Plans for the future

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Yoongi was trying, he really was. However it was so hard, so so hard. He could not for the life of him do it. He couldn't not drink coffee. It's still weird to him how he can't just not drink it. It should be simple right? Just don't do it, but some things are easier said than done. Really the best he could do was drink it early enough in the day and he won't have to worry about if he'll sleep that night. Of course it's four p.m. so that definitely means he shouldn't be drinking it. However he just feels the need to have it, almost like it's an actual addiction. He also knows that he 100 percent does not need it and this is only just a craving. So he's just standing in the middle of his and namjoon's shared office contemplating on if he should have coffee or not.

Namjoon eventually notices the shorter standing in the middle of the room, staring at a random spot on the wall. "Hyung is everything alright?" He asks but he just gets a hum from the older. "That's a good question." Yoongi says still staring at the wall. "I think you should go home." The younger says and once again he gets a hum, along with him shaking his head although the features of his face say 'well fuck'. "Hyung what's on your mind?" Namjoon asks and for the first time in this situation, Yoongi looks over at him. "Isn't there always something on our minds?" He says and the taller says. "Alright you're speaking in riddles you definitely need to go home. Are you ok enough to go by yourself or should I tell Taehyung to pick you up?" "Tae." Yoongi says and namjoon texts Taehyung to pick Yoongi up.

"I can't wait to get these off then I can tell my boyfriend myself to pick me up." The older mumbles. Namjoon laughs and pats Yoongi on the back. "You got a few more days right?" Yoongi nods and the room falls silent for a moment. "Hey Yoongi do you think you could do me a favor and be my best man?" The request is out of nowhere and shocks the older. "Of fucking course I'll be your best man!" He says getting a big smile. "Great, I'll tell you when suit shopping is gonna happen." Yoongi nods and before silence can fall over them once again there's a knock on the door. "Come in!" They yell in unison.

When the door is opened it's Taehyung. "I'm here to pick up the prince, his chariot awaits." He says holding up his arm. Yoongi blushed and links arms with him as Namjoon snickers. "Thank you sir Namjoon for watching over sleepy kingdom's beloved prince. We shall be off, good day sir." Taehyung continues and Yoongi almost likes it until he hears the kingdom name. "Good day to you too?" Namjoon answers back a bit unsure as to why Taehyung is doing this whole act.

The two begin to walk out of the building Taehyung looking a bit happier than usual. "You know the company puma?" He says out of nowhere and Yoongi nods. "Yea, the group did some commercials for them. Why?" Taehyung is practically shaking with happiness as he begins to tell his news. "Well I was wearing one of their shirts, thank you bringing that back for me by the way. You're too sweet. Anyways back to the story, I was wearing the shirt and Jimin took a couple of photos of me and posted them. Apparently he had tagged puma jokingly and said I should be their next model. Well guess what? Puma actually asked me to be a model for them! Isn't that great?"

Yoongi didn't know how to feel about the situation. It was good, but it was also bad. Sure Taehyung would get to experience something cool but that put him in the public eye as well. It meant a lot of bad things. However Yoongi decided to be optimistic for once. "Sounds great, but we're gonna have to buy you a few things first. I'm sure once everyone sees how pretty you are you'll have plenty of fans. Which means I gotta keep you a secret so I can have you all to myself." Yoongi isn't good with words but he tried his best. It seems to have worked since he was brought into a bone crushing hug. "You're too good for me you know." Taehyung says and Yoongi can't help but smile his gummy smile.

"How's an impromptu date sound?" Yoongi says and Taehyung almost squeals. "Perfect." The younger says. "Shopping and then that bibimbap place you keep talking about?" Yoongi continues and Taehyung nods. "But don't think I'm letting you pay for everything. You may get payed better than I do but that doesn't mean I'm ok with you spending all your money on me." Yoongi hums, still set on paying for everything and Taehyung knows this. "You always spoil me let me return the favor." Yoongi says and the younger sighs in defeat. "You pay for dinner but I can buy my own face mask and hat." The older nods as they continue to walk down the street.

"When is the photo shoot?" Yoongi asks as the enter the store. "In a week." The younger responds and the shorter nods. "Text me when you get there and home. I'll be working more often then. The comeback is soon." There's a soft 'oh' that comes from Taehyung and Yoongi feels bad for ruining the mood. "There's gonna be another big tour then right?" He asks and Yoongi shrugs. "Depends on how big the response is. For all I know we might do a world tour seeing as our audience is getting bigger." They both sigh, realizing they might not see each other as much. "I'll face time as much as I can, I promise." Yoongi says and the younger nods.

"What if I do get big modeling, what if our schedules never match up?" Taehyung says picking up a black beanie. "I thought I was the worry wart of the relationship?" Yoongi jokes trying to lighten the mood, which sorta works. "I don't like being away from you though, I miss cuddling with you and your cute gummy smile and just being around you in general. I love you a lot so I miss you easily." Taehyung confesses and Yoongi takes hold of his hand. "I miss you a lot too. Really it was so hard sleeping without you next to me the first few nights of our first tour. I felt empty without you next to me. However we've made it through this once and I'm very sure we can do it again. As for if our schedules never match up, there's this wonderful thing called sick days Taehyung. I can always use one or two occasionally." The younger nods at his lover's words.

"We'll cuddle a lot after we get home from dinner, k?" Taehyung nods again, a little happier this time.
I'm sorry these chapters have been so meh lately. I've just got a lot going on in my life currently and I'm finding it hard to write. I'll try to improve the quality of the chapters, I promise.

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