A mess

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While Yoongi sleeps the younger packs their things. He's quite sure the older will be out for a bit and Taehyung decides he should let him sleep. A part of him knows he won't be doing that as much, not with the recent information given to him or the fact that he'll be working again soon. When he finishes packing up he looks at train times to see when the next train will be coming. As he does so he moves downstairs where he sees his parents, both showing worry in their faces. "Is he ok sweetheart?" His mother asks and Taehyung shakes his head. He turns to his father before speaking.

"That was his father, that cruel man was his father." He says furiously and his father visibly tenses. "Taehyung, I didn't know." He says the younger looks down. "I know, it's not your fault. He would've found out anyways. We're going to head home early, I want him as far away from that man as I can. I'm sorry we have to cut it short, maybe you come by our place soon in Seoul?" He and his parents agreed on visiting sometime in the summer maybe before Taehyung went back upstairs to check on his lover. He moves a bit faster when he starts to hear whimpers from his door.

"Yoongi." He says as he opens the door but the elder is still asleep. He's crying in his sleep. He hears footsteps behind him and when he turns around to check who it is, it's he brother. "Taetae and Yoonie hyungies are leaving?" He asks and the older sighs. "Yea buddy I'm sorry. Maybe next time we'll stay longer." Sungoh nods sadly when he gets an answer. "Why is Yoonie hyung crying?" He asks when he gets a better look at the man. "Well you see his dad isn't as nice as ours is." Taehyung responds. His brother is seven so he's trying to keep it as innocent as possible. "Does he make him eat seaweed?" The younger says wrinkling his nose. "Yea." Taehyung says to satisfy his brother's curiosity.

His answer does just that and after he hears it Sungoh leaves.
They get home rather late in the evening and both are tense to say the least. Taehyung is worried at how quiet Yoongi is. He's worried about the thoughts running through his mind. Meanwhile Yoongi is trying to distract his thoughts from what happened earlier to something else. However the worried looks he keeps getting from Taehyung are making that a difficult task. When they walk in the front door Taehyung looks to the older as he takes off his sunglasses, face mask and beanie. When the older catches the younger starring he begins moving faster with taking off his coat before practically running to the bedroom. "Yoongi-!" He calls but it's too late the older is already slamming the door shut.

Taehyung runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Welp I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer." He says as he reaches into his pocket and pulling out a small black velvet box. "I was really looking forward to that tomorrow too." He had it all planned out and everything. Then again when does life ever go his way? He starts to imagine how the next day would've gone if things had happened according to plan. It's brought short however when he starts to hear things crashing. He makes quick movements to the bedroom not ready for the sight behind the door.

Sure he expected something's to be on the ground and for Yoongi to be in the middle of it. However instead things are knocked off the dresser, it mirror shattered. The sheets are strewn about and Yoongi has bloody knuckles. The older is breathing heavily as he looks at the shattered mirror pieces, tears streaming down his face. Taehyung takes timid steps towards the older while he takes in the scene. When he steps on a sheet of paper it makes a noise causing the other to look straight at him. The once angry face softens and more tears fall down his face. He stumbles his way to Taehyung grabbing onto him tightly.

Taehyung carefully wraps his arms around the older. To say he's shocked is an understatement. The worst he's ever seen Yoongi is back when he was in the hospital, even then that's nothing compared to now. "Baby let me see your hand." Taehyung says as he remembers the blood flowing freely from the older's knuckles. Slowly the older raises his hand, flinches when the younger takes hold of it. "I'm sorry." Taehyung softly says when it happens before taking a closer look. There's pieces of glass in a few of the cuts, one being rather large. "I think one of these are too deep to safely take out at home Yoongi. I think we're going to have to take you to the hospital."

From then on it's a worried mess of a blur for the two. One minute they're home the next they're in the waiting room of the hospital. Yoongi looks so worn out and the younger feels terrible for him. "Min Yoongi?" A nurse calls and they're brought to a room. Not too long after Seokjin arrives. "What did you two do now?" He says jokingly but really neither of them are in the mood for that. "Hyung not right now, it's eleven forty at night and neither of us are having a good day." Taehyung says as he rubs soothing circles on Yoongi's back. The older takes the point before beginning to work.

"So what brings you here?" He asks and Taehyung quickly realizes he'll be doing the talking. "He got glass into his hand and I think one piece is really deep. Speaking of which you think we could get a paper towel or something we went through all that we brought with us when we left already. It a really deep cut." Taehyung explains and Seokjin takes a quick look before telling them Yoongi need stitches and that this is a quick process. Seokjin asks Yoongi if he wants anesthetics to lessen the pain and Yoongi weakly nods.

So he does just that and before they know it the glass is taken out of Yoongi's hand and Seokjin begins sticking the wound up followed by a bandage. "It should heal up in a few weeks but you won't be able to do anything with your right hand until then so that it doesn't reopen. We'll set up an appointment to remove the bandages and check up on the cut to make sure it hasn't become infected or anything. Have a good night you two." He says, Taehyung listening more than Yoongi. The older is practically asleep at this moment. So Taehyung nods along and pretty soon they're back home.

Taehyung tucks Yoongi in before getting into bed himself. "I love you and I'll always be here to protect you." He says before wrapping his arm around the older and kissing his forehead. He doesn't get a response since the other is asleep but it's ok.
I really need to stop writing chapters at 2 in the morning.

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