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Jungcockisbestcock: tae you gonna get me those connections bitch

Mmdattaesty: boi I'll do as I please.

Lemmeparkmahass: what about me tho?

Mmdattaesty: anything for you chim chim

Jungcockisbestcock: why do you hat me so?

Mmdattaesty: next time don't get frisky in the middle of a Starbucks while I'm trying to write my thesis.

Jungcockisbestcock: TAE IT WAS ONE TIME

Lemmeparkmahass: can we not talk about this please cause now I'm working on my thesis.

Mmdattaesty: chim chim the contradiction master.


Mmdattaesty: I'd continue but I gotta be hot for the camera. So see ya

Taehyung closes his phone and when he looks up he gets startled. In front of him is one of the other models, Minho. "Boo." He says sarcastically and Taehyung jumps in his seat. "Hyung must you?" The younger asks receiving laughter as a response. "Of course! Gotta keep you on your toes kiddo. Now come on if we take to long the photographer will get really angry and you do not want to risk being attacked by him." Taehyung looks at Minho quizzically wondering if he heard right. When he only gets laughter the younger just rolls his eyes and begins to work.

Snap. Flash. New pose. Then you rinse and repeat for the most part. Occasionally with certain poses someone would make a silly face or do a funny pose pretending to not fully understand what the photographer wanted. They never lasted too long however, apparently this was the photographer that had a short temper. Some of the other models have even apologized to Taehyung that he couldn't have more fun with this experience. The boy would just say it was fine because in the end he still got to do it and that he was greatful to puma just for that. Taehyung was honestly just happy he didn't piss off the photographer however, he was too scared of being yelled at.

"Damn Taehyung you're a natural at this!" Minho tells the younger at the end of the photo shoot. The boy bows "thank you thing but I'm not as good as you." He hears laughter once more and Taehyung wonders if that's his main action for everything. "Your parents were really good with teaching you manners. Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the dinner party we're having after the photo shoot. The restaurant we always go to is amazing honestly." The older says and Taehyung hums in thought. "I'll go but I don't know how long I can stay, I've got classes tomorrow." He tells the older who looks impressed. "Still trying for a degree even thought you're doing this? You're smart Taehyung, I like your style." Minho wraps an arm around the younger's shoulder. "It's happening right after the shoot but we're both done so we can head out now. Why don't you come in my car? Since you walked here and I know where it is." Taehyung nods thankful his legs won't have to suffer more than they already have.

"Alright that's a wrap!" The photographer calls out and everyone cheers. Soon Minho leads Taehyung to his car. "Are you thinking about doing modeling as a full time job?" The older asks and Taehyung shrugs, he hasn't thought about that yet. "I mean it's extremely different from my college major and I don't know if I want to put all those sleepless nights trying to write essays to waste." Minho chuckles once more. "What is your major? Wait let me guess. Criminal law? No wait business communications? What about forensic psychology?" Taehyung laughed at how drastically each major was different from the last. "That would be no to all of them actually. I'm majoring in computer science." Minho nods and goes to get in the driver side of the car while Taehyung takes shotgun.

They get in and buckle up. (SAFETY MY CHILDREN) Minho starts the car before backing out. The drive is silent for a moment before Minho speaks up again. "Hey can I ask a question? You don't have to answer though, I totally would understand." Taehyung nods and the older continues. "You look a lot like this kid in predebute photos of the group cypher. Is that you? Or do you just have a look a like with some famous friends?" Taehyung looks at his thing in shock, not even knowing there are photos of him with his friends on the internet.

"What will you do if I say yes?" The younger asks and Minho shrugs. "That's cool I guess, just id say be more careful if you still hang out with them. You know, since you've put yourself into the public eye." Taehyung nods. "Yea I know them." He says knowing that Minho won't use it to his advantage.

"Welp we're here." The older says while parking. Taehyung swallows, a poor attempt to calm his nerves. He's about to enter a room of we'll know people meanwhile he's a nobody. "Oh I should warn you that whatever you know about any of these models to just throw it out the window now. They may seem all cool and all mighty but they're literally a bunch of meme lords." Taehyung gives him the face that earned him the title 'blank tae.' Then they both exit the car and walk to the front door. They enter the rather classy restaurant and Taehyung feels a bit underdressed.

"Aaayyyyy look who it is! Minho, what is up my dude." Before Minho can even answer the new person the boy gasps. "Oooooo you brought the newbie too! Perfect! Hi I'm Baekhyun and I can be your bae anytime." The boy blows a kiss to Taehyung who is thinking how Minho's explanation was a complete and utter understatement. "Um no thanks, I'm taken." Taehyung answers and only receives laughter, making Taehyung think everyone in the industry here laughs way too much. "Man loosen up, it was a joke."

Another man walks up behind baekhyun. "I'm sorry, he insist on using that ice breaker even though it's horrible. I'm Junmyun by the way. Nice to meet you. You're the new guy right? Taehyung?" Taehyung nods and smiles, his first interaction with Junmyun going a lot smoother than any other he's had today. For the first time all day, the boy feels like he can breath.

I hope y'all enjoyed the user names I came up with for Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Also fair warning I have the plot line of the book completely mapped out and I'm thinking there's only going to be about ten to twelve chapters left. Also most of them are gonna be brutal. Love y'all

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