Life can be bittersweet

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Taehyung feels joy when he sees that Yoongi and his family are getting a long well. He finds it cute how the older interacts with his little brother. One of his favorite moments of the night was when they were eating dinner. It was spaghetti and sauce and when you combine that with a child there's bound to be a mess. It's when Sungoh looks over at Yoongi and Taehyung that it too cute. "Hyungies look! I made art!" He says pointing to his face and they both coo at the younger. Taehyung watches how Yoongi reaches to grab a napkin and starts cleaning the boy's face. "Why don't we make even more art on this?" Yoongi says and Taehyung feels oddly domestic. "Thank you Yoonie hyung." Sungoh says cheerfully and Yoongi smiles back at the boy.

Taehyung falls even more for Yoongi in that moment. He holds back the urge to swoop Yoongi out of his seat and hold him close for all enternity, opting for a kiss to the older's forehead instead.

Later on when the two have decided to hit the hay the younger lets himself shower Yoongi with all of his love. He starts with kisses on the elder's forehead, down the bridge of his nose, his cheeks and finally the elder's lips. It's a chaste kiss followed by quick pecks. "I love you Yoongi." Taehyung says between pecks and Yoongi hums. "Love you too Tae." He says back when Taehyung starts giving him Eskimo kisses. It's such a soft and intimate moment between the two and neither really want it to stop.

"I almost don't want to leave because you and Sungoh act so cute together." Taehyung says and Yoongi sheepishly smiles before burying his face into the younger's chest. "I have too much swag to be cute." He mumbles but it doesn't go unheard by Taehyung. "Sure thing love."
Taehyung stirs a bit when a finger pokes his cheek. He isn't sure what time it is he just knows it's too early to be up. "Taetae hyungieeeeee" is whispered and the older opens his eyes to see his little brother's face up close to his. "Mommy is making breakfast." Taehyung nods and sends Sungoh out of the room before sitting up. He looks over at his boyfriend and debates waking him up before deciding to let the older sleep. He moves his feet over to the side of the bed, putting on his slippers before quietly shuffling out of the room. He moves his way down the stairs and into the kitchen where he finds his mom making pancakes.

"Morning mom, need help with anything?"  He asks as she places another pancake onto the stack. His mother hums. "If you want you can cut up the fruit just whatever you do don't touch the stove. Not everyone loves your burnt food like you do." They both laugh as they remember when Taehyung used to "help" his mom cook. Most times it was really just Taehyung sitting in the kitchen watching his mom cook but sometimes he got to cut things up or put snacks together for his little brother. Really the only thing he can cook is seaweed soup, which is funny because it's the only seaweed soup Yoongi will eat. So Taehyung follows his mother's orders and begins slicing strawberries and putting them into a bowl. "Is Yoongi still sleeping?" She asks, turning off the stove and looking towards Taehyung. He nods before moving to the banana and beginning to slice it. "He really works himself with his job, one of his coworkers has told me he's gone three days straight without sleep. Since this is his vacation time I want him to catch up on sleep. Although I'm surprised, normally I wake up after him. I guess Sungoh really wore him out." They laugh again and move the food to the table. "I know you want him to sleep but I don't think you want him to skip breakfast. Go wake him up ok."

Taehyung turns around to go do just what his mother asks but before he can he's met with a rather cute sight. Yoongi must have put on one of Taehyung's sweaters, considering how big it is on him. He's half way down the stairs rubbing his eye sleepily looking over at Taehyung. "Oh you're awake." The younger says as Yoongi walks over to his side. Yoongi nods before going on his tiptoes and whispering into Taehyung's ear. "Can we still cuddle after breakfast, it's weird waking up without you holding me close." There's a slight blush on the elders face and Taehyung can practically hear Yoongi's ego going on about how he, Min Yoongi should not be acting this soft. Rappers don't act like that. Taehyung smiles and nods as he pulls out a seat for Yoongi.

They eat breakfast peacefully, Taehyung half way through deciding to just feed Yoongi. Of course he didn't complain, it made him feel content. As they begin to clean up Mr. Kim turns on the news, telling Yoongi to come over and join him. "You watch the new much." He asks and Yoongi chuckles awkwardly. "Not to often, I never get the time really with my job. When I do check it's normally just for the weather." He says and Mr. Kim hums. "You know I always thought when I got older that the news would be a thing I'd commonly watch, but it still seems rather dumb to me really. However sometimes something keeps me watching, like this story. I think you'd find it interesting."

Yoongi looks over to the tv and he feels his blood run cold. "Former CEO of Min Corp. leaves jail today after his sentence was shortened, due to 'good behavior.'" A shiver runs down his spine as a picture of his father is shown on the screen. "I'm still shocked they shortened it so much. I remember that case, how a man could- son are you alright?" Mr. Kim looked over at the boy as he held his knees to his chest. The older wasn't sure what was wrong so he called Taehyung over. When he gets there he's confused as to what is going on. After his father explains the past few minutes he becomes all too aware as to what is going on. "I'll explain later." He says before picking Yoongi up and bringing him to his room.

"It's gonna be ok Yoongi, I won't let him hurt you." He says sitting down on the bed. He tries his best to calm the elder, but his body just shakes more and more with each sob. Still he continues to whisper sweet nothings in the older's ear as he lays them down. "Why don't we have those morning cuddles huh?" He says, not really expecting much of an answer. The older croaks out an 'ok' through his sobs. Taehyung holds him close rubbing circles in his back. Eventually Yoongi falls asleep due to mental exhaustion, leaving Taehyung unsure what to do.

A few minutes pass of Taehyung holding his lover close before his phone begins to go off.  He looks at caller ID to see that it's Jimin and the younger already has an idea on what the conversation is about. He answers it and brings it to his ear.

"Did he see it?" Jimin asks and Taehyung sighs. "Yes he did, right now he's asleep after wearing himself out from a panic attack. I'm trying my best to keep him calm but Jimin I don't know what the fuck to do! I feel so useless because all I can do is hold him close and tell him he'll be ok." Jimin hums when the younger finishes. "I'd suggest bringing him back to Seoul, it might help if he isn't in the same province as his father. When you get home we'll talk about the situation, I'm sure even you are a bit confused. Unless he told you about it already." There's pure rage when Jimin says it, Taehyung understands why but still he scares him how angry he sounds. "Yea I know, I'm actually scared because he only told me like two days ago. It's like he knows Jimin." There's another hum. "Mr. Min has always been creepy like that, I remember him always lurking in the background whenever I came to visit. Still try and come back as soon as possible ok. Stay calm and patient too. I'll see you get back home, be safe." Jimin hangs up after they say their goodbyes and Taehyung looks down at Yoongi. "Everything is going to be just fine, I'll make sure of it." He says more trying to convince himself than the sleeping boy next to him. It wasn't really working but Taehyung would have to work past that so he could keep Yoongi safe and calm.
Last chapter I wrote with two days of no sleep and this one is me going on my first night of sleep after four days of not I'm dying on the inside.

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