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He isn't sure how long it's been he just knows he hasn't moved from the same spot. He's lost and numb to everything. Yet at the same time he feels like crying and screaming. Yet he can't. The tears aren't coming and he's seemed to lost his voice. Somewhere in the back of his thoughts there's something screaming to get off his ass and do something but he just can't. Everything that has happened can't be processed in his mind completely. It just won't click. It's almost like the world is frozen around him. Like he's in a movie and everything has slowed down dramatically. Maybe this is all just a dream, maybe he'll wake up soon. He'll wake up in Taehyung's arms being told that it was all just a bad dream.

But he doesn't.

He just keeps his eyes focused on the same direction that he has been. He's not going to wake up because this isn't a dream, it's cold and brutal real life. In that moment of realization, that click finally happens. When it does, he's furious. He's angry at himself for letting Taehyung go out by himself. He's angry for not being available to check in on Jimin. He's angry at life for not giving him or the people he knows a break. In a fit of rage he flips over the coffee table and it makes everything feel a little bit better. One pillow is thrown followed by the other and now Yoongi can't stop. He's already addicted on the feeling this is giving him.

The tv remote? Fuck it he's going to throw it in some direction. He doesn't care anymore, he can't bring himself to. So he throws it and it hits something. He doesn't check to see what however, he's too busy with his anger. Somebody else does see where it hits.

Jungkook had been called by Namjoon to see if Yoongi was by him earlier that day. When the older didn't come in for work Namjoon had grow worried that something might have happened to him. So he had called the younger to see if maybe Yoongi had come to comfort him or something. When the younger said Yoongi hadn't, he had told Namjoon he would go check the oldest's apartment. That phone call ended and he dialed both Taehyung and Yoongi's phone numbers but neither were answered. So he grabbed the spare key that Yoongi had given Jimin a while back for emergencies and rushed over to his hyungs apartment. When he had finally reached the place he heard crashing so he instantly moved to unlock the door. Finally opening it he was met with a tv remote flying right in front of his face then hitting the wall. Looking in the direction of where it came from he saw Yoongi. He looked pissed.

"Hyung!" Jungkook called out but he instantly regretted it when he caught glance with the older. "What? Can't you see I'm busy here." The older yells in an angry tone. The younger flinches at the tone and hastily tries to come up with a response that won't anger the older even more. "Hyung I know you're upset about Jimin, I am too. Throwing things won't solve any problems so let's calm down and I'll call Taehyung and we'll figure things out ok?" For a moment Jungkook thinks he might've chosen the right words but then learns how wrong he was. "They're both missing." The older says before heading back to his destructive actions. In an attempt to calm the elder Jungkook lays a hand on his shoulder but is instantly shrugged off. "Fuck off Jungkook!" Yoongi yells but the younger keeps trying to calm him down, this time with a hug. There's a broken laugh from the shorter before he pushes Jungkook off. The younger stumbles and grows frustrated. "Hyung acting like this won't solve shit so stop." He tells trying one more time to calm Yoongi down. He tries to hug him once more but the older grabs him by the collar, looking him dead in the eyes. "Taehyung and Jimin are gone! Why shouldn't I be acting like this? It's like you think doing nothing will solve more. I'm going to say it once more, fuck off jungkook."

"No." The younger says and Yoongi pushes him away. He's even angrier now. He grabs a chair and throws it towards the wall, hitting the mirror on it. When hearing the crashing sound of it, he pauses and looks over at the now broken mirror. It reminds him of one time when he was sixteen. His father like most days had grown frustrated with him. However instead of the usual verbal abuse Yoongi would get, something else happened. His father had taken the mirror Yoongi had hung up on the wall and held it in front of Yoongi so he could see himself in the reflection. "You know what I see in the mirror? A fucking disappointment." His father said before throwing the mirror to the ground.

Yoongi laughs as he remembers this. He laughs as he moves to sit on the floor. "I'm becoming just like my father." He says while still laughing. Eventually it brings tears and when the first one rolls down his cheek a new emotion flashes through Yoongi. He's not crying from laughter anymore, no now it's from disappointment. He pretty much forgets that Jungkook is there as he brings his knees to his chest, starting to rock back and forth. Sobs wreck through his body as he does so. He's so caught up in all of his feelings that he doesn't even register at first that Jungkook is hugging him. When he finally does, he can't help but regret everything that's just happened.

"It's ok." Jungkook says before Yoongi even apologizes and for some reason it makes him cry even harder. "I'm sorry." Yoongi still brokenly says. The only response he gets is the younger hugging him tighter. Neither speak as Yoongi's cries slowly die down to sniffling. They're still sitting on the floor in the middle of the mess Yoongi made in his fit of anger. "I'm sorry." Yoongi says again, moving away from the younger. "It's ok." Jungkook says but Yoongi can't seem to find a way to believe it. "But it's not. You were right when you said it wouldn't solve anything. All that's come out of it is this mess and you getting a few bruises." He says and Jungkook sighs. "You weren't thinking clearly hyung, so it's ok."

Instead of trying to convince the younger that it isn't ok, Yoongi sighs and starts cleaning up his mess. He goes to clean up the shattered mirror but Jungkook stops him. "I'll get the dustpan for that instead ok? I don't want you to cut yourself." Yoongi nods and looks around him, seeing everything strew about into a giant mess. He looks over at the coffee table and moves to grab one of the picture grams that fell with it. It's a picture of him and Taehyung. The glass is a bit cracked and it makes Taehyung's face look strange but it doesn't keep the tears from coming back.

"Oh hyung I was thinking that maybe when we finish cleaning we could order some take out? I'm assuming you haven't eaten at all today." He says before catching what the older is looking at. He sighs. "I'm not sure how but I know we'll find them and get them back safely." Jungkook brings him into a hug as he says that and tries to comfort his hyung. Yoongi nods before going back to cleaning up. Right now he just needs to distract himself from all this for a moment. Just long enough to collect his thoughts and figure things out calmly.
Don't you just love angst?

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