more than cuddling together it's annoying their friends together.
I was too excited to wait to update this againso here have a double update I love you all have a good day god I might even update this again

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