Party at the end of the world.

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(Warning: explicit content in this chapter)

Jimin wakes up to what is now becoming a familiar sight. Slowly he opens his eyes and looks around. He doesn't move his neck too much, for it hurts just by moving the slightest. The remaining tears flow down his cheeks when he sees Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook here as well. He watches as everyone wakes up. He sees how Namjoon can't stop staring at Seokjin's beaten state. He sees the pure fear that forms on Hoseok's face. His heart breaks however, when Jungkook starts sobbing and struggling against the hold of the hand cuffs. "Hyung what did they do you!" Jungkook cries and Seokjin shhs him. "Jungkookie." He starts with a horse voice. Jimin doesn't blame him for pausing, his throats must hurt. His grimaces at the memory of his hyung being held in a choke hold until he passed out. "Jungkookie you have to calm down. He'll beat you if he hears you. I don't want Jimin to see that." Jungkook's breath hitches as he tries to calm down. Eventually his sobs turn into whimpers but the boy's bottom lip still trembles.

Soon the room goes quiet. Half of them are too shocked to speak, while the others fear speaking for they may anger Yoongi's father. "Smoke." Namjoon says looking at the door across the room. The scent of cigarettes fills the room making a few of them cough. Soon screams joined the scent and Jimin hears Taehyung's breath hitch. Jimin recognizes the voice, it's Yoongi's voice. Jimin feels more tears roll down his cheeks as he hears Taehyung silently panic next to him panic. Jimin isn't sure how much more of this he can handle. Eventually it stops, and the smell of smoke goes away. Jimin can think of bunch of things that could mean. He doesn't know if any of them are good however.

Jimin has never been a person to hate other people. He's the guy who will give you countless chances. However, Yoongi's father is a special case. Jimin loathes the man. Jimin has always felt like the he was off, wether it be the way phrased things or just how he smiled. Jimin can't remember a single time in his life where he's felt a hundred percent comfortable around him. When Yoongi told Jimin how his father treated him, he felt hatred for the first time. His loathing didn't start until the night his father sent him to the hospital. Ever since Jimin finds he can't stay too calm when he hears about Mr. Min. He just gets so angry even thinking about him. Now Jimin doesn't know what to call it. His hatred is so great it scares him a bit.

It scares him almost as much as the sight he sees when the door opens. It's only a moment but he sees Yoongi. He feels sick. Soon the door closes and Yoongi's father starts walking towards them. They all stay silent. Soon the man stands in front of them all, looking like he's expecting something. "Wow, you all should be ashamed. You don't seem the least bit worried about your friend. In fact, I wouldn't call this behavior friendly at all." He moves over to Taehyung, crouching down so his face is at the same level of the younger's. "You especially should be ashamed. Is that how you always treat my son? To think you're his boyfriend, what a disappointment. I guess that's what keeps you together however. Two disappointments falling in love, how sweet." He has a mocking tone as he speaks to Taehyung, smirk clear on his face. "Fuck you." Taehyung says earning himself a slap on the face. "Know your place brat." Yoongi's father says before walking over to Seokjin.

"Now doc tell me, what kind of burns can a cigarette leave?" Seokjin's face fills with panic as he quickly thinks. "Well sir, the type of burn can't be determined on the cause but rather what it looks like. What do the burn marks look like?" He sounds robots as he tells Mr. Min the information he asked for. "Oh well some seemed a bit inflamed and skin was a bit red. However one just by looking at it seemed like leather. Blisters too. It really didn't look good doc." Seokjin widens his eyes at the last explanation. "The first few sound like first degree burns but that last one is most definitely a third degree. They need medical attention stat, otherwise it could be horrible. In fact they can even be terminal." Mr. Min hums and then begins to laugh. "What a gullible thing you are. Listen pretty boy I was just joking with you. I guess you aren't as smart as I thought you were huh." He continues to laugh as he starts walking back to the door.

"You're a sick person you know." Jungkook says and Jimin widens his eyes. Yoongi's father turns around and looks amused at Jungkook. He walks back and over to Jungkook, crouching down to his level. "You're Jimin play thing right? Now I know you're quite the artist but I also know you love dancing the night away with your dear Jimin hyung. Since it's your first screw up I'll give you a choice. Now I could break your hands and you wouldn't be able to draw or I could break you legs and feet and no more dancing with jiminie." Jungkook thinks for a moment, keeping eye contact with Jimin. "Break my hands." He finally says and Jimin has to close his eyes. He doesn't think he can handle watching this.

Mr. Min laughs once more. "Now Taehyung, that is how you act like a good boyfriend. However he's a gullible one too, so don't take too many notes. Really it's amazing how you think I'd give you a choice. Don't worry I'm not one for bloodshed so I won't cut them off, just a few bones broken. That's all, now say bye bye dancing." It's silent for a moment until the room is filled with screams and the sounds of bones crunching. Jimin wants to throw up just from the sounds. "Please, stop! I'm begging you!" Jimin yells. "Shut it bitch or I'll make an exception and cut off your tiny little legs!" Yoongi's father yells before crushing Jungkook's legs again once more. Jimin does as he's told and eventually opens his eyes when Mr. Min finishes. The sight in front of him makes him throw up. Jungkook's legs don't even look like legs and his boyfriend is bawling. His face shows so much pain but his sobs sound so tired like he's going to pass out any moment. It feels like his heart has broken into a million pieces. "Oh look what you've done jiminie, you've made a mess of yourself." The man says and Jimin feels disgusting. "Great now it smells like shit in here, I'm gonna have to clean that up later." His voice is full of anger as he grabs one of Jimin's legs. "I'll have twist your ankle as punishment." He says and soon Jimin feels a sharp pain run up his leg. He cries out in pain tears welling in his eyes. Mr. Min drops his leg like it's trash and finally goes back to the room he came from.
Yoongi wakes up to Jungkook's screams however he doesn't remember falling asleep. Events from earlier remind him soon enough. Not too much later the Jungkook's screams stop but soon he hears a scream from Jimin. 'It's all my fault.' Yoongi thinks as he hears it. Then footsteps come closer to him until the door opens. He cowers in his father's shadow as the man closes the door. "Oh my you're up already. Did your friends screams wake you up? Tell me did they?" His father says grabbing the cigarette box. "And don't lie to me either, otherwise I'll punish you. Not now though, I'm too tired after the little gifts I gave your friends." His father says and Yoongi swallows dryly. "Yes they woke me up." Yoongi says and his dad looks pleased.

He watches as the man places a cigarette in his mouth and lights it. "You know they say these things are bad for you, that they can kill you. It's an attempt to get you to stop but really it just encourages me to keep doing it. Prison changes your view on a lot things you know. Before I couldn't wait to grow old and spend time with my grand kids. Now I just want to die as fast as I can." His father rambles. "In fact I plan on playing with you all for just a bit more and then I'll drink as much soju as I can. I'll die before anyone will think to look here and you'll all be stuck here to rot." His dad laughs at this. "You know what I don't think I've played enough with you today." He says before kicking Yoongi hard in the crotch. "You won't need that anyways, you gay piece of shit."

After that he walks up the stairs and closes the basement door leaving Yoongi in the dark and all alone.

I've written this twice cause I accidentally deleted the chapter so I'm sorry if this seems rushed or there's a lot of writing errors.

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